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  1. Thanks @klinzey this may be a stupid question but what does "single label" actually mean? I can't find documentation on it.
  2. Hello, Can't figure out how to make text objects appear in label legends. Field text objects are just fine. EG: Text object in label legend 2d layout: "Voltage:"; field object that sits right beside it in same label legend 2d layout: "[Gets voltage from field value]" I've tried having them classed the same and differently from the field text objects that are working just fine, but no joy. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  3. Getting name conflicts for resources that have not changed in the referenced document. How do I fix this, please? Where do I manage these invisible resources, and is there a setting I have wrong in my referencing scheme?
  4. @jcogdell I had no idea you could do it that way. Thanks man! Edit: I still like my way because I don't have to touch a mouse to make it happen. Clicking is the worst. But some people might prefer the clicky way for sure.
  5. @jcogdell thank you very much for this. Pick radius fixed it, but I will be trying the NURBS to make it easier on the rest of the guys helping with my files. In case anyone comes across this while having the same problem, the immediate fix if you're in a real rush is Insert on centre line > move 3D > move by increments of half your truss width in whatever direction;) NOT recommended good practice, obviously, but if the fussing around is the difference to your getting the plot to the riggers in time, don't be shy. I just did that for a week.
  6. IT WORKED yay! Thanks so much, Script Wizard @JBenghiat! Edit: yes, it's weird that it was a default. Must have been just in the one file I chose to drag forward as a template, because I don't remember it's being an issue last season. Either way, your fix is greatly appreciated.
  7. Well that's not ideal. Can anyone from Vectorworks comment on a more sensible fix, please? This is a huge time sink, and running all files back through old versions is another time sink. Thanks though, @JBenghiat!
  8. That's the one! I can't find it any more.
  9. So schematic views are great and all, but every time I insert a lighting pipe it creates a schematic view version, leaves both objects selected, and throws the pipe somewhere I did not draw it. How do I stop this? There must be a toggle somewhere, I just can't find it. Thanks!
  10. I don't know if this is the right place to ask this? But it would be really nice. Low priority - it's obviously not show stopping. Just a QOL. Cheers
  11. I don’t know if this would work for you, but I just colour the symbols instead of using a data visualization. that does mean you’re tied to that look (unless you change it on a case by case basis), but maybe helpful?
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