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Everything posted by zoomer

  1. As for the CMD+Y Redo, i have to admit that there was a long dark area when I was a Windows user. But even since i finally switched to the good Mac side, I also never had any App that would not use CMD+SHIFT+Z for Undoing an Undo. The only Exceptions I know that use CMD+Y are VW and C4D.
  2. That is because an Axis Lock is missing software wide and there is no 2,5D Snap Option for orthographic views. But this relates to all (manipulation or creation) tools. I always Paste "in Place" only. Because like you I need duplicates for things like your Pipe Example with Thickness or to copy Objects to use on other Stories Heights. Every "Paste Somewhere Else Action" is done by Move by Points or Drag Tool for me. And only Drag Tool because Move by Points Tool is .... as it is. In over 10 years of Microstation I never used the Drag Tool or Pasting, other than to a special Selection. Because there was simply no need to use anything else than Copy or Move Tool. Dragging means just to not care about snapping. Yes, Drag Tool means 1 click less. But that doesn't count much for me when you have already automized that click+click. And all the UIOP "make-Move-Tool-temporary-Copy-Tool", Multipliers and other paraphernalia was available by the only floating, small Palette directly near your cursor. VW Drag Tool is critical because you cramp to not lose the LMB hold when trying to zoom by scroll wheel at the same time. That is why you decide for the tedious Move by Points tools at the end in such situations. Do your first click and be safe to not lose your element while fighting with getting the new (2D) position, without losing your Z. That is another problem that you will always feel being in the wrong Multi Tool option, Move only Mode to be sure, but therefore renounce of Boundary Editing at all ? I like to use Drag Tool in Top Plane View because I learned that I can be sure that Drag Tool in TPV will never move in Z. I'm not so sure about Move by Points Tool. Or did I misunderstood something and maybe both will fail in a standard 2D Top View ?
  3. And that was exactly the example I had somewhere deep in my mind when I thought that there would be already such Redo Last Command Option in VW.
  4. I'm still convinced there is a complete mess, inconsistency and contradiction in all those basic tools like Drag, Move by Points, Copy+Paste, Duplicate. From an outside of VW view that's the reason for me why people at the end use these in a wrong way. Now they got used to it since many years, got their work done, and therefore think that it's right. I see no real reason for the Offset Paste Setting. That is all done without more clicks or shortcuts by an intelligent Copy Tool. I don't even see a need for Copy+Paste actions in a CAD Software at all as long it is file intern. Maybe only if you exchange things between files or even from other software. The Drag Tool by all means is a Freehand Tool mainly. If it can also Snap, fine. So it is now the Turbo Fast Grab and Pick There Tool. If its has an additional ALT Copy Option, fine. If it has also numerical distance input option, fine. But please in the way that it is not necessary to start input Numbers BEFORE you can leave the mouse button. And make sure that, if an element is already selected, as long as you grab on points on that Element and not somewhere completely else, KEEP that selection and don't switch to any another element while dragging, just because for VW it may look "nearer", more "in Front" or more appropriate. That ALT Drag Tool can do that Offset CMD+V and put copies "anywhere" except where it was. A Copy Tool (which Move by Points could be) Does not need an extra CTRL to select elements if there was no selection because in that case there isn't any reason to exist for that tool. So if no Selection and Move by Points active - it is just a Selection Tool. It can be needed a STRG to change the selection while using MbP, but it could also be just something like a single ESC to drop the selection and activate the Selection Mode again. The Copy Toll is no one-way Tool. It stays actives and produces a copy wich each following "to next position" click (Copy Tool does => Offset CMD+D) until the user does a single ESC to escape one tool level to re-activate a new "from origin" position. So first ESC escape from "continuous mode" back to from "here to there mode", second ESC to even drop selection. The Copy Tool will give you exactly the last distance used as a temporary Snap Point Option, so no Offset CMD+D keystroke needed, just another click. (Like Any Tools) the Copy Tool will automatically read the cursor direction given by the user and will use the numeric input as a relative distance in that direction and therefore needs no negative inputs and also never again any DOUBLE ENTERs. And I the cursor is moved in Y-direction, it is self understanding that the next numeric input will automatically be placed in the Y-Axis input field and never in an X input fields just because it is the first input field available. The Copy Tool (like Array or Copy along Path) will have a dynamic Preview and allow to play with Distances and Multipliers, to finally kill any need of Offset CMD+D. I still prefer to have to separate Tools for Copy and Move Tool as for me it is much easier to do automated motoric actions in simple, restricted and reliable tools than the need to concentrate on complex multi usage tools. But if no common sense, why not press an ALT to prevent the Copy Tool from copying and just move. Just kidding. But in any case, please deactivate that multiplier number in any Move Mode. Or zero multiplier in Copy Mode. (Has someone already tried what will happen if you set negative numbers in the multiplier field for copying, maybe at least as dangerous as typing "Google" into Google) For me the CMD+D hasn't anything to do with complex Tools like Array or Copy along Path. It is just a workaround for a simple PASTE as the usual Paste doesn't work as expected. Sorry for that never ending and redundant rant on this in many threads, starting with my VW start in 2014 - but there weren't any improvements so far. And the initial question of the thread starter already answered in detail already.
  5. I don't get it. Beside maybe distributing Plants, all my elements have a special and wanted Position. Maybe Symbols have a useful "center" point. But most normal geometry has an useless arbitrary center origin which will be used to place to the "last click" position when CMD+V without +ALT. So the copy will be only "near" the position I will have it and have to orient it again. There is ALT+Drag if there are available snapping points or to distribute things arbitrarily if needed to place things "about" where you need them when zoomed out largely. Offset duplication for me is useless and disturbing in 95% of cases. It just prevents forgotten element duplicates. The new position is again arbitrary in most cases. The most simplest thing always done anywhere else outside of VW is that the CMD+V Copy sits at the same position as the original element - so you know and can be sure about its current position and can reposition from there, in a controlled and predictable manner. It is just very handy in that shown special case where you you want to repeat that "Move by Points" action. Especially in the case when you want to do a multiple copy "Move by Point" action but "don't know" the amount of duplicates before you want to duplicate. Could be easily done more predictable with a serious "Move by Points" Tool anyway. Currently it's always a, I will need "at least" 40 multiplier + delete the unnecessary last 7 copies, action. Could have a preview and dynamic multiplier nevertheless. From a VW-only point of view it is bearable that CMD+V does something strange, as there is the CMD+D option. Just not nice in collaboration with all other related software. No problem if a Software goes it own ways to allow doing something better. But for me most of VW's proprietary ways of doing things are not better, less predictable, unergonomic and often more tedious. That it for endless things like keyboard/mouse acrobatic when Drag + numerical distance input, "Move by Points" using multiplier option in move only = non copy mode,
  6. I have many but no other App that uses CMD+D. It is all CMD+C + CMD+V which is paste IN PLACE. VW Move by Points (in itself, beside the number issue) is ok. VW CMD+ALT+V is also ok (in itself) except you need extra key But what is the point of VW CMD+V, when you can set a definite point to paste to, but there is no definite point that sets a suitable origin for the object's from ? Second, how often do use that NOT IN PLACE Option ? I never use it. And because to not confuse with other Apps I don't CMD+D but always leave my mouse to use 2-hand action needing CMD+ALT+V
  7. That can happen if the mesh was half "clean" only. Keep a copy to try to close holes, play with directions, overlapping faces, ...
  8. Hmmh, I thought of modifying or cleaaning down the Image Prob tool to just ask for a 2D mesh, convert to 3D if necessary, rotatite it upwards and apply the "auto orient" feature, like it does with the current image mapped plane. Maybe we just have to wait until Alan comes with a Marionette Assembly ...
  9. Yes, Image Props are cool and easy. Just in this case I would prefer Meshes only as I use these in C4D too and have problems to control Materials after exchange anyway (for now) Will set my Silhouettes there, or "auto orient" the unwilling Meshes there. (As my cameras still jump away when I try to activate them anyway (for now) So I see this as a wish list item. Just wanted to ask before if someone had an idea that it already works somehow.
  10. You can manually edit the Units the File will be read in in Import Dialog; that way it should come in in Scale. I always ask clients about their units they use. If there is no info or you don't know the source of the file it is a bit try and error. It is quite obvious which units could have been meant if both work metric. Little harder if one party uses imperial units, then it is a bit about playing with x times 2,54 or divided by 2,54, or even feet ...
  11. Draw 2 perpendicular (non touching) Multi Component Walls in Top Plan view. Choose the manual Wall Join Tools to make an L-Joint. Try the different options "uncapped" and "Capped Join Mode". In Standard non Capped Mode it will cut Wall (Components) at 45°. Capped Mode does just cut the whole Wall Package and forces kind of an T-Joint at an Edge. Both not useful if Walls have different Heights. If you Set that option "Always auto join capped" Option in Wall Style > Component, it will really join every component together in a "capped" way (90° cut)
  12. That workaround way the Section Lines should be constraint to the Wall ends, for changes, anyway.
  13. Putting these in screen plane mode does not help much I can convert those Sihouettes to 3D polys and align them vertically. But would have to re-rotate them after each shot I am just missing that "auto orient" checkbox from the image Props (without the image procedure)
  14. When I try to import, the dialog says that it can't read units in DWG and "assumes" being meters. As this way your Stair flight Width will be 920,0 m, I "assume" the DWG was in mm ?
  15. The View Window or Viewport Scale is just for Text, Line Thickness or Printsize. The Drawing is always 1:1. When You import DWG's it is important to open these with the correct Unit Settings. So for example if you import a feet and inches DWG in metric settings, it will have wrong scale in a VW drawing no matter what viewing scale is set.
  16. OK, I see it was Archicad. I always thought that VW could do that Elevation Viewports won't work. As already said, it have to be Section Viewports for each wall and manual aligning Section VP's on a Sheet Layer. And I second the Feature Wish.
  17. I'm not sure, maybe that was a extra option in the german edition of VW from Computerworks. (Or even something I saw somewhere in Archicad) At a first quick look I found no such option in VW, neither in View Menu nor by Space Tool or Objects.
  18. Tried to google. Something like we call "Wandabwicklung" ? (An extended elevation is an elevation of the several wall surfaces of a room arranged so as to read as a long continuous strip. Extended elevations are useful in preparing working drawings for decorators.) I thought this is possible in VW (by use of Spaces ?) but I never tried that. Have to look into it.
  19. Is there any way to use 2D Polygons like Resource's as "People-Outline & Filled-2D.vwx" in the same way as Image Props ? So that their Z-Rotation makes them always look at cameras ? (Like C4D's "look at camera constraint" Tag) Image Props are nice for trees and plants but I want to avoid an extra Material for each Silhouette, which all should be just black with 15% Transparency. If not I would wish to be able to do so.
  20. Section Viewport > Properties > Advanced Properties > Extend ?
  21. I think I had uploaded files already before that happened. But I think that was the first time iI uploaded to and "from old Forum" thread. Not really sure.
  22. It may just have been that the columns in the Navigation Palette view moved all to the right For what ever reasons. The next time it may be worth to try if you can pull/drag them from the all left side with your cursor back to the right.
  23. And also when page underlay is set off (better always) infinite grid visibility in 3D views.
  24. You can set Symbols to be able to cut Walls while creation. So like a Symbol can have a 2D Part, a 3D part, it can also include an extra part that is the 3D Volume that will be used to make the Wall's cut. This way the Wall can stay Wall and keep its intelligence. Another way to do geometry changes extensions to Walls are things like "Wall Recess" or "Wall Projections"
  25. If it is an Image underlay you would set a Class Transparency to make it less distracting to better see what you are drawing. Same for referenced geometry that you may bring in as a viewport. Sometimes the gray option will hide too much and make it unreadable. So transparency may also help.
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