This is a complex debate, and there is no right answer because many of the opinions and suggestions are subjective and personal. However I do think there are a few priorities that everyone can agree on. Having more customisation and a colour or no colour option would really help, and as its already pretty easy to change lots of colours via "interactive appearance settings" this would be a good way forward.
I have loved using vectorworks for over 20 year and still really love using the software day to day. The enjoyment factor is very important, and much of this comes down to smooth workflows and snappy performance, that has been getting better and better in resent years. However, there are still some real log jams and awkward workflows, and the desire to address these is critical.
I do think that being able to change icon sizes is critical as users get older the buttons can become harder to see particularly on high res 4k and 5k monitors. I do lots of online training and Youtube videos via Zoom and use a 4K BENQ screen I share running at 2560 x 1440 resolution and lots of people say its hard for them to read the icons. Having the ability to have at leat small, medium and large icons would be essential in my view.
Finally, every simple day to day process should be analysed to see if a reduction in clicks or dialogues is possible (It will be) and these should be tackled as a priority. For example we have nested classes using the "-" that allow users to turn off a whole group of classes with one click, and also manage them using the hierarchy. Please follow this though and do the same for nested layers! Its so obvious that this would help as you could then group different design options into one group of nest layers and simply turn them on a off with a single click. This would be a huge time saver alone.
As well as focussing on the UI, there are still some areas of Vectorworks that are lagging years behind and are embarrassing us. The roof tool, dormers and lack of parametric roof lights being one of my biggest concerns. Every building in the world has some kind of roof, and the roof tool needs a huge overall to make it more function, robust and also user friendly. Why do we not have a single roof and roof face tool (rather than it being hidden in the AEC menu) that work like the slab tool?
Finally, please, please, please make the "Shim Gap" settings consistent so they are remembered between sessions rather than imposing a 7mm shim gap ever single time you restart vectorworks. If I had a pound for ever-time I have had to say "beware the shim gap......
Also Bi-folding doors need the same attention that sliders have had, and this has been an active request for at leat 5 years now, and still not been tackled.
Finally, I would truly love to be able to drag windows and doors widths and heights directly in plan , 3D and elevation. This is how architects design, and having to punch numbers into a dialogue than repositioning windows and doors does not allow "design flow". I accept that deeper settings need the dialogues, but even right clicking or smart options specifically for doors and windows ( then other parametric in the future) would be a huge bonus as it would be a more modern way of doing things, while leaving the existing workflow for those who are used to it.
Finally, I have created and shared my customised and enhanced JRA workspace with hundreds of firms and customers over the years, but the workspace does cannot control all the other aspects like preferences and data bar options etc. It would be really helpful if the workspace could set everything to do with layout and preferences etc. when first loaded ( then let people change this as required) and this would save lots of time when training as everyone would have the cat same screen set up to start with. This would mean that more vectorworks or users could create more customised workspaces that could be downloaded and shared. While we are on this, please make it possible to tick all the options at once in the dropdown quick preferences icon rather than having to come out and back into the dialogue multiple times.
What does anyone think about this ideas? I would love to hear your thoughts on the above.