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    West Haven, CT - USA

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  1. Is there a good way to explode pdf files in VW 2023?
  2. Pat, Found the problem - once in Preview and the pdf files have been combined you need to select PRINT TO PDF, then select the sheet size, then save the combined file under a new name. Having done this the file now prints out correctly on D size sheets. Apparently this is how I did it in the past but just forgot the extra step.
  3. Pat, The drawings were correctly set up for my printer and printed fine as VW files and individual pdf files. Its only when grouped into one multipage pdf file using Preview that they somehow changed to 8-1/2 x 11 sheet size. Perhaps there was a step in combining the pdfs in Preview that I missed; still investigating.
  4. Hello, I have 7 files in VW, 24" x 36" which print out fine. I made pdf files out of each and used Preview to combine the files into one pdf file, something I have done often. This time however the files will not print larger than 8-1/2 x 11 even on D sheets no matter what page setup I use. Did Preview screw up the drawing print size or did I do something wrong? Any help appreciated. Fred Johnson
  5. Can I just add my logo to an existing sheet style accessible via the title block border tool? that would also work for me.
  6. Gentlemen, I have just upgraded to VWA2023 from VWA2010. I started using VW before viewports, etc. came and have been using VW the old way with layer scales, separate files and so on. I have a standard sheet which I would like to be available for all sheets. How do I get this sheet into VW so that when I place new viewports on a new sheet this sheet can be called up. Thanks for your help.
  7. Art, No, I'll try that, but how do I convert the roof object into a solid?
  8. Art, I searched the forum for "mansard " and the best method was given by Matt Panzer to create a roof object then overlay a rectangle, select both and use "Clip Surface" from the modify menu. This returns a message that objects are not compatible. Perhaps this method does not work on my older version (architect 2010) Still searching..
  9. I am trying to model a simple mansard around the perimeter of a 50' x 100' building with a flat roof and can't seem to get it using the polygon to roof tool. does anyone know a simple way to do this?
  10. I am revising my stationary and was wondering if there is a way to "autoclass" text making it automatically default to a text class?
  11. Jonathan, I did not know the revision cloud was able to do this, how is it done?
  12. found the problem - my wife was usnig the internet on the laptop when I tried to open VW. Even though VW on the laptop was not open with the bluetooth it found the Imac with VW and would not allow it to open. Solution: Kicked wife off the internet and laptop.
  13. When I try to open any vectorworks file I get a message box which says another computer on the network is using the serial number version and only one computer at a time can use the number. I am not on any network, there is no network. I do have VW loaded on a laptop in another room but it is not on. This just started happening - Help I need to get work done!
  14. Question: If I import a pdf file into a vectorworks file and then export the vw file to dwg is the whole file an editable dwg file in autocad? Has anyone ever tried this?
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