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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. kiwi

    making the leap

    I must correct myself: Te SDK try to run the classic environment because he was compress on it. But once uncompress you can see all the package as normals PDF, HTML files and all the VW plugins. He looks like a hard and long road. Now I need to purchase Codewarrior and have a struggle with C++... when I just start to fell at ease with the apple developer tools and the cocoa framework... I still need to find a way to Unix, and run my grid calculation systems on VW objects (get rid of the linux PC multiprocessor network... and use G5 farms): somehow he must be a way! If anybody have a idea... Thanks.
  2. Is a big flaw on the concept Click to switch visibility: how to click on a object that you can not see ? Anyways the hidden objects become visible as soon you switch classes. But even visible they have a invisible variable, and you could run an Hide (v=false); to get rid of everything. Once you have select ( a name, handle... ) an object you could test his visibility by a V=false and mach your object to the resulting list, but somebody else may have something more practical (incredibly there is no visibility index selector for an GetObjectVariableBoolean() !!! ) The bounding of an invisible box seems to have hollow selectors. But a hide script could add some dash line to make the all think easier to see. He still a nice way to clear up a drawing in a click (or a key stroke), and bit like work with guides but with out the extra classes to worry about... I don't think you could set VW to run a script when you Option+click from the normal cursor position, you need to make a call to the script by a selection on a palette, or a Key shortcut to a plugin. But there is another idea for the never ending wish list: Add our own events to a modifier key on the selection tool... could be a good one!
  3. Anyone would share a working sample of code using a dialog callback subroutine: The PDF from NNA is more than scarce on the subject and I don't find any script or plugin (unlock) with modern dialogs that works: not even on the manual !!! Is a shame they don't give a full working sample to compensate the little info they give to handle dialog events. We only get non matching and incomplete bits of code: Up to us to guess how make it work! Couldn't find any on the Vector Depot... Thanks.
  4. Is an easy way: -Split your two (or more) options as different scripts. -You set them up as tool plugins (organize/script) -Set in your workspace new key shortcuts for the new tools as folow: option 1: "YourKey" option 2: "Option+YourKey" option 3: "shift+YourKey"... -You just need then to call the tool you need using the right modify key. -To redraw use Redraw, for the whole drawing try RedrawAll. Is not exactly what you ask for, but I hope that helps...
  5. Hi Chris, Since I use quite a bit the extrude along path, I try to reproduce your problem: a circle (convert or not to nurbs) and a complicate (x,y,z) nurbs path (degre 5, 12 vertices, weights ranging from 1 to 3, and I even tickle a bit the Knots via VS... just in case) but he works fine as a linear or an exponential path extrude Will be interesting to hear from others.
  6. Oops! on the outside twoo. I never use the tool with the multiple objects selected on previous versions, but on 10.5 under OXS 10.2.8, all less the clicked of a selection of objects will only ofset on the outside.
  7. Your problem seems interesting... but I'm not using landmark and I can not reproduce your problem: but for what I can help: If you are saying that the unwanted locus are at the end of the polylines (last vertex), he may be easier to have a script that recognize those, helping you to delete them. Something like: For each locus GetPickObjInfo (h) IF Locus point = first or last vertex of h (from pick info) then delete locus That should put you on the track. If you are not familiar with VS I'll need more info about the file (or a sample) to adapt something to suit your use: you could have other polys or locus interfering and he could be more than one poly under a locus! Find a point (or the middle) on a polyline has never ben easy with vs: the best way is graphical (math is much harder, and must of the times so complex), but since I never found any function to find the intersection bettwin a polyline and any other object, I normally convert the poly to lines, and run a loop LineLineIntersection(), but on your case that may not suit, and some of the locus could be a bit on the side of your lines. The more accurate the lines conversion the longer the script will take to calculate all the curves (unless dual G5). May be somebody with a better idea?
  8. The Option function only modify one of the user interactive functions. To recognize if any key is pressed you will need to use the KeyDown ( VAR ascii code: longint) with the ascii key of your choice.
  9. Yes, I use the Microsoft: the inertia of the big ball send the cursor all the way across the screen (even on a apple 23"), I still remember push all the junk of of my desk with the apple mouse on a vain attempt to reach the opposite side! Is just a bit annoying to have to clean the metal inserts few times at day: is the Kensington any better? I must say that a lot of us spend more time the mouse "in hand" than on our car or bed, for a few bucks more (much less than a screen upgrade) is worth to get the best we can find, and save a elbow tendinitis.
  10. Many tools have more than three options an sometimes dif. modes, that's why you can configure the "mode groups" on the "misc. keys" (custom workspace), and switch to any of the options or modes by pressing the keys of your choice. this way you can reach any of the functions or options of VW.
  11. I never seen on OSX a right button that operate a VW function or tool (he open the contextual menu): we normally use the keyboard shortcuts with the left hand. Zoom and horizontal scrolling can be done by defect: with the well and holding the option or shift buttons (space for the hand and boomerang mode). On my trackball (5 buttons+well) one set the auto scrolling that will use the ball to zoom or scroll. The other 2 extra buttons open folders or apps.I use them on both of my computers, dual G4 and Ibook. Since I use my thumb trackball, my elbow don't complain after 10h of VW. Once learn, they can be fast, really fast, specially if your desk is a mess like mine. But not everybody like them, and I can only say that is worth to give them a try (they come in two models: finger tips, and thumb ball).
  12. Welcome to vs, Go to the help menu and call the vectorworkshelp, he will display a PDF document with links to the VS language guide, and VS reference. A easy way to start with VS is to call the custom visibility/tool/selection on the organize menu: he will create basics scripts giving you a basic insight. This tools, an some easy modifications, can create the scripts you are talking about. The vector depot have some good info (you will find a link on the NNA page). Good luck!
  13. Wanted! Will be useful to have a script function type File I/O: JumpTo(VAR z1: STRING) (after Open()) Much easier to navigate around our data in txt files with out the never ending sets of ReadLn() loops and IF: We could name paragraphs, select limited areas of wanted data, read external and exotic formats. Thanks.
  14. Yeah! And I've been thinking for a little while why the guides wouldn't show... the original script lists objects with a WHILE (<>NIL): I should be more careful. The Close('class.txt') is wrong and should be replace by Close(fn). The PutFile('Select the file','New File',fn); save the file as a text doc, but even adding the .txt ('New File.txt') the file still try to open on VW: Any idea why? is a bit annoying to try to check a list of groups of objects and, if I forget to "open with", get a error message and a new doc in VW.
  15. The OIP have an area of information ("data") where you can assign names to the objects (first field). Looks stupid, but if you name a table: "table", or all the objects that make a table: "table" you have another set of information that you can access from queries (or multiple queries) on the Organize/custom selection, or from the scripts (you can even name a group with out louse the names of the objects). I spend the must of my time scripting, not drawing, and the name is a quite useful tool. He let me select on a class objects with the same name (or same name and attributes) and manipulate them the way I like with out care about classes (or long lists of handles). Scripts are the only way I found to access objects inside a group and edit them with out edit the group or subgroups: You ungroup with a first script that export a .txt file with all the names of group and subgroups, edit your object and the second script, thanks to the .txt recreate the original group system (I never finish the script). The one I'm using at the moment takes out of a group the objects with a specific name (ungroup, search, handle+ deselect, group, select h). Still he will be nice to have a folder like system (drag and drop) for the objects on the OIP, that enable selection, edit or... simply understand what we are looking at!
  16. I use a vs to generate files (DXF format) that includes some arcs. The DXF file suppose to be cut by plotter-cuter: but some of the arcs do so the wrong way around! Then, I try to import the same file on Autocad, and the direction (start to end) is the inverse of my vs drawing? Next draw is an "arc" with a polyline: the export will be cut (or import in autocad) correctly. Last I hand draw two sets of arcs face to face with opposite directions, and one set will be export correctly, a bit if any arc will be export on only one angular direction! I'm not sure what to think. My old 8.2 VW never had the problem, and I'm not familiar reading DXF text format to see where's the problem. I hope anyone has an idea of where could be my error: is driving our plotters a bit crazy and makes our cutting inconsistent Dual 1,25 OSX 10.2 and plenty of ram. Thanks for any help! Kiwi.
  17. try this vs (bit crude, but does the job!) He will not write the guides class. Procedure TheClass; VAR n,a: LONGINT; fn: STRING; Mcl: DYNARRAY [] OF STRING; BEGIN n:=ClassNum; a:=1; ALLOCATE Mcl [1..n]; REPEAT Mcl[a]:=ClassList(a); a:=a+1; UNTIL (a=n); a:=1; PutFile('Select the file','New File',fn); Message(fn); IF NOT DidCancel THEN REPEAT WriteLn(Mcl[a]); a:=a+1; UNTIL (a=n); Close('class.txt'); END; Run(TheClass);
  18. Have look on File/Workspaces/workspace editor : a function that enables you to customize your shortcuts, tool bars, menus... and save huge amounts of screen area! Better if you create your own workspaces, and keep the ones come with VW until you get the hand for it! You will find the workspaces files on the folder Vectoworks/workspaces: make sure to make copies of your ones in case you need to work on new workstation, or reinstal your VW...
  19. kiwi

    VRML not working

    Hi Katie, The file size is over 180Kb, and I use the cortona VRML 4.1 client for mac OSX. I place the files on a web server: the ones from VW display a black screen, the ones from my old design software show all right. The cortona 4.1 is the only client I found for OSX (I think he take 1.0, will check with cortona!). I will apreciate if you could indicate any other web plugin to use with the files I export from VW on VRML format. Thanks, Kiwi.
  20. kiwi

    making the leap

    Hey! I never realize that we could develop our own plugings otherwise than with vs... Why the SKD is only aviable in classic? Is gone a while ago to make space! has anyone try with the apple developer tools? Imagine a second have access to objective-c classes, multithread computing and unix app from our loved VW interface... I never look much on the C++ area (in of struggle with Obj-c), but we should be able to make calls, like from all the other languages of the platform? Any word JKoppi?
  21. I found some interesting info about the nurbs, with a point on your circle problem (a bit more than half way down the doc). http://devworld.apple.com/dev/techsupport/develop/issue25/schneider.html But yes : these are complex beasts!
  22. The only ways I found to create a plot file from a VW file is to export the file as DXF to CADintosh , and then export HPGL (may need to change the extension to plt). Two other software can do the trick are DxPlot (win) and Miniplot (mac). But I'm not sure about printing, I usualy work with plotter-cutters, but he seems like a lot of work to print a document!
  23. Is not elegant, and is not the way to do thinks, but in a emergency try to copy the all VW folder from your old computer and drop it on your Clasic app folder. Then, and thats the part nobody mess with (but you need to work), go to your old preferences folder copy the VW preferences and dop it on your clasic preferences folder. Then just start VW Should work (he does on my Ibook after a similar problem), but don't forget to delete the all think, and instal the right way as soon you get the solution from your ditributor or the NNA.
  24. No luck on this one... I just get a mail explaining that NNA don't give support to custumers out of the USA (due to contract with distributors), at list I have he board!. Thanks,
  25. Me too! me too! 300 dia, extrude 500, radius 30, and nothing else than press enter twice, open GL and drop a light anywhere... I would paste in here the picture... if I could !!! but he looks great.
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