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PVA - Admin

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by PVA - Admin

  1. Locking this thread as too many dissimilar issues with similar symptoms are getting clustered into it.
  2. What happened when you contacted support directly? Was it filed as an issue? http://www.vectorworks.net/international/
  3. You can alter that specific setting in the Units settings under Document Settings. Once set, you can save the file as a template and use that for future drawings. Drawings that you already created will have to be modified after the fact.
  4. They're all tied together, effectively. Once any of those options are added, they all will be.
  5. View > Rendering > "Hidden Line" to enable the rendering mode, then View > Rendering > "Line Render Options..." to change the settings for Hidden Line and add the sketching.
  6. When youre editing the texture, set "Bump" to Image, then it will let you pick an image similar to the way the regular image based texture does. Sometimes they come with a bump and/or a displacement map as well, its good to give both a look to see what works and what doesn't.
  7. That and a proper bump/displacement map to give it the contouring you expect from wood and to keep it from looking like smooth plastic. Many of these have the base image maps along with the bump or displacement map you can play with to see if you can get the effect you're looking for: http://resources.maxwellrender.com/search.php#page=4&mode=1&category=&id=2152&search=wood&v1=0&v2=0&tipo=
  8. For the third portion? Got it, I'll add this thread to those. I'll wait to hear on the other two.
  9. Get in touch with support directly about that ( tech@vectorworks.net ) that definitely shouldn't be occurring. To speed things along, include screenshots from both machines showing the issue as well as this from both the Mac and PC when you contact them: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/627/DirectX+Diagnostics+and+System+Profiler
  10. Is the font itself actually changing its size (such that changing it back to the original size corrects it), or do you mean the worksheets overall size on the layer is changing?
  11. Click "Switch to full reply screen" near the bottom of a new reply and on that screen "File Manager" will let you add files from your machine directly.
  12. Should be a simple " =COUNT " used in a database header. I believe the basics are covered here, specifically in the "Criteria" video which shows how to isolate specific attributes of objects, like their symbol name:
  13. What is the full file path from the root hard drive to this folder?
  14. These functions should all be possible in Vectorworks 2014. What version are you currently using? 1) I just tested the first question directly and did not find the direction to have any limitation on what the walls would fit to. 2) I placed a few configurations of walls in X joins and they fit to roof/geometry completely, not just along their midpoints. 3) Do you mean wall peaks only being create-able along the top of the wall? In current versions it is possible to add peaks to the bottom as well, unless I misunderstand the question. (It is a good idea to put your computers basic info and Vectorworks version in your signature to avoid this in the future.)
  15. This has been submitted again recently, adding this thread to that request.
  16. Something similar was submitted recently, I will add this thread to it.
  17. Effectively what Vectorworks does is create a surface that has a same thickness as a line does, which unfortunately is 0. Most likely a "fudging" approach that gives a line a thickness before extruding it would be better, which is what most raw modeling applications like rhino and 3DS do to account for a surface made from one dimensional geometry. The change will be a matter of us needing to output useful geometry in that particular case than being mathematically "correct" as we are now. (By the way if it wasnt clear, I agree completely with the original posts and those following, just that the solution has to be carefully considered to avoid shifting the problem elsewhere rather than fixing it.)
  18. To be honest I feel that extrudes shouldn't allow unclosed polylines, unclosed polygons or lines if it is going to result in impossible/hollow geometry. At the very least I have recommended an alert that pops up if that has happened upon exiting the extrude. (or during creation if it was wrong from the start) This was very common in support calls when I first started. Users would draw 4 lines to create a rectangle, then select them all and attempt to extrude it to create a box. It would then fail because Vectorworks can't properly extrude anything that does not have a surface. This is fixed with proper training of course, but I think its an easy enough mistake for a novice or even an expert to make that an automated alert be added at a minimum. Going further, options to prompt the user to convert the source geometry into a "proper" polygon before the extrusion occurs would be even better.
  19. Absolutely. It's one of Renderworks' biggest problems at the moment, not being able to map objects faces/sides individually. I get around it by extracting the various faces and texturing them separately. (One of the messiest workarounds I use.) As for planar objects in general, we have recent found some REALLY strange behavior similar to this when you draw 2 planar objects in two different 3D planes, then try to use both of them in one operation, such as an extrude along path. Often they will both try to pick one of the 3D planes which results in visually fantastic but useless geometry. All of which is getting documented and looked into now. With the work I've been doing recently I have been coming across a lot of these and filing far more issues than feature requests, where in previous months it was the other way around.
  20. Unless it is directly supported as a feature by that plugin, not that I am aware of. Most of the time 3rd party plugin objects brought into a users package that doesn't have that plugin installed just shows a locked object or nothing at all.
  21. I will need more clarification in order to submit these features than "See revit", sorry. Specifically what do those commands do that you would like to see added? Also clarification on some specific items: - Selecting connected/looped walls (see tab selection revit). This should be doable with "Select Connected Objects" - Ability to create a wall that isn't just all the same height. This is possible now: - Create similar. This is done by right-clicking on an object and choosing "Create Similar"
  22. I am misunderstanding something about this request. What has stopped working during a VWX file upgrade for a referenced DWG?
  23. I have always drawn the initial shapes in top plan, performed the extrude, rotated it into the orientation I wanted then made any needed alignment/modification changes from there. I am almost always in either isometric or top/plan, so I don't notice what you are seeing there. I never really did this intentionally, but I have just noticed how doing so completely avoids screen plane of any kind. I'll do some tests here and see what comes up when bouncing between the two planar modes.
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