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Found 10 results

  1. It would be very usefull to have an option to snap to the centre line off a walls core component. We draw structural plans and we always refer to the middle off the structural parts. Seems like a simple but realy usefull feature 😉
  2. In this video I try to use the reshape tool in adjust parallel edges mode to adjust the bottom edge of an extrude to align with to top face of another extrude below, however Vectorworks fails to acquire any snaps on the extrude below. I would expect snap to point to acquire the top corner of the extrude below. I would expect to be able to hit T to constrain the movement to the vertical axis and then be able to snap to the intersect of the constrained line with the top face of the extrude below. I switch to orthogonal mode and rotate view to match the plane of the extrusion hoping that I might pick up a point somewhere but I don't get any snaps at all on the object below. Why is this not working? As you can see I have all my snaps turned on apart from grid snap. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature request. But it feels like it must be a bug because if I come out of the extrude and draw a line from the point at which the reshape handle was at to the top face of the extrude below the snaps work as expected. If I then go back into the extrude I'm able to use reshape to edit the polygon inside the extrude to snap to the point at the bottom of the line. 2078744964_ScreenRecording2023-01-31at12_27_09.mov 376387456_ScreenRecording2023-01-31at13_06_34.mov 1311394037_ScreenRecording2023-01-31at13_09_11.mov
  3. I love the momentary snapping suspension (`) - but sometimes I use the lower right button to suspend snapping. It would be nice if in this case the (`) key would momentarily ACTIVATE snapping. That is all.
  4. Sometimes objects become unsnappable. As in, their key points are not detected by the tool I am using to edit another object. In the attached video I edit a solid and try to adjust an extrude to snap to another solid object on the layer below. As you can see from the attached video, none of the points on this solid subtraction object are detected by the snap tool, but other solid objects on the same layer are detected. I think this must be a bug, I've noticed it several times in many different projects and versions of vectorworks over the years. The only thing I can think is that there is some way to make objects invisible to the snap tool. Its quite an irritating bug as I really disrupts my train of thought trying to come up with a workaround. Also, if I am working inside an Auto Hybrid object I cannot snap to objects outside of the hybrid object group when in a 3D view, I think this also must be a bug. Screen Recording 2021-04-26 at 15.05.40.mov
  5. Hi, Updated my iMac to VW2020 SP2 today and it seems like the snapping cues are gone. They were there before. Tried restart etc, but no difference. On my laptop I haven't updated yet and the snapping cues are fine. Any thoughts?
  6. Hi guys. I'm running into a problem when drawing a line in 3D. When I hover my mouse over the edge of the 3D object (at blue arrow) there appears this 3-axis cursor thing (at red arrow) that has the 3 axis' colours and what looks like a smartpoint where they meet in the middle, it follows my mouse position on the Z-axis, just a bit lower. As soon as I click the mini 3 axis cursor disappears and the line origin has started to draw from the 3-axis mirror cursor and not on the edge where my cursor actually was. I checked the Smart Cursor settings one by one and none of them seems to be the solution. I'm sure it is not a bug and that I'm missing something. Any help is appretiated! Thanks in advance!
  7. Is anyone else having this problem? I can't stop snapping to objects or grid by using the ( ` ) key. Seems like it may be a bug.
  8. When I work with subdivisions, nurbs or meshes, I have to turn off snapping temporarily in order to move vertices by a tiny amount. If I don't, the vertex will snap to its own original position and prevent the move. Yes, I can move it a lot, but I cannot move it a little. I wish, there was an option – under the 'Snap to Object' tool preferences – to prevent points, vertices, subdivision controls etc. from snapping to themselves. Does that make sense?
  9. Hi All, I'm going a little crazy and need someone to do this bug test for me, two parts; Part One Make a truss. Convert to lighting position. Using Instrument Insertion place a few lamps onto the truss. Raise Truss lighting position to 6000mm in Z. Ensure lights stay on truss from front view. Part Two Make a Truss. Convert to lighting position. Raise Truss lighting position to 6000mm in Z. Using Instrument Insertion place a few lamps onto the truss. Ensure lights are hung on truss (mine aren't!) *Optional extra - try to hang more lights on lighting positions, default insertion is 0mm. Just let me know if your experience is the same. Especially @JimWdo you get this? Hope you're all well. J
  10. One of my longest standing wishlist items that I am only now posting to the forum has to deal with snapping tangents from an object to a curved/arced object. Be it a circle, arc, arc-polyline, the tangent snap point does not work when drawing an arc or polyline to that feature. To better illustrate the problem I put together a short screenshot video. I have also linked another thread because of it's relevance to the situation
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