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Posts posted by matteoluigi

  1. 13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    1. Do you mean “Project Directory”? The Projects Directory is the folder from where your server-based projects are served. The Projects Directory can contain all your BIM or CAD files - Project Files, Working Files, PDFs, VWX files, etc. It can also include your files from previous versions of Vectorworks. I am sure you have a well-defined structure for their files (e.g., /DATA/Drawings/...). It would be best to think about where your Project Files will likely reside within your project structure and use the most common folder. Your Project Directory can be “/DATA” or “/DATA/Drawings/Current” if you only wanted to be more specific. 

    We use a whole network drive, just for our projects. You can find all (more or less) active projects in that folder, for every folder there are subfolders with a whole lot of various data for the projects.



    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    2. Yes, it is possible if you know how daemons work, but we do not recommend it. Why are you looking for this solution?

    not really neccessary. Just an idea. I made a little linux experience (Debian, ubuntu) but it's a few years ago.


    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    3. We recommended one psserverd per machine. The psserverd is light-weight. It can handle thousands (if not millions) of requests per second. If you are running the psserverd within your local network, I do not see a need for load-balancing.

    One server per machine should be ok. If the server really can handle that much requests, well, then it should be fine.


    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    4. The psserverd can handle hundreds of projects at the same time. Do you have BIM or CAD files across multiple machines? Your goal should be installing one psserverd on the machine (or NAS device) where your files are stored.

    Sounds great! I remember testing PS in 2015 and it was really slow ;-D


    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    5. Your colleague will use the File -> Open Server-based Project File menu command. 



    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    6. We are always looking to improve our solutions. Could you please share the current roadblocks or limitations you have with our existing solutions?

    I'll keep that ideas in mind. Actually we don't really need a system which connects more servers in different locations. I will also be happy without a kind of "bim server" like in Archicad. However a slim web-interface for controlling the server-status could be an interesting idea.



    13 hours ago, JuanP said:

    thank you for your questions:

    Thanks a lot for your really detailed answer!

  2. Joshua Benghiat already told me, that record-format-criteria with variables can be finicky. However, I now wanted to switch my script to python.


    Can anyone tell me why "ZANZAHL = vs.Count("('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=Variable)");" doesn't work, or beter, what can I do for make it working?

    Sure, the whole Syntax inbetween the quotation marks is a string, so, the variable gets lost.

    Maybe I really have to concatenate the criteria to make them working, do I really have to? Sounds quite strange to me. Looking for record format criteria with variables sounds to me quite normal.

  3. Hi,

    worksheets in Vectorworks are a great tool for controlling, checking and evaluating the content of a drawing/file. As shown in the example drawing, we want to edit also wall-criteria directly from a worksheet. Unfortunately, walls aren't "linked" to a visible record format and ifc-data are not editable from a worksheet.

    Is there any other option (except of attaching an own record format to all walls and linking the record format data via ifc-datamanager into the ifc-data)?

    In this example file I want to edit "Pset_WallCommon.FireRating", "Pset_WallCommon.AcousticRating" and "IfcWallStandardCase.Name".





  4. 28 minutes ago, elepp said:

    Revit now supports both

    the last time I worked with revit, it was server based. There now exists also the option of shadowing a project between two offices in two different cities/buildings... so you always work with your "local" server. We had the technical-engineer-files (heating, air, electro sanitary and the according wall openings) directly linked together, too, working from two locations, connected via vpn

  5. Hi

    i still got a few ps-server questions:

    1) the shared folder accessed by the psserver is the place where all project files, managed through the running server app are stored in, right? (i think YES)

    2) is it possible to run more server-app instances on one server machine

    3) do you maybe recommend running psserverd on more machines maybe? Or is one server for more projects ok? (mainly for load balancing and reliability issues)

    4) how many projects are possible on one server-app? we have more server-computers: a mac mini and a cylindric mac pro.

    5) if another colleague wants to participate he first has to open the vwxp-file on the shared folder, right?


    6) why didn't you set up a REAL SERVER WITH USER MANAGEMENT, PROJECT MANAGEMENT... like the hungarians did, too. Revit does it for example as well... so sad 😉

  6. Just another idea:

    priority levels from 1 to x, which set the importance of the chosen criteria.

    level 2 criteria are set in one bracket, level 3 in 2 brackets... I think, this could be a way, to solve that issue in a rather simple and comprehensive way. More complicated criteria sets so still have to be written in "manual-code".

    what do you think?


    (2 options...)

    @elepp @Hugues




  7. 14 hours ago, Pat Stanford said:

    The Message command "stopped working" a few versions ago

    btw, the first in the introduction of vector script is basing mainly on the Message-command. I'm sure, the page hasn't been touched for a rather long time, however, a quite unsatisfying "first script" for beginners ;-).

  8. Hi,

    I try to put out some Info via the message bar. (i actually am thinking about some kind of progress bar)

    Unfortuntately their doesn't appear any text in the message bar...

    any ideas?

    (it's the first example script from the developer-page) 😉



    PROCEDURE FirstExample;
       kGREETING = 'Hello ';
       MyMessage : STRING;



  9. 12 hours ago, Hugues said:

    I would be interested to know if there is an interface out there that does this type of AND/ OR queries and that you consider elegant, intuitive and easy to use. 

    I could imagine like in the following screenshot. Maybe with a checkbox to enable or disable the functionality, so, users who don't care about "&" and "|" don't have to think about it. However, if you already start to use worksheets with criteria filters setting logical links is an elementary thing.



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  10. 27 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    Edit Database Formula

    @Pat Stanford I know about the Database Formula. I can edit it also in former Vectorworks-Versions, immediately after having left the dialogue.



    31 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    it would be nice to have more control over the & and | options through the dialog box

    in my opinion, worksheets are a rather good feature in Vectorworks. However, not being able to edit & and | is quite a limitation for getting deeper in good worksheets. I think their should already exist an Enhancement Request...

  11. Hi,


    I like working on worksheets in Vectorworks, however, Vectorworks tends to set "&" and "|" connections for Database-criteria rather randomly. (with a logic behind it, but, not always matching my aims)


    As you can see in the screenshot, i want to filter all Rooms which are bathrooms from Building nr. 1


    However, everytime I try to set these criteria, Vectorworks writes: "=DATENBANK(((R IN ['Wohnung']) & (('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Bad') | ('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=1))))"

    I always have to switch in "=DATENBANK(((R IN ['Wohnung']) & (('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Bad') & ('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=1))))"


    Can't you implement the option of setting the logical connection for "And" "Or" or "not" directly in criteria dialogue? That would be quite, recommended (not great)

    (like in the second screenshot)



    Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-21 um 10.38.51_2.png

  12. @JBenghiat @Pat Stanford

    I finally made it 😄 (with a week off vacation inbetween 😉 )  


    It works. I hope there is nothing strange in that script. I decided not to use the critstring. I didn't get it working, now without critstring the script works fine.


    Thanks a lot for your help!





    HNR:            INTEGER;    {House-Number}
    WHGNR:            INTEGER;    {Apartment-Number}
    ZNR:            INTEGER;
    ZANZAHL:        REAL;        {Number of Rooms from the actually looped apartment}
    WKANZAHL:        REAL;        {Number of half-rooms from the actually looped apartment}
    WHGSCL:            REAL;        {Type of apartment (= one-room two-room,...}
    WHGFL:            REAL;        {Apartment aera}
    WHGSCLSTR:        STRING;        {String of Type of apartment (= one-room two-room,...} 
    WHGFLSTR:        STRING;        {String of Apartment aera}

    PROCEDURE CalledProc(HNDL:Handle);
        {SetRField(HNDL,'Wohnung','Whg-Typ', Concat('TEST'));}
        {AlrtDialog(Concat('Handle: ',(Concat(HNDL))));}
        SetRField(HNDL,'Wohnung','Whg-Typ', Concat(WHGSCLSTR,'-Zi-Whg'));
        SetRField(HNDL,'Wohnung','Whg-Flaeche', Concat(WHGFLSTR,' m2'));


    FOR HNR:=1 TO 6 DO

    FOR WHGNR:=10 TO 50 DO

    ZANZAHL := COUNT((('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=HNR) & ('Wohnung'.'Whg-Nr'=WHGNR)) & (('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Zimmer') | ('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Arbeitszimmer') | ('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Wohnen')));
        {Zählt, wieviele Zimmer in der Wohnung mit der Wohnungsnummer NR sind.}
    WKANZAHL := COUNT(('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=HNR) & ('Wohnung'.'Whg-Nr'=WHGNR) & ('Wohnung'.'Zimmertyp'='Wohnküche'));
    WHGFL:=AREA(('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=HNR) & ('Wohnung'.'Whg-Nr'=WHGNR));

    WHGSCLSTR := Num2Str(1, WHGSCL);  {i needed to set the rounding for half rooms,...}

    WHGFLSTR := Num2Str(2, WHGFL); {i needed to set the rounding for the apartment-area}

    {AlrtDialog(Concat('Haus: ',HNR, ' ; Wohnung: ',WHGNR, ' ; ZI-NR: ',WHGSCL,';',WHGSCLSTR, ' ; Fläche: ',WHGFLSTR, ' m2: '));}

                ForEachObject(CalledProc, (('Wohnung'.'Haus-Nr'=HNR) & ('Wohnung'.'Whg-Nr'=WHGNR)));






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