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PVA - Admin

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by PVA - Admin

  1. The file attached here was a quick attempt at the first type. Its Solid Subtractions so you can double click them to see the history of what I did. Basically a sphere, an offset smaller sphere to create the "mouth" and then another sphere, centered inside the larger first sphere to hollow it out fully. then just a sweep for the base. You could use a cylinder to slice out the inside as well for a different interior shape.
  2. Ozzie as requested here's a set of tutorials on worksheets in Vectorworks. Everyone else we are taking your suggestions into account, so please keep them coming. Thanks!
  3. Normally you can use Duplicate Along Path. The Extract tool can be used in Extract Curve mode on the pipe objects you want to place the symbols along, then you use the extracted curve as the path object for the duplication.
  4. Request submitted. There are quite a few in there already for alternate roof shapes, but none specifically with this barrel shape example, so I gave it its own.
  5. Request submitted. Its already possible to do this with Shell Solid, so I see no reason why the more intuitive Push/Pull tool shouldn't be able to do it as well.
  6. If you double-click on the "Name" bar at the top of the resource browser, does it not reorganize them for you as expected in alphabetical order? (I agree custom ordering/placement would be useful, but wanted to make sure yours was working as designed first.)
  7. Excellent, thank you. I'll add that to the article in case anyone else comes across it.
  8. I do not get this same effect, however I am using 2014 Sp3 now. Can you send me that sample file? I'll update the SectionVP in it in sp3 and see if the issue has been resolved.
  9. Correct. If you want a mouse interface for reshaping the 3D object, try Push/Pull or Taper Face . You cant grab corners of an extrude and reshape it in 3D with the Reshape tool. Make sure to go through the Fundamentals Getting Started Guide to cover the basics: http://www.vectorworks.net/training/getting-started-guides/fundamentals/index.php
  10. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. If you created a square, then extruded it to a height the same as its length and width you would get a cube. The planes that make it up should not be individual, but all together as an extrude. Unless you extract the faces to create individual planes, convert the extrude to NURBS surfaces or something else along those lines.
  11. The only thing you'll be able to change is the extrusion height on an extrude, which you'll get by selecting (but not double clicking) the extrude with the Reshape tool active and viewing the extrude in a 3D view. Double clicking an Extrude will take you into the original 2D geometry editing mode.
  12. If you move around in walkthrough mode and get the issue to happen again, where it snaps back, if you change to a separate rendering mode, like Fast Renderworks, does it show you in the expected position or still snapped back to the original? If you do the walkthrough in OpenGL, it snaps back, then you switch to wireframe then back to OpenGL, does it still show the wrong location?
  13. Those of you who chose not to update to 2014 SP1 or SP12 because of issues encountered, if you choose to update to 2014 SP3, released today, please let me know if you still encounter the same sort of issues that you were attempting to avoid: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/1235/Third+Service+Pack+for+the+Vectorworks+2014+product+line+now+available
  14. If you extruded the plane into the cube, then you already applied the extrusion. Do you mean edit the extrusion height or editing the shape that was extruded?
  15. If hotkeys stop working, Disk Utility will fix them sometimes, Onyx is using Disk Utility to do its thing, but does a full verify disk+repair disk+verify permissions+repair permissions so its faster and can be more thorough than a user doing it manually: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/660/Multiple+Selection+%28or+Shift+Clicking%29+Doesn%27t+Work+-+OSX However, if reboots fix the issue temporarily, then it is usually a 3rd party application opened while Vectorworks is opened taking over those shortcut keys. The older MS Office suites do this on occasion.
  16. In a 3D view, if you hold Shift down when moving an object, it will snap to X, Y and Z if you tug the object in that direction. You should see an indicator for the axis you are snapped to.
  17. I have had this resolve the issue even if you did not get any error messages during installation: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/1051/Vectorworks+Document+Preview+not+working+properly+-+Windows+7+64bit
  18. It should not be behaving that way, sent a sample where that is happening to tech@vectorworks.net and I will submit it. However, you may be able to get around it in the meantime by using the Shell Solid tool on it, and giving it a thickness (it can be something tiny like .0001") then see if the geometry renders as expected.
  19. This can happen if either the objects do not have a fill, or if you are viewing that file in a view other than Top/Plan. Make sure that your objects have a fill set in the attributes palette and that you don't have Top or another 3D view selected in the View > Standard Views menu.
  20. Agreed. A lot of the things our new /returning users have problems could be mitigated by this. Long ago (when I was but a wee lad) I envisioned a "New User Mode" for Vectorworks that would stop you the first time you clicked on a new tool and display a video showing the tools use and various keyboard shortcuts and modifiers. (Mainly I would think this should be a specific mode so that seasoned users didn't have to click away a video explaining the intricacies of the Line tool for the 33rd time...) Years later, we have finally gotten approval (and alotted time) to start making videos explaining the use of each and every tool that are now starting to be posted on both the Service Select Portal as well as YouTube, so that will be a large part of the weight off of this request. As for the videos and other tutorials displaying in-app, likely talks for that will begin once our library of videos has been fleshed out enough.
  21. All the files that come into tech support are destroyed after the case is over. If the file goes to engineering, it remains attached to the case it was submitted to so that engineers and other employees internally can work with it to try and replicate/cause/fix problems, and I believe is destroyed after one or two versions. However if the file is sensitive, we normally submit a small portion of the file that exhibits the issue. I would certainly not recommend you upload the files publicly here on the forums if they are of a sensitive nature, since anyone can download them in this manner. Normally we have users email them to us (all tech emails are destroyed within 1-3 months purely due to storage concerns, whether they have files attached or not) and then we delete them once the issue is resolved. More recently, users have uploaded them to their own Dropbox/Google Drive/cloud-storage-of-choice and sent us a download link, which they can kill at any time and the file is then still deleted from our machines after the case is over. I can not speak to legal agreements at all, but that is just a restriction placed on me by our company practices. Since I am not part of our legal staff, I am not permitted to get into any specifics of that publicly or privately. I don't feel this is intended to be malicious or secretive, just a precautionary measure on management's part which I do agree with. I can however tell you that the utmost care is taken to protect user privacy, both of their personal identities and their intellectual property. Any time I want to use a file we have seen from a user, I get express written permission from the user to do so and there is a lengthy approval process internally so that our managers make sure all legal bases are covered before we use them. If anyone here was found to be selling user content, I am pretty sure they'd toss us out a window. If you want to see about getting some real legalese answers on our protection practices, go ahead and email me a request and I'll get you a response from the proper people here. (Wow that post got longer than expected...)
  22. The "I" key should toggle it, but it really should leave as default whatever the last mode used was. If you open a new blank file, set the mode of the Selection tool to Polygonal Marquee, then close the application, when you re-open it, does the selection mode remain?
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