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Found 11 results

  1. Instrument Summary tool continues to be lagging heavily still on v2022 SP3. It's not tenable to wait upwards of 1-2min for VW to stop beach balling.. Can anyone relate? I'm running right now on a 14" MBP M1 Pro.
  2. Hi Guys, Anyone having this issue with the instrument summary text? All text disappears. The only way to solve it at the moment is inserting a new summary which is a pain since I need to re-do all my summary settings every time. Thanks in advance.
  3. I would like to be able to add various other types of instruments to the instrument summary for final presentation. As you can see from the image attached I have got as far as adding a truss symbol into the summary by attaching a light info record to the 2D symbol which has then meant it has appeared in the build list. However, whilst this is great, i'm struggling in getting the count working properly. Please can someone advise on how to get this working? I've tried altering many parameters in the light info record but i'm unsure as to what data the software uses to calculate the "count". Many thanks Dan
  4. Which piece of ID does the Inst Summary use to count units? Each symbol has four: 3D Symbol Name Model Name Instr Type Fixture ID We have spare units of each type I do not wish to include in the count. I’d like to give them a separate name to not include them. Thanks and Merry Christmas! RP
  5. OK, so plot done, dropboxed to shop, all is well, til the swaps, count and other changes occur. Deadlines are now, as they tend to be at this point in the process. The Instrument Summary tool in 2019 appears to be failing. Please see attached movie, where you'll notice truncated text in the "Build List" tool, swapping out for the correct item fails repeatedly / continuously, so no fresh plot to the shop. SO not good. Since productivity on this project has stopped, I took the time away from other projects to reach out here for assistance. All help gratefully received! No, I can not upload the file, nda and all that. Yes, I did check to be sure all items are attached to hanging position. EDIT: Just chatted with Juan in Priority Support, who says this is a known problem without a current fix, but with a workaround: "Add a dummy field as last item, so that becomes the hidden item" or words to that effect. I'll report back here shortly. OK, the workaround works: 1] created, then added a dummy fixture to document resource folder 2] executed the steps as shown in second movie, which basically equates to adding the dummy fixture as the last item in the summary But you'll also notice that when multiple Inst Summaries are selected and acted upon, only the first in that selection becomes modified, so every single summary must be touched individually, in order correct the issue. Upwards of thirty of those on my current document. Anyone know why this is? Inst Sum Nightmare.mp4 Instrument Summary Nightmare workaround.mp4
  6. In Vectorworks 2019 SP0 if I insert an instrument summary and apply the custom options prompted when you first use the tool and then go back to the tool and click the "instrument summary tool preferences" button next to the mode choices I get the spinning beachball of death and Vectorworks stops responding and I have to force quit. Attached is a file I can repeat the problem in 100%. Is anyone else having this problem or can replicate with a blank file or the attached file? 2019 SP0 Instrument Summary BUG.vwx
  7. I am having issues with the instrument summary. If i try to create a instrument summary in advanced or create one that I can use in multiple drawings, it will work untill i start adding new things to the drawing, then it just nulls all values and I have to recreate the whole block over again. Is there a way to create a default Instrument summary, so i do not have to create a new one each time? Is there a way that I can import a format of instrument summary?
  8. I'm trying to make my strip lights appear as one unit instead of each individual nested symbol in my instrument summaries. is there any way to do this? See attached image of how it's behaving now. I'd like the Inst schedule to just say "Altman Zip Strip 4ckt" with a qty of 1 and only show 1 symbol like it shows in my resource browser.
  9. VW 2017 SP Latest, all fresh symbols from VW Object Styles Lighting Instruments, ie: no legacy fixtures When creating instrument summaries for an event, I have succeeded in placing 5 out of 19 summaries. No further summaries seem to be creating. See first MOV. I saved, shut down VW and restarted to no avail. There's also something skippy going on with the tool - see second Mov. thanks all. Inst_Sum_FAIL.mov Inst_Sum_FAIL2.mov
  10. Is it possible to build a clear all filters button for the instrument summary tool? This would be most helpful, especially in a drawing with a sophisticated class structure.
  11. Hi All I`m stuck with a problem. I`ve read threads about fixture rotation, but they seem not to give answers. So let`s say I have 4-lite Molefay fixture and I want to aim it towards audience. To rotate fixture, I have to edit 3D components of the symbol (If i try using 3d orientation, parts of fixture will explode all around). After editing components, my fixture looks right in 3D, but my symbol in TOP/PLAN-view looks the same as before editing components (it is the same if I rotate the fixture with 3d orientation). Then I go and delete 2d-components and paste 3d components. Now everything looks right, but when I try to use Instrument summary tool, it tells me "No 2D preview", since it obviously would need the 2D-components I have deleted. Sure I`m doing something wrong, so any help? Many Thanks.
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