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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Posts posted by JuanCarlos

  1. @KWiley Happy New Year!

    In the attached file you can find a simple small sample of a Record attached through the Data Manager and a formula applied to one of the record fields to automate an output. Reading through the thread I understand this was a manual process for you with the exception of the attached Record to the Style Object, the same can be accomplished with the Data Manager, further more and the beauty of it, is that the process can be automated through formulas (same as in worksheets) making the process faster and less prone to errors

    Hint, use worksheets to check your formulas


    Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 1.15.09 PM.png

    Record to styles.vwx

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  2. Hi Henrique, 

    You have to attach the IFC record to the symbol at the Resource level (Right click on the Symbol), in you case would be IfcFurnishingElementType then mark/check the IFC entities/Psets that are to be used and fill the Property Values as desired

    Resource Manager.png



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