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Kool Aid

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Everything posted by Kool Aid

  1. If the linework is bleeding, there's no bleedin' fast way.
  2. As long as it is proper (object-orientated, not hierarchical.) Today I added another item to my long list of disappointments regarding VectorScript documentation: I realised that Object Events are totally missing from VS Function Reference to Mere Mortals, ie. the version that ships (or, as in my case, does not ship) with the program. Among these is AddAssociation, which could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. There is some nebulous documentation and an example: VectorWorks Developer pages However, CONST kOnDeleteDelete = 4; {Target object is deleted when owner is deleted.} kOnDeleteReset = 5; {Target object is reset when owner is deleted.} suggests that this association is interested only in deaths of its members. Otherwise, one's crank object could rotate the crankshaft and the crankshaftbone could be connected to the pistonbone of the V12.
  3. Yes, a great idea, which I may incorporate into my tool, although the main workflow is that after the forest has been created, trees & shrubs are sent to surface. (I use it to create random tree covers as backdrops.)
  4. In plan and in sections. Batt insulation (or the relevant substitute) shoud be able to defined as a wall style component, shown in plans and sections at least. Come on, Wes! I could easily simulate a wall incorporating my insulation tool. I could even use your wall style system, just make it better, as a matter of hours. But I can't get it to show IN SECTIONS.
  5. Shouldn't the symbols be Sent to Surface? In the absence of a DTM? Ah-ha! Lower only? Whatever. I must investigate this in relation to my Forest Simulator.
  6. My problem with this tool is that there is a toggle ?Size to Wall Length?, but that does not seem to do anything. The fabulous Hot-Air Help does not know that this tool even exists.
  7. Nice work, bcd, very nice! (Even 2D-constraints cannot, AFAIK, be used in scripts PIOs.)
  8. Now, pay attention, brudgers: your stair has little to do with the requirement. The ?side view? approach is totally wrong.
  9. You're welcome, Dexie. How long did it take?
  10. Use BeginGroup; { object creation } EndGroup; EDIT What nonsense? I have to learn to read the questions?
  11. As comes to saving trees etc., I'm confident that offset printing the manuals is quite a lot cheaper and ecological than using office printers. The 1800 pages (excluding VectorScript Guide) would consume nearly half of the rated capacity of my colour laser cartridges and a set costs about 400 ?.
  12. Well, Dexie, try this: PROCEDURE ImportDTMData; { ? Petri Sakkinen 2009 } CONST comma = ','; VAR data, inputfile : STRING; x, y, z : REAL; commaPos : INTEGER; BEGIN GETFILE(inputfile); IF NOT(DIDCANCEL) THEN BEGIN WHILE NOT EOF(inputfile) DO BEGIN READLN(data); commaPos := POS(comma, data); x := STR2NUM(COPY(data, 1, commaPos-1)); DELETE(data, 1, commaPos); commaPos := POS(comma, data); y := STR2NUM(COPY(data, 1, commaPos-1)); DELETE(data, 1, commaPos); z := STR2NUM(data); LOCUS3D(x, y, z); END; CLOSE(inputfile); END; END; RUN(ImportDTMData); If it is slow, you might use a text editor to replace commas with tabs and then use this: PROCEDURE ImportDTMData; { ? Petri Sakkinen 2009 } VAR inputfile : STRING; x, y, z : REAL; BEGIN GETFILE(inputfile); IF NOT(DIDCANCEL) THEN BEGIN WHILE NOT EOF(inputfile) DO BEGIN READLN(x, y, z); LOCUS3D(x, y, z); END; CLOSE(inputfile); END; END; RUN(ImportDTMData); Tab-separated data files are preferred. For filtering/reducing number of points, add a READLN; after LOCUS3D(); so every second line is skipped. (The last point is not created then, though, but doing that manually is not a huge task!) EDIT Actually, the extra READLN; could be before the actual READLN(); because then you don't need to go to the end of the file to find the z-value!
  13. OK. If we'd follow this lead, we'd dump VectorWorks and move to AutoCAD, used by megacompanies of our fields. I'm not even remotely interested who has created the system or who are using it. If anything, the word ?Adobe? rings warning bells: just the other week I received their latest which told that Acrobat solves 99% of problems in businesses.
  14. Ohh, I tried to help you??Showed you The Way, my young friend? But you did not choose wisely.
  15. There is. Create a new column, insert this formula to the database header row: =1
  16. So, did you help him? I've only noticed your whingeing and blame-shifting.
  17. Then we were both right! (Except that I was wrong in my claim regarding point/3D-poly number relationship: a rectangular grid is the worst case; in other configs, the number of polys increase slower than the number of points.)
  18. Phew. Thought my brain had suddenly forgotten basic maths. Still trying to work out how KA gets 16.25Km2. Thinks he is the one for a basic maths lesson because my calc also gives just over 4Km2 for 650000 points too. 4 x 4 = 16. km x km = km2 End of lesson 2.
  19. Indeed. You'll need 5 or 6 lines of additional code. Far more complex than your skills enable.
  20. Don't forget that the number of triangles in the TIN/DTM grows faster than the number of definition points. EDIT In our grid situation, not faster, but proportionally. Doubling the grid means reducing the 3D-poly count by half. My original claim may well be incorrect. Have to think about it.
  21. If it were a square, it'd be 16.25 km2. SQRT(650000) = 806,225 806 x 5 = 4031 4,031 ^2 = 16,25 End of Practical Math 101 Lesson 1 for Garden Designers.
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