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Convert NURBS into Polyline to use Extrude Along Path

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I have a Polyline 2D area that is my "Path" and I have a NURBS that I want to Extrude Along Path.


Question: Can I convert that NURBS into a polyline so I can make the Extrude Along Path? When I try to convert the Copy does not stay in the same place. It just rotates around when I rotate like its floating in space.


Or can I just do it with a NURBS?



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@Pat StanfordPat, This is an extrude along path. Sorry for not making it clear.

The process was;

1. Create a Closed Polygon.

2. Alter a few vertex by double clicking on the closed polygon and from the reshape tool(-) in the basic tool pallet choose 'Change Vertex Mode" and "Fillet (Circular Arc) Point Mode" and alter vertex's as              needed. The Closed Polygon becomes a Polyline as a result of this action but Extrude Along Path with the Closed Polygon or Polyline will result in a 3D EAP object.

3. Convert the closed polygon using "Modify/Convert/Convert to NURBS" from the top ribbon.

4. Draw a Polyline of desired shape.

5. Select both and choose "Extrude Along Path" from the "Model" tab on the top ribbon.

6. Choose next to highlight the Path for the Poly to extrude along then click ok.

7. This should produce your extrude along path.


See images attached. (VW file 2018 & 2016)







Nurb along polyv2018.vwx

Nurb along poly v2016.vwx

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@António da Cunha

Your Extrude Along Path should work with profile drawn on layer plane with polylines or other 2d tools.

Profile can be drawn on other working planes, and can be certain 3d objects, but it has to be planar.

Path can be 2d or 3d.


Not clear why you are converting your profile to NURBS.

Also not understanding the rotation you describe.

Can you post a screen shot of your path, profile and resulting EAP?


About the Extrude Along Path command.

The Path:

     Planar or 3d.

     Closed or open.

     Polyline, NURBS or almost any type 2d or 3d linear object or shape.


The Profile:

     Must be planar.

     Closed or open.

     Can be a Polyline, polygon, NURBS, 3d polygon, circle, rectangle, and some others.

     Cannot be Mesh or Generic Solid, even if planar.




Edited by Benson Shaw
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