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Windoor - Internal Trim Odd Gap


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I have a really annoying 3/8" gap between the wall and the edge of the window trim in Windoor.  I thought that setting "Offset (3)" to zero would work.  But nothing in this group of settings actually eliminates this gap. 


Is there another setting somewhere else?






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If you're referring to the offset between the Architrave and Reveal, not that I'm aware of. The two elements do not have fully independent controls in WinDoor. It defaults the Reveal to the Architrave's thickness and offsets the Architrave by half.  


This is a common detail however, but independent thicknesses, the ability to recess the reveal into the frame and an Architrave offset control would have been great additions . . . not to mention custom profiles, alas!


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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, BG said:

Try setting the offset (3) to the same thickness as the window frame member thickness. This eliminates the offset for us.


Hi BG, I had no luck with that. There must be another quirk or point of difference in your setting to get the offset working that way.


Any chance you could post an example file with your all settings?  

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Thanks, got it. The difference is I set the frame size and position to match specific window and door series, which requires the reveal. The offset is behaving the same either way though (from the frame), it's just that the architrave is fixed at half its thickness once Windoor creates a reveal.   

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