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Everything posted by twk

  1. Happy New Year to all! Playing around with design layers to get a list of all the design layers in a document. The script below, does what I need, however it shows also the referenced design layers with NNA#(some number), and it also shows the sheet layers with just the sheet number. What I'd like to do is to have this script only show me Design Layers only. On that note, the names too of the sheet layers. I was thinking to search in the GetLName Function for NNA# and use a IF THEN ELSE to not show the referenced design layers, however for the life of me can't figure out how to search in strings using vectorscript using <>, >=, or =. In simpler terms I'm trying to search using, does contain or does not contain, that which I don't know how to do.
  2. Just touching base that I have not had the time to dive into this just yet..
  3. Well that Dialog Builder looks super helpful, going through the install process now, will post back how I've gone. Thanks Josh
  4. Just starting trying to add dialogues in my PIO's, thought I'd start with normal scripts first. Copying examples in from the vs developers wiki don't really work as I'd expect them, here's an example below: Running that only shows the extra button, the ok button and the cancel button, it isn't showing the other ones, the groupbox/radio buttons, anyone know what I've done wrong? Thanks in advance Tui
  5. Hi Everyone I'm trying to call the current active class of the document and display it as text in my PIO, unfortunately using is showing the current class of the PIO object, not the document. How can I show the active 'documents' class not the PIO's class. Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks Michael.. eagerly waiting the release here..
  7. Thanks Mike.. and thanks M5d that looks like a great(vast) resource.
  8. Hi Mike.. were there any tutorials/examples/manuals included regarding the new Python Scripting language?
  9. Vectorworks 2014 hasn't been released in NZ yet, end of the month. So counting the days.. However I haven't seen anywhere online (vectorworks main website, service select members area, developer site for vectorworks) about the added python scripting language. Does anyone know when we'll be seeing some examples/tutorials? Or if those who got the release today had any manuals/example scripts bundled together with the releases? Cheers Tui
  10. Hard to tell, never happened to me though. What version of Vectorworks are you using?
  11. Dont worry.. It was the -1 in the beginning..
  12. Above is a snippet from a PIO I'm writing.. I'm trying to set the last object in that array to a handle so I can use it to run a clipsurface command. Unfortunately the LNewObj doesnt seem to be calling the last polygon created in this array. Anyone know why? Thanks Tui
  13. I see now Josh.. The light brightens ever so slightly.. thanks again
  14. Hi Guys Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it. Josh you were saying that JkTrAdd is a handle(pointing to the newly added surface) and this is temporary? So trying to call a function or calculation further down the line of code using JkTrAdd would not be possible? Like for instance I wouldn't be able to say HDuplicate(JkTrAdd,x,y)? Nevertheless I am slowly understanding the syntax usage.(keyword slowly l:) ).. And Raymond thanks for the tips on 'Function' and its functions..lol.. but seriously, after you had suggested to use a function I went digging through the VS manual, and there it was, together with user-defined procedures.. It seems they can be very useful. However it also looks like a bit of a mission to implement. As the examples(in the manual)suggest, they are created so they can be 'easily' retrieved later. And also as you had mentioned, it simplifies the code. From your example in of itself I can see more lines of code then Adding the surfaces one by one as your example showed(the example just before the function one). I gather that the function serves a purpose where somewhere down the line I wanted to added four other polygons I could just call that particular one (Add4Polys) and feed in the new polys? Is this correct? For what its worth, the two replies in this post alone have expanded my knowledge immensely and I really appreciate such help. So thanks again. Also on a side note.. I noticed not a lot of people post their codes up here for others to see. Is there a legal reason for this? (Like a rule for the forum?). Would be nice to have a place where we could share our codes and maybe get others to comment on it, like you guys have done, to make it better, or improve it. Does such a place exist for vectorscripting? Thanks again. Tui
  15. Ahh write a function.. I think thats what I want to do.. I've seen that alot in the Vectorscript Manual, but I just dont know how to implement it. I should say I 'just started' getting my head around scripting.. Back to the script.. there is a known number of objects to combine.. Just 4 polys.. How would I write the function script you mentioned? Thanks Tui
  16. Thanks Raymond, Unfortunately this is not working for me. My script is actually a snippet of a PIO.. would this matter?
  17. {..script for JTopC Creation..} JkTopC := LNewObj; {..script for JkBotC Creation..} JkBotC := LNewObj; {..script for JkEndC Creation..} JkEndC := LNewObj; {JkTrAdd is a dummy handle to add surfaces} JkTrAdd := AddSurface(JkEndC, JkBotC, JkTopC); {Add Chords} I understand the AddSurface function only allows two handles to be added.. and my above scripting is incorrect. Is there anyway to add more than two objects in one function.. because I'm thinking that the only other way is to create another handle JkTrAdd2 and then it would be JkTrAdd2 := AddSurface(LNewObj, JkTopC); or how would I go about this?
  18. I dont have VW2013 at home so I can't really open these files. (Am on 2012 at the moment). But I will check them once am at work. Just a quick question did you select the option to 'Use current document's class visibilities' in the viewport class properties of the Referenced Design Layer Viewport?
  19. This has still not been addressed in VW 2011
  20. Hello I assume your meaning the WINDOOR tool by ozcad? Also which vectorworks version are you using? Not sure about the previous or latter versions, but for version 2011: The windoor ID's are pulled from an external file. (usually in your \library\default\windoor\IDs folder. if you open the file (WinDoor ID Symbols.vwx) in that location you'll see all the ID's as symbols. You can duplicate and rename the one that you want to edit; and rotate it in its symbol edit mode. Go back to your project file and your edited/rotated ID should show up in the list of ID's to use. Use the rotated ID.
  21. Hi Nico As far as I know there isn't any style/component options for Roofs. Cheers Tui
  22. Just saw this post, while searching for something else. I do have a long list of all Tools and commands attached. Hope this helps. (This is for VW2011 Architect NZ though) Regards Twk
  23. Hi Pat, This script is very handy. I was wanting to just update viewports of a certain class. When put UpdateVP(C='Elev.VP'); I get an error. How would this be done? Thanks in Advance Tui
  24. Tried that Jonathan, didn't seem to work.. This open source script has really gotten me interested in VScript. Quite powerful. I just started playing around with it this morning. So I just edited the script to use our firms standard font. adding: TextFont(GetFontID('insert font name here')); Cheers. p.s is there anyway to get this to show on the Object Info Pallette? A drop down list of fonts/font styles?
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