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Everything posted by WhoCanDo

  1. I can't get any more than 63. Could try Chr and Ord somewhere in you code to convert some numbers between 34 & 128 into ascii and reduce the length of your name. Regards
  2. I have VW 2010 SP4 Fundamentals and it works for me. Regards
  3. Thanks Pat, I could see the other resets would do more than I wanted. Regards
  4. I was testing "Ungroup" in a macro which kept asking if I wanted the group data applied to each object ungrouped. I ticked "Do this every time" and picked "No". Some time in the future if I want to change my mind how do I toggle this feature on/off? Regards
  5. Hi, I have been trying to resolve an issue with my plotter by redirecting my plotter port from com1: to "File" to see what is happening. All I get is an Adobe file which starts %!PS-Adobe-3.1 The same drawing plotted with AutoCAD saves a file with DMPL commands as I would have expected. Why does Vectorworks produce this output and how does the plotter driver interpret it as compared to DMPL commands?
  6. Great maaten, I love minimising code. Thanks Assembly, I have but using the CallTool works for me this time. Regards
  7. Been working on it for a while and came up with: GetPt3D ( pX, pY, pZ, False); GetView (xAngleR, yAngelR, zAngleR, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); SetView (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Draw_3D; { My new symbol } Symbol (SymName, 0, 0, 0); { Get my new symbol } Move3D (pX, pY, pZ); SetView (xAngleR, yAngelR, zAngleR, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ); I hope vw2011 has a Symbol3D (SymName, pX, pY, pZ); Regards
  8. Hi, I wish to create a 3D symbol and place it at a selected location on my drawing. I begin in Left Isometric view and I have picked a point (GetPt3D). I then create a symbol (BeginSym ... EndSym). After the symbol is created I retreive it with Symbol (SymName, 0, 0, 0); and then Move3D (pX, pY, xZ); Move3D puts it in the right place but the Symbol procedure only works in 2D. What should I be doing to get this to work?
  9. I found it. I should be using SetField. Regards
  10. Hi, I written a BeginDialog with some AddField text boxes and some AddButtons. If I click button one I want the text cell to show 1 and if I click button two I want the text cell to show 2. Is this the correct way of doing this: if (ItemSel (1) = True) then SetItemText (1, 8, '1'); else SetItemText (1, 8, '2'); because it doesn't work. Do I need a refresh or something? Note: this is still VW2010
  11. I've been asking for the same for a while now. Just like Excel will run Private Sub Workbook_Open() I would like to do a bit of setup as the stationary sheet is opened.
  12. Please tell us why do you need to know the pair lengths? If your searching for a line style then maybe the following will help: GetDashStyle or GetDashStyleIndex
  13. This thread is quite extensive, if anyone can follow it, as to why it can't be done as I found out. http://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=27613&Number=134495#Post134495 Regards
  14. I didn't say that PC's don't crash islandmon, just that Macs are not stable. However you are correct about the file. I have had files that incur errors and will not behave themselves. Cutting and pasting the drawing to another drawing usually solves the problem.
  15. Thanks Ray, I will check with my Acer laptop techs then.
  16. When you use the Windows key you are using a Windows operation which is independent of VW.
  17. Not to create a huge argument about Mac v PC but I've never know a stable Mac.
  18. If the 3D file is rendered OpenGL then I can drag any file/stationary sheet into VW and it stops. If the 3D file is wireframe then drag-n-drop does not stop VW. I wanted to see if anyone else has a problem to find some similarities before reporting the problem.
  19. One of the major differences between VW and AC is that AC is imperial and VW is metric. When I import from AC I often have to re-scale by x24.5 which is 24.5mm = 1" I think that AC use to associate colour with line weight but in recent versions it has stopped that association. It now sounds like AC uses line weights per layer. In VW you can use custom selection to select lines of specific sizes of objects of different types which can them be changed or moved as required. Will this help?
  20. I don't usually draw a lot of 3D but I recently had a need to do so. I am finding that VW2010 on the Windows 7 platform often stops with the message: "Vectorworks 2010 application has stopped working" "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly" "Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." There is no solution offered and since it didn't crash, there was no error report sent. I removed VW2010 (inc. registry items) and re-installed. I tested sp0 and sp4 but I get the same result. The stop usually occurs when I have a 3D drawing open (only tested with OpenGL rendering) and I drag-n-drop another file into Vectorworks. Can anyone else verify or expand on this?
  21. Thanks Guy, I have every other setting set to Very High.
  22. A step forward Guy, I have found that my OpenGL settings were set to low. Now my result is almost like yours although I am still getting the outside edge looking like it's several chords using a circle and Nurbs Circle unlike your smooth result. It can't be the fact that I am using Fundamentals version can it?
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