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Posts posted by trashcan

  1. @M5d so it performs basically on par with the GTX 1080 (?) That's kind of a bummer. But better than the PRO VEGA that's in my laptop 😞 Though Panos' breakdown on things is certainly encouraging. Curious how the benchmark results change when you can modify the block size.


    I keep my eyes on Geekbench, I've found their results to be informative about how a computer performs in general - and I can compare it to the many machines I've logged. 




    VS one of the zippiest windows BOXX machines I've ever used:




    That's incredibly encouraging for general performance. 


    @Patrick Fritsch I'd love to get some clarity about what they meant by that. VWX 20 + 21 performed great on my 2013 Mac Pro (unless you had to do heavy renders). I don't necessarily see a big need for big improvements on modeling/cpu stuff. Unless you count the performance in VWX 2022! So buggy and sluggish and it's a CPU vampire (on a Mac anyway). Since upgrading to 2022 I've got that Command+S going every few actions. It reminds me of when I first started learning Final Cut in the early 00s. I'm scared that VWX optimization is focused more on M1s now than all the Mac intel machines. 


    I suppose there's always the: work on a Mac, render on a PC workflow ... Or just switch to PC ... 

  2. There's an ALL CAPS in Text-->Capitalization that allows to have upper case text, but it doesn't seem to apply to a text-style. Not sure if it's even possible. For example, I want the text in my drawing labels to be all upper case. I've created a text style (knowing there ins't a way to apply the uppercase there), and have called it "Text-Titles" and have it applied to the text in my drawing label layout. If I UPPER CASE the reference text (using the dropdown), it doesn't effect the output text:



    You'd think this would work:


    But no dice there either. 


    Here's someone else asking about it:

    Workaround being to all caps your text elsewhere and then bring it back into Vectorworks... any other ideas? 


    If I remember correctly, you used to be able to do this in VWX 2020 (before the redo of Drawing Labels). 

    • Like 4
  3. @Mark Aceto this should probably be a sidebar, but there is a nice previz workflow that I've used many times using a combination of Vectorworks and a tool called Immersive Designer Pro (or IDP). It's extremely convoluted - and it's a long process - and you need a PC, but it works (and the software support is kinda meh). It's just not great for roundtripping projectors back and forth so it's not a good engineering tool, but it is a fantastic real-time previz tool. It also supports SPOUT, which is the windows version of SYPHON. So you can pipe mad mapper right in there. We engineered 8 projectors mapped to a crazy set of surfaces using this and it basically worked. 


    In a nutshell it is: create your 3D world in VWX and make sure you have a consistent UNIT CUBE for everything. Export all your different visibilities with the same UNIT CUBE (I used 100'). For example, you'd export just the floor as an OBJ (w/ unit cube references), then all the walls as another OBJ (ditto on the cube), then the grid as another OBJ (ditto), etc, etc, etc. Then you import all of those OBJS as operate layers and make sure they're scaled properly in IDP. The unit cube that's consistent on all layers is what keeps the relationship between everything and the scale the same. Then you (re)build your projectors in IDP, place them properly, link them up to unique stream of SPOUT and you're good to go. If you want to roundtrip those rebuilt projectors back to VWX, you turn on just your IDP projectors and just the UNIT CUBE obj (solo) and export as a DXF. The projectors come through to VWX as nasty boxes that you have to then rebuild and angle properly and all that other nonsense. 


    Point being it's a ton of work and very time consuming to do this for complicated builds and having it all in one place (I.e., Vectorworks) would be incredible! 

    • Like 1
  4. If you want the projectors to really emulate projector brightness, then you turn off the image plane in the viewport:



    This looks pretty bad when you have multiple projectors w/ overlap. 


    The problem here is brightness! Is there a way to turn down the brightness that the projector is emulating to be more realistic? 


    I understand why it's blending the way it is. Perhaps, there's a way to include the image plane but bring the opacity of it down? 


    Since the Image Plane is classed, perhaps I can modify it's opacity as a Viewport override:



    Nope, that's not right either. No dice. 


    Also, turning the image plane on kills shadows. We don't want that! 


  5. Obviously, I can create two different image textures here and put in custom blends maps. That's a lot of work the way VWX functions currently. I'd have to figure out the exact blend (easy enough), then I would need to create gradient ramp in the sources image (also easy enough), then I would need to import those textures (easy enough), and then I would need to apply them to the ProjectionViz objects. Each step, not massively difficult, but in the end a lot of work for sure. Would be awesome if there was just a feather/ramp tool 😉 


    Is there a faster / better way to do this? 





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  6. @Mark Aceto yeah it's custom! one of my test patterns. looks great when rendered, but not super great when messing around in OpenGL (now called "Shaded" - why the change VWX?). ProjectionViz's default test pattern is definitely better for roughing it in. 


    Only high contrast shows up in GL and only display black + white, this isn't a bug, just how PV works!



    • Like 1
  7. I'm using the wonderful ProjectionViz tool to illustrate clipping for a client. 


    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work properly with Image Props:



    The image props cast shadows but they don't seem to receive the projected image. 


    It does work for extruded solids, though:



    Any ideas? 

    • Like 1
  8. @markdd that's pretty great

    @Boh I use the eyedropper all the time for this purpose! shift-E is one of the first shortcuts I learned 🙂! Didn't know about the right click on the class and assign to selection. 


    Was hoping for something like press "F" type "Assign to Class" type "class name" - that would be incredible. so much time saving. 

  9. So regularly, I need to duplicate a series of classes (and their objects!), but I need to change a name in the string - in this example "OG" I want to name "V2" when duplicated:



    Instead of Projector-OG-01-Beam 2, Mount 2, etc, I would like it to duplicate and do this:



    My work around to do this is to use Batch Rename. Uncheck every class. Filter it, check the classes I want to edit, and change the string item "OG" to "V2":



    And then remove the " 2":



    In other programs this would be a string substitution on duplication and would be one step not many steps as the workaround above indicates. 


    Now if only there was a way to do this as well as duplicate the objects into their new classes! Right now I do this class duplication nonsense and then one by one I copy each object, paste it, and put it into the new class. Woof! 🐶


    Here's someone else asking for it, wondering if it's happened since then:


    Here too:


    • Like 2
  10. Can't believe I'm asking this. How do you insert a hyperlink into text? I know this isn't possible in Callouts but how do you do it with regular text?


    I have a bunch of text and I have some in-line hyperlinks that I need to add. 


    Here's an example of what I'm trying to do-


    This is some text and I'm trying to show a link to a specific URL



  11. Is there a way to have rich text within a callout? A good example would be this text I'm writing right now. See how some of it is bold and some of it isn't? Looking to do stuff like that. My guess this is another example of the lack of rich text options in VWX... so sad.

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