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Hi people!

We have an issue with viewports! We are working on a big project with lots of references.

Basically, the viewport is blank - we can still select is - you can see the annotations in it but no drawing. Yet, when you navigate to the design layer the drawing is there. I think we have tried all the usual reasons - classes not turned on etc. but no. luck.

Has anyone experienced this?

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So the only other thing I can think of that the referenced files may have been moved. If my memory is correct, the reference links once established can only find the files if they are in the exact same location(s) and have the same name(s)...

Ultimately you might be forced to redo the missing VP's. But there's some good news: the Annotations can usually be used again simply by selecting all and copying, then pasting and locating in the new annotation space(s).

As to why this sort of thing occurs... Not entirely sure, but you might try tech support and see if they have any magic solutions.

Good Luck!

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Jupiter - Two more things, really basic. Apologies if you already know all this, but it may help others.

1. Select one of your blank VPs. In the OIP, toggle the "Display Planar Objects" and "Project Screen Objects" options.

2. Just in case, look one more time at bcd's idea about the crop objects.

Just to explain a little in case you or others are not familiar: A crop object is a polygon or other closed object which bounds a viewport. One way a vp is created is by drawing a rectangle (in the design layer) to surround the area intended to be in the VP. Leave it selected, then run the Create VP command. The resulting VP will show only the area bounded by the rectangle. Crop size, shape, location can be edited in the Edit VP, Crop options. As bcd suggests, you could have a crop which is showing a blank area of the drawing.

Select one of your blank VPs. and look in the OIP. Right under the Rotation setting is the Crop indicator - either yes or no. If No, then your blank VP is from some other cause.

If Yes, the VP has a crop object, which might be the problem.

Dbl click the blank VP to enter the edit mode. In the edit dialog, select Crop, and both the options for visibility outside the crop. Your view will switch to VP Crop Edit. Select All. The OIP should indicate one object - OIP and Attributes Palette will describe it.

While you are in the Crop Edit, you should also be able to zoom in or out to see your design layer objects. You can snap to them, but not edit them. If you cannot view any design layer objects, the crop is not likely the problem. If you do see the expected design layer objects, relocate and resize the crop object as nec for intended VP. Exit Crop Edit.

Good luck.


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