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Hi All,


I was hoping someone could show me a way of replicating this in VW2017 using my own custom title blocks and NOT the VAA ones (that workflow is too convoluted and I'm not sure they can be customised).


Revit has a Revision dialogue box that includes all revisions for the project (image 01). This dialogue also allows for revisions to have numbers or letters or none (for internal issues). It can also have clouds (linked to that revision number) to show or not show.


Image 02 shows each sheet can have it's own set of revisions (based off of the revision database list in image 01).


Image 03 shows the main drawing revision automatically updated to the latest revision from the revision list for that drawing.


Image 04 shows Revision Clouds linked to a revision. Once a cloud is placed onto a sheet, that sheet automatically gets that revision placed in the revision list



01 - Sheet Issues-Revisions.jpg

02 - Revisions on Sheet.jpg

03 - Revision in Drawing.jpg

04 - Clouds.jpg

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  • 5 months later...
53 minutes ago, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

Hello all,


I think that the Title Block Manager in VW2019 should have similar functionality for revisions?


Best Regards,

Nikolay Zhelyazkov


I'm on 2019 and the revision clouds don't seem to offer any type of linking functionality for tieing into the revision system.   They are just a piece of cloud shaped geometry. 

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
8 minutes ago, Wesley Burrows said:


I'm on 2019 and the revision clouds don't seem to offer any type of linking functionality for tieing into the revision system.   They are just a piece of cloud shaped geometry. 

- Correct, Revision Clouds are not connected to the revisions of the Title Block Border. But this is only one of the points from above. I think that the rest of the points are possible in VW2019.

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  • 5 years later...
On 1/16/2019 at 2:43 PM, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

- Correct, Revision Clouds are not connected to the revisions of the Title Block Border. But this is only one of the points from above. I think that the rest of the points are possible in VW2019.


Are there any updates on whether revision clouds will somehow be linked to revision data?

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