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Contours wrapping on edge of model


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I'm attaching my file and a screenshot of the area I'm asking about. After I create the site model, everything looks good but for some reason, on one side, it creates a wall of stacked contours that have returned along the site model boundary. I tried editing the existing contours but they just end up going right back to where they were. I'm sure it's an issue with my source data or some of the settings but any help would be great. 



Screen Shot 2023-02-15 at 11.26.53 AM.png


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@JonKoch You are probably correct that it has to do with your source data. One way to mitigate the issue, if you don't want to mess with your source data is to simply change the shape crop...just slightly move or tweak the shape of the crop in the offending area.

Meaning move it in a bit. When you post a file it is a really good idea to note what version of VW it is...I don't use 2023 so I could not open your file 🙂


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi, I created the site model but can't really see an issue. The 'wall' of contours can happen if there is an indent in the source data area - Vectorworks then try to make up the missing area. Try to crop the site just slightly, so it goes right inside the edge of the original contours - this should fix it.

Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 18.25.03.png

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@JonKoch one thing you can do is add some point data beyond the “wall of contours” to help vectorworks define the surface beyond the crop.  This will smooth the contours out and allow you to show the desired information beyond the property line.  You don’t have to add but one or two at the correct elevation to be successful.

Edited by jeff prince
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