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Publish command only exports 1st page of pdf range set in options


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I hoping to determine why only the 1st page from specific page ranges (parameters set using the options menu) will be published from any given sheet layer in a saved set.

It will publish page 6, if I set up the range 6-8, but pages 7 and 8 do not output. This seems to tell me it is reading the options I input because it doesn't just publish page 1.

Is this the only way this tool works? One page at a time? Or am I missing an important step?

Thanks for any input.

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Thanks Matthew,

However, I have multiple pages on the sheet layer and I am not hoping to export the entirety of the sheet layer, only the pages I'm specifying using the options menu.


If your pages are what I think they are, they're basically multiple viewports on a sheet layer.

In that case you cannot export just a few viewports from a single sheet layer into a PDF.

There are two things you could do if my assumption is correct:

1. create multiple sheet layers, one for each page, and export them.

2. do an experiment by creating saved views for each "page" and try publishing those. You can publish saved views as well, but you would have to make sure they will be at the correct size and scale.

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Can you post a screen shot of your sheet layer? It sounds like you have all of your content on one sheet (which is then tiled for printing). Interesting! I'm guessing the software engineers may not have anticipated that level of complexity throughout a published set.

ArtV's comments are good ones. You could also just try 'printing to pdf' and bypassing the publish command. That would at least show if it is an error in the publish command or something wonky in your sheet setup.

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Hi, again, Matthew-

You are exactly right. I tile pages pages on a sheet layer. When you print to PDF you can pick which of these pages you want. I had hoped the publish commands page selector allowed the same granularity, but that's not the case. I can still print to PDF and assemble what I need, but I am severely longing for the efficiency of the publish command to allow me to pluck pages from sheets in different files to build a set rather than opening these files manually. I hadn't realized how "interesting" my organizational practice was.


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I hadn't realized how "interesting" my organizational practice was.

Yes - that is an interesting page setup. ;)

None of the automation provided by the Batch Plot would work with your basically one-sheet / multiple pages setup. The automatic Drawing Label sheet numbering wouldn't work either.

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I hadn't realized how "interesting" my organizational practice was.

Yes - that is an interesting page setup. ;)

None of the automation provided by the Batch Plot would work with your basically one-sheet / multiple pages setup. The automatic Drawing Label sheet numbering wouldn't work either.

Apart from what Tim said, do you have viewports on each page on such a sheet? If yes then the publish saved views of viewports may work in your case.

AtoZ, may I ask what the reason is for setting it up this way? Because you need drawings larger than what your printer can accommodate for so you have to use tiled pages or something else?

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AtoZ, may I ask what the reason is for setting it up this way? Because you need drawings larger than what your printer can accommodate for so you have to use tiled pages or something else?

Hi Art V, I have sheets layers set up as expected for architectural views (plans/elevs), but I'm an exhibition designer, and by the time I'm working on casework fabrication details, or even detailing mounts for individual objects it is way more efficient to have multiple pages tiled in a sheet layer. This works great when I contain everything in the same file, but now that I want to create a set from multiple files I've encountered the problems stated.

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