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Exporting VRs?

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OK, just horsed around with the VR export in 2011. Made a few 3d objects and added a directional light, set view to TOP, Select All, Render FQRW, File>Export>Export Quicktime VR Object . . . left the default settings

View went wire frame, changed to side view, rerendered, render progress indicated at bottom of window. A mov file is created, but has zero size and returns error: The movie could not be opened. This file is not a movie file.

Selected all the objects except the light and grouped them (VW Help indicates Select an object -just one?) and tried again. mov file created, same error.

My QT is QT Player Version 10.0 (118). I have an old license for QT Pro 7, but I can't tell if it is even installed anymore not in my apps. Is Pro 7 even relevant anymore? Apple downloads have no QT Pro updates beyond v7.

I looked on my VW Install disk and found no QT in Packages folder or elsewhere on the disk. Is QT in the VW app? I did not want to reinstall the whole app, thanks.

Anyone getting this to work?


Edited by Benson Shaw
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QuickTimeVR has been discontinued by Apple and does not exist in the latest version of QuickTime. You can however still play QuickTimeVR movies in QuickTime Player 7 and this can be downloaded for free from the Apple website.

I just exported a simple QuickTimeVR movie from Vw 2011. When I double clicked on it to open it a dialog box came up informing me that I need QuickTime Player 7 to open the file and it gives me an option to Open it in QuickTime Player 7. I have that installed on this computer and therefore the movie opens in it and can be viewed.

So if you want to use the QuickTime VR capability all you need to do is download and install QuickTime Player 7.

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Thanks mike, could you please run throught the steps you took to actually create the movie......my workflow was similar to Bensons and the results the same, i was aware of the fact that the movie files have to be opened in QT 7 that is why i have it installed parallel to the newest version, however the result is the same??

Edited by Vincent C
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Usually when Apple stops supporting something, there is a good reason - something better in the works or already in play (3d pdf?), kludge, or lack of interest from users.

Old player required to run the movies, so most operators will be unable to see the content without an inconvenient download/install replete with fears of overwriting current software.

VR almost never comes up in the forums, so VW users must not depend on it.

I never saw a VR example from VW. I have only rarely seen a VR movie from other software, usually interior views of kitch filled rooms (fun).

The VW installer apparently does not install the correct QT version to create or run the feature.

No warnings or options for correct QT version offered in the HELP.

Animation features within VW seem to create similar output without backing into old software.

This looks like a legacy curiosity rather than a useful feature..



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I looked around in my applications folder and found QT Player 7 in the Apps>Utilities. Then I tried the VR export again. #1 with the whole scene selected (except the light object) and Top View. #2 with one, central sphere selected and oblique view. #3 same as #2 but rendered in Normal Perspective.

Same result as before - mov file created, zero size, will not open in QT 10 or 7.

I think maybe VW is only finding QT10 when creating the file.

Any ideas?


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Mike, how long did take to create that VR.mov after you clicked the export button? Are there progress indicators during the entire export? A 200mb file should take more than a few seconds to render.

Maybe my export was still in progress. The scene in my drawing is a couple extrudes and some spheres, all with solid fill, plus a shadow casting light object which lights the 3d scene, but itself is visible only in 2d.

As described above, I clicked the export button, there was a brief pause, the view went into wire frame for less than a second, the progress bar appeared at bottom of window and completed in about a second. No indication of any ongoing actions, either on screen or the clicking hard drive. VW seemed to stop working on the export after about 3 seconds. The file created by the export is identified as a QT10 file with the QT10 icon.


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It took several minutes and during the process you could see each successive view being rendered. I used the default settings of the Export VR dialog which requires 105 rendered views.

My test is with a simple object and no light effects. A complex scene with lights might take quite a while to render each rendered view and probably requires quite a lot of spare memory to store each of those rendered views.

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My tests were as described - really quick, just a second or two with only one redraw and one rerender - no view changes or intermediate renders. Just tried it with two extrudes and no light, FQRW, H&V frames set to 5 (total 25). Same fast export with one wireframe redraw and then render again in orig view. Same failed file.

How does the export process know to access QT7 on your setup? I'm assuming you also have QT10 present.


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Still looking at this. Apple Support Downloads QT 7 has quite a list. 2 or 3 pages in there is QT 7.6.6 for Mac. File title indicates Snow Leopard and support for legacy products including VR and PRO. Just downloaded, but still no success with the VR export. More to play with now, so perhaps will find the cause.

Vincent - I am holding my Mac at OS10.6.6 for now, looks like you made the jump to 10.6.7. Anyway, 10.6.7 does not seem to be the (only) problem.


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Your new system looks great, Vincent. I think you would have seen any 10.6.7 problems already. There were some early adopters finding problems launching iTunes and some other things, so I waited in case of major system errors. But I have not heard of any huge, ongoing problems and will update sometime soon.

My system creates animations OK, too. I'm just curious about the VR now, so staying on the case. It seems that I should be able to create one.


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Hi reported this problem shortly after starting with VW2011 I was provided with a fix by the techies and OzCad which was a Cinema 4D QT agent to replace existing one it works but a QT VR object in 2010 would be 10-15 MB in 2011 it is 700MB + so I export back to 2010 to make the VR object if required.

I can provide you with the fix if you send me an email

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Find that a little hard to believe, have you seen my (new) specs? I think it perhaps has something to do with the way/order QT7 was installed.

Perhaps QT10 is the one VW/C4D finds first and therefore never even gets down to rendering at all, because that function just isn't present (I'm assuming VWs needs (to find) the QT7 VR function to produce these scenes)

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