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Tom Klaber

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Everything posted by Tom Klaber

  1. I want that! It felt with the introduction of the twist tool - that the new modeling engine would start to allow for more of this type of editing. Its tough because VW is being pulled in two directions. Becoming a better free modeler and renderer is not always perfectly in line with become a more powerful BIM and PM tool. Thanks for the quick responses.
  2. I just talked to the staff, and they said that this would be great - if you could set one of these preferences, or toggle between them. To me - the best would be if the push pull fundamentally changed the extrude - if possible. So if you have an extruded polygon - and you perform a push pull on that object the tool will either change the extrude value if you pull or push the top or bottom face - or modify the controlling extruded polygon if you push or pull one of the side faces. Obviously, this would not work in all cases - and not work with generic or complex solids, but it would be great if when push / pulling an extrude - this was the first prefered method of modification.
  3. The push pull tool has turned out to be more useful than I originally thought. New hires seem to pick up 3D modeling faster, and changes and adjustments re much quicker. There is one problem - because it is so easy to use - it gets used alot - a little adjustment here - a little adjustment there. The problem because that those solids because impossible to edit because they are now composed of 3000 additions and subtractions. It would be great if there was some way that the push-pull tool did not count as a solid addition, but was translated to the original solid in a more base way.
  4. Just last night I was consulting a firm on their VW use, and the head of the firm asked if there was a way in VW for their detail tags to coordinate to their actual details - so the tag pointed to the right place. I had to say yes.... but no. Yes - there is a detail viewport tool that tries to do that - but it does not work because people do not draw their details in the same file that the tag resides. There are many potentially useful Vectorworks features that we can not use because we have to break up our projects into multiple files. This is mainly done so multiple people can work on the project at the same time, but also done to keep files sizes reasonable and cut down on crashes. If layers could be 'checked-out' to use revit lingo - rather than files, we could start to create whole projects in a single file. The advantages of having an entire project in one place are obvious - and there are fundamental project management and BIM features that require that type of project organization. Any hope that Vectorworks is working on anything that can address these issues?
  5. Its time for a user-interface revamp on the worksheet tool. It is a very powerful and useful thing - but the interface is so clunky and intimidating. I have encountered so many people who have abandoned the tool because how obtruse it is. It does not really even need to do anything more than it already does - it just needs to make itself more user friendly and intuitive.
  6. +1 An uninstaller in general would be great. The manual uninstall is incredibly tedious - I always need to look up the list of steps and digging through the cobwebs of the program files on my computer looking for the individual ones I have to delete is aggravating - and I can not trust others in the office to do it. Thanks.
  7. I use the scale by distance for this - so I can manually input the desired size while maintaining the size ratio.
  8. Yes! Please! This would be so helpful - not just as a time saver - but as a coordination tool as well.
  9. This is not bad idea - but I would rather have control over the geometry. Our interior elevations are usually drawn in "Top Plan" - and I would want to select the view to show. I also would rather draw in 2D - rather than have to model the door to generate the projection.
  10. It would be amazing if symbols could have more than 1 projection associated with them. In the same way a symbol can have a 2D component, and a 3D component, I would like symbols to have the ability to have separate plan, right, and left components. This way, 1 symbol for example could represent a door type (for example) everywhere. The 3D model, the plan representation, and the elevational projections both in the interior and exterior projections could be held and edited in 1 place - updating in all drawings holding holding this symbol. When a multi-view symbol (for a lack of a better name) is placed or selected, the object info palette would offer a selection drop down where you can select the projection you want the symbol to display.
  11. I have created many sheet layers for different out puts. Construction plans, filing plans, presentation plans ect. I have them nicely organized in my navigation pallet, but when I go to 'Publish" it is all organized by name and there is no option to sort by #. This means I have to go and pick through the 30 or so sheet layers I have trying to pick the ones with the right suffix. Its a pain / causes errors.
  12. VW needs a Maxwell Render plugin. Vectorworks can not be the ONLY 3D modeling program not to have one. 2015? Hope springs eternal.
  13. The smart ribbon has worked pretty well for Microsoft. I am starting to see that system used more and more. It might be an interested way of re-organizing and taking advantage of the object based tools.
  14. Most projects in a firm environment are worked on by multiple people and split into multiple files. The program needs to acknowledge this and build in tools to help coordinate multiple project files. Currently we employ an elaborate referencing system where project wide resources such as title blocks and classes are controlled by a Globals file that holds these resources. There are downsides to this, and really VW should develop a PM system that associates files multiple files with a project and manages the resources and data across these files. I keep hearing that their is a new referencing workshare system in the works, so every release I get my hopes up, but I have seen nothing yet. One of the reasons, we have not embraced more of the BIM capabilities is that it cuts down on the amount of people you can have working on a project. If the RCPs and the Interior elevations are both in the same file, you can not have 2 people updating those elements. All of this needs to be addressed if VW is going to have any chance of staying viable against Revit.
  15. I too have noticed the "Out of memory" failure after SP2. It was not so much of a problem before. It did not occur to me until reading this thread that it was related to the update, but now that you say it....
  16. Sorry I missed this when you originally posted. The stairs are in the "New in VW Architect" Video - the first one on: http://www.vectorworks.net/2014/ The stair at 4:10, and then the one at 4:15 seem more complicated than what is possible with the stair tool. I would love to see the source files for those. Thanks! (I am loving the new attention given to the forum!)
  17. Thanks for the frank response! I did not know asking for no crashes was an option!
  18. It would be great if after a crash - VW would restore all files open from the latest backups. It is sometimes a pain to try and remember everything you had open - go and find the back-up and then do a save as. If VW reopened with all the back-ups - you would only lose the time between the crash and the last back-up rather than the additional 8 min it takes to track down all the files, and you would be more sure to catch everything.
  19. Thanks for getting back. YES! - We love to have record copies of the VWs for record issues - so a "Save A Copy As In Current State" with a date on the end would be perfect. I think you are right as far as the tagging system. The more I thought about that - the more I realized that it was not the right fix for the issue.
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