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Everything posted by Gadzooks

  1. Well, poor show from VW UK. Thought the new 'regime' was supposed to help create/nurture/extend a better level of support and inclusivity to the 'family' that is VW in the UK. Feeling included David? Welome to this thread David, as you have pointed out, this is already a long haul. Thanks for letting us know the details - It seems your query followed the same path and resulted in similar frustration - first when you had to try and work-around what seemed to be a BUG and second, when you received nothing back from VW UK. As I said to @Alan Woodwell, you need to bring sandwiches for this one. @Christiaanwill be round shortly with some cake. And we have other traffic in the queue - stairs, windows..........................................................
  2. I think we've discovered the 'stair tool' of the pitched roof. Seriously - this seems to be another VW tool that's a Jack of all.....Master of..... - well you fill in your own description here. As I said earlier in this thread, This isn't a very user-friendly way of creating and supporting software. Although I can see it keeps VW 'experts' in pocket change. Trying to avoid a major rant..lets move on to the problem in hand...... --------------------------------- Thanks for your test file Christiaan (send via PM.) You're right, this isn't 'behaving' (as we expected from some considerable time 'invested' earlier) Looking at the simple roof surface you've provided, the first thing I see different from our earlier examples is you've chosen to have Eave Cut as Double. If you change to Vertical, the top component is 'fixed' (well, its now as you expected to see - both gable and edge condition). Conclusion: This is a BUG or WAD. Frankly, if a VW boffin wants to stick their head above the parapet and declare WAD then I'm a (***************), as its not WA (my) D. This is the challenge then VW - what's the (corporate) response?. And please don't come back with "yes, theres bugs (we thought you'd not notice if we kept silent)"
  3. Agree - seems no logic - but weird. Yes - z fighting - VW can't make its mind up whether glass or muntin wins. But only (I think it seems clear?) in perspective. Well - a stab in the dark (side) really. Sorry I can't offer a solution.
  4. Thanks for the file @Taproot. This is an odd one. The saved views are consistent - in that they 'work' on my Mac - so the problem persists. But I can't seem to find a trigger action that always produces the effect. But, I have found (weirdly) that the groundscape you have modelled seems to have some effect. I've edited your model (deleted parts, not just switched off classes) so you can see to the other side which has similar muntin problems on the three windows. I've also pulled a copy window out from the main wall we're viewing and I've positioned it far back beyond your groundscape. (just as a test really) Now look at the three saved views again. 'Muntins OK' - All show OK 'Muntins - Vanish' - Yes I think that is conclusive - 'Muntins - Back' - Well, yes and no. You can't see from this angle, but all three windows in wall are the same and the extra window I placed far beyond all still have problems. Nearest is fine though (?) Now the weird bit.... Take the middle saved view where all muntins are missing and delete some your groundscape. You have five parts on plan. There are three 'roof faces' and two 'floors'. Ive highlighted the far roof face and the nearest. (The middle one doesn't seem to action anything.) . Deleting the far one...brings back the muntins in the nearest window. Deleting the nearest.... brings them all back Yes - rubbish information I know - sorry for that. I can't find the underlying problem atm. Because - although this is straightforward it would seem - just rotating the viewing angle loses the muntins again. (**********) Maybe you could let me know if other files you say display the same problems also have similar groundscape that can be deleted to resolve. If thats the case then maybe something to do with that? However, I think that is an unlikely 'fix'. I think its zoom levels (as you said) Conclusion: I think this is a bug or maybe a resolution problem with perspective turned on. Maybe the VW boffins could jump in and confirm? I couldn't get this to fall over when I viewed in Orthogonal (even when I gave it some quick view changes zoom in and out to think about), so I think that possibly underlines the perspective problems. Additionally, I couldn't make any connection on classes/layers/visibilities etc. so I think they are robust and don't have any bearing on this. Perhaps someone else could have a' fresh' look.
  5. Happy to look at it if you load a test file
  6. @Ola Have you seen this? https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/53349-align-and-distribute-items-tool-not-working/ May not have any bearing on your problem, but thought you should be aware of this post.
  7. Heres your chance to have @digitalcarbongive your system a really good test run. Give him the keys and see what he breaks.
  8. Mesmerising. More please! I can then have two channels I like watching @digitalcarbonand yours.
  9. Yes, I think it would be good if you could have handles for the roof process. WYSIWYG is and always has been my preferred option if available. Too much of VW seems to end up with changing something in an OIP and seeing what change/outcome that gave you. (OK - Perhaps I should read the manual) Unfortunately (and not wanting to be too discourteous) there sometimes seems a disconnect between the boffins and the end users as to what we really want, day to day, in our own 'commercial bubbles'. Some of that is reflected in the way VW has developed into a 'tool for everyone'. Jack of all trades.............? Still beats ACAD though!!
  10. I believe its because VW uses the position as the 'origin' of the slope (usually sitting it on top of a wall) At a wall you just have the thickness of all components. Having moved away from this point you have the (incremental) additional height of the pitch. Or Rise over (the new) Distance explains better?
  11. Maybe you can Wishlist a comprehensive WW Inc video on this. I think it would be a good reference to the roof tool's complexity.
  12. Stop - you're just showing off now. Reading the manual? Thats not us.
  13. I think its some sort of OCD. I just have to find out either whats wrong or a suitable work-around. Think we may have the latter in this case. Onwards to the next one..
  14. No probs Christiaan - I'm learning as well. Why didn't I think of that (is there an emoticon with a face slap) Worth noting the conclusion... There have been several bugs associated with the new Roof Styles. I'm waiting until they are fixed before using it and that was.........oh, only Nov 2015. We'll wait then shall we?
  15. Markdd's solution is what you need I think. As it seems you want to move just one point of an extruded rectangle. @lightnbUsing Mark's directions you get a shape you can 'pull' as you wish. Just the one point gives (thanks to Mark)
  16. OK - heres something I just fell over. (Couldn't let it drop) View the roof in top. Here I'm concentrating on just one of the faces, but obviously any/all will be the same. The 'receding' component is to the left (which is the eaves of this roof face) Switch to Top Plan The roof axis is now available for use/positioning Move it to the right makes the top component 'recede' more. So at least that answers the receding problem (probably does have some basis to 'WAD') Move it off the model and the top component is in its correct (anticipated) position This affects the height of the roof surface though And you have to move it back to reduce the differs. This is because the axis line is the start of the pitch line This does improve it but we're still not there I can't find a position that gives the eaves offset and still has the roof pitched from the correct height In conclusion - some elements of WAD some thought over whether this is a BUG?
  17. Excellent - entertaining. (You in 'its Friday, get it out quick' mode?)
  18. Just down loaded and was going to look for you, but noticed its educational - Sorry, no can-do.
  19. Hi @Alan Woodwell - @Christiaan's original problem was that, if you now change your roof example to replace 2 of the hips with gables, the topmost component offset (you have it set to 100 to oversail the fascia) still overlaps the fascia (as required), but also oversails the gable. Whereas, it would be good to have those edges flush. If you then choose to 'Manual Bound' to the Roof Axis line, it retracts the component to all edges. Which is not what is expected. Unless VW boffins report its a 'WAD'. After all, its a +'ve number in the offset not a -'ve (sorry if I'm going over it again) But, if you now ungroup, return the roof style to be bound at roof edge (from roof axis) then (crucially it seems) choose to double click to modify the roof edge - but return without making any modification all is as you would want. Thanks for your interest - Good to have you 'onboard' Alan - I think this might be a long journey (have you brought sandwiches? - I forgot mine) Gadzooks
  20. @Taproot Interesting - Not something I was aware of. I think a file would be useful if you could upload please.
  21. @Christiaan(....annnnnd - I'm back in the room.....) Looked at this again (and again, and again ) OK - so is this a bug? Its certainly has some quirky operation. I'll walk you through it. Take the roof with the receding tiles... and change the offset back to Roof Edge... Obviously produces the offset at the gable edges as well - but stick with it! Select the (whole) roof again and ungroup. This shows the standard dialogue "do you want to Ungroup High Level Objects?" (as Bob the Builder) Yes we do! This then breaks the Roof into Roof Faces Double clicking the faces in turn allows the shape of the face to be changed through a roof face edit window.... (now this is the 'difficult' bit) Don't change it!!! Exiting the edit window returns you to your roof face - NOW CHANGED - Yes I couldn't really believe this as when I saw it - it was in capitals as well! Carry out the 'change' to the other face... Probably not so obvious now from the image, but the gable has the flush finish and the eaves have the expected offset. But also - theres another less obvious result of these actions. Taking a look at an orthogonal view (either end-on is convenient) in wireframe shows the 'new' roof to have a reduced height. Having the other roof in view is a happy co-incidence and I don't think I would have seen this straight off if not. The difference is clearly the height of the roof components. Why? is beyond me atm. There's probably some easy explanation for it that I've missed (but tbh - I can't be ***** atm) ------------------------------------------------ Hope that helps make some sense. I can see it perhaps raises more questions than it solves. But hopefully gets the job done. Doesn't really answer the difference between my earlier solution to you (which appeared to work) and your receding component using the same method. Why does making no change to a roof face edit produce a change? Apart from I can see VW now has the opportunity to 'drop' the two side faces that started off as hips and were turned to gables on first creation of the Roof. Poor software? Too complex (like stairs?) - needs to be more user friendly? Or rubbish user (me I'm talking about) that doesn't understand the complexity and therefore the outcomes of the various Roof options. Begs the question - Is the easier route to have a final top component created separately (and therefore editable separately). Probably! One for the boffins??? (I'm taking a week off now... )
  22. Thanks Christiaan - Now thats really thrown me. On the one hand I see your model has problems - quite why the upper component retracts is beyond me atm. On the other hand I see it works fine on the model (images) I earlier posted. Some thing obviously differs the two conditions, but I devoted time to it yesterday and some time this morning and I'm still scratching my head. I'm not the 'give-up' type so I will crack this. (or someone will jump in and embarrass us by showing us how to do it) For the moment, I can confirm that the simple two-slope roof you constructed (from standard four part roof - therefore a Roof object) can be easily constructed by using Roof Face and, with the oversail component (in Slates Tiles-2) will provide the oversail only at the eaves and not at the gable (all as required). As an additional factor, I have this model added to the same drawing file and the same Layer as your examples, so its seems there's nothing untoward (buggy) with the likes of (say) clashing Layer Heights etc. I'd like to say you've found a bug, but I'm not certain on this as I can't get a handle on the 'trigger conditions'. I'll have another look over the weekend probably....
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