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Posts posted by bcd

  1. 4 hours ago, Malcolm Woodruff said:

    Is there any way of moving an edge of a solid?

    No, but it's an excellent WishList candidate.

    You can move edges & vertices of SubDivision objects (& meshes as above) in this way.

    In your test-case above you could Modify>>Convert>Convert to Subdivision and drag the desired edge to location. Once done you can Modifiy>Convert>Convert to Generic Solids if desired.






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  2. My preferred way:

    Place the ShowLogo in the same place, with the same name in each project folder.

    Make sure they are always about the same size.

    Import it into the TitleBlock and select Reference>Relative to current document

    Presto, it appears magically in the TB as and where you'd expect it.





    image.png.d23c11ea41a3484954503e1832aacba0.png  image.png.5d59bc484fbb31bea0575afbc47d86df.png




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  3. 56 minutes ago, Tom Klaber said:

    Convention aside - I really do think that Vectorworks - despite being in the minority - is actually using the correct terminology in the grand layers/classes debate.

    I agree with this and that while Textures represent the look of the exposed surfaces of an object Materials represent its full materiality of an object, it's texture, mass, thermal properties, tensile strength etc....  I like the current setup, and have no objection to reducing Sheet Layer to Sheet. Design Layer to Layer loses something in its meaning I think, so my vote would be, conservative as it is, to leave things as they are and just make more use of Materials & Material Textures (oops)

  4. 7 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    You don't even need to drag a marquee, you can just reshape a corner vertex directly.

    Bah! - I had selected the wrong mode - yes, it's behaving exactly as I expected as all of you indicated thanks @Tom W. , @Jesse Cogswell @Kevin Allen

    And in Top/Plan too.

    However, Change Vertex, Add/Delete Vertex, Hide/Show edge don't yet work yet on rectangles.


    And here's one I overlooked from prior versions - very interesting. I'm interested to see when that may become useful, maybe during schematic design.




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  5. 11 minutes ago, Jesse Cogswell said:

    What is interesting, is that if you use the Reshape tool and drag a marquee around part of the rectangle and resize from there, the rectangle will be automatically be converted into a polygon without a prompt. 

    Yes, this is exactly what I'm envisioning - without the need to drag the marquee. For example I want to Hide/Show one edge of the rectangle. Many steps could just be one.

    • Like 2
  6. Hmm - that's interesting, I can see that, maybe I'll give it another look.

    (Double clicking on a RM Symbol will allow multiple placements too.)


    I wonder if this fly-up became a fixable element at the top of the RM showing all the Resource icons at once. Then one click on the Symbol icon would be the same as invoking the Symbol Insertion tool - and we would essentially have Symbol Insertion Tool, Worksheet Insertion Tool, Wall Insertion Tools .... all in one place.



  7. These tools could be much more integrated & helpful.


    There is often no need to have them established as actual objects on the drawing - but rather pop up more like Smart Point Extensions with more robust dimensional powers.

    Also - the click>hold>select workflow to get one of these magical objects is more stilted that it might be.

    Also - If I want to constrain say the dimension between two objects there should be an option for one of these objects to remain stationary and a greyed out (blued out) version of the moving object to appear only in its possible locations as it's being moved.




    Here's an older post that touches on this.




  8. Something very similar here - except

    # of backups 3 - I find I only every go back to a backup rarely and then immediately following an issue.

    # operations 30


    It's important to highlight that's it's good to set the location is set to a custom location like you are showing @Pat Stanford.

    This way a single folder in the sidebar etc. will quickly take you there where you can compare most recent backups with most recently saved file. This also makes cleanup much simpler - as well as adding one layer of separation between your working files & the backups in case of disaster 😿


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  9. I'm sure you've run undo already.


    Usually when you scale it will scale only the selected object.

    In your case the PDF probably wasn't selected and you pressed OK to scale the entire drawing.


    If you do the same operation you will see the last used scale factor in the dialogue box. Invert this ( 1/x) and again scale the entire drawing and you should be good to go.

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