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The Simple Beam Calculator puts up a dialog with a picture of the beam condition on the left. 13 beam conditions are supported:

-Simple Supports, Concentrated Load

-Simple Supports, Two Concentrated Loads

-Simple Supports, Uniform Load

-Simple Supports, variable load (3 scenarios)

-One End Fixed, Concentrated Load

-One End Fixed, Uniform Load

-One End Fixed, Variable Load

-Both Ends Fixed, Concentrated Load

-Both Ends Fixed, Uniform Load

-One End Fixed, One simple, Concentrated Load

-One End Fixed, One simple, Uniform Load

So, you choose your condition, choose unit (Metric or Imperial), and enter the values corresponding with the variables labeled in the diagram, as well as span, E, I, and S values. The calculator solves for:

-Left and right reactions;

-Left and right end moments (if any);

-max Shear;

-max Moment;

-max Stress;

-max deflection;

It's a pretty straightforward calculator.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to chime in here. There used to be a program on the Mac which did beams, rafters, multi-span stuff and even columns and footings. However the company didn't have many supporters except for me and maybe a few others so they stopped improving it. If I am not mistaken it was the same company Nemetschek licensed the DTM stuff from - Compuneering.

I have found a reasonably priced structural program called "Strucalc" which I run on my IBM NetVista peripheral connected to my Macs.

http:www.strucalc.com and read about it. Approx. $300.00

I was running a prior version of it on a windows emulator for Mac - the one Microsoft bought - for awhile with no problems.

It not only calcs the basic stuff but does multiple iterations and gives an assortment of beam sizes. It has built in table data for sawn timber, various Glulams, MiniLams, Truss Joists, etc. and it does roof down to foundations, sloped rafters, hip beams and a few other neat things.

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