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Everything posted by AtoZ

  1. @Jim Wilson Yes, correct build on Mac 10.12.6. Should I try SP 5.1 although I'm not running Mojave?
  2. Has anyone else experienced extreme slowness when using the print command after installing the service pack? The dialog box takes forever to appear, slows when you are trying to make changes, then when you hit print it just hangs for minutes for even a small job to get into your print queue... Is there a way to revert to service pack 4? Thanks,
  3. Hi Art V, I have sheets layers set up as expected for architectural views (plans/elevs), but I'm an exhibition designer, and by the time I'm working on casework fabrication details, or even detailing mounts for individual objects it is way more efficient to have multiple pages tiled in a sheet layer. This works great when I contain everything in the same file, but now that I want to create a set from multiple files I've encountered the problems stated.
  4. Hi, again, Matthew- You are exactly right. I tile pages pages on a sheet layer. When you print to PDF you can pick which of these pages you want. I had hoped the publish commands page selector allowed the same granularity, but that's not the case. I can still print to PDF and assemble what I need, but I am severely longing for the efficiency of the publish command to allow me to pluck pages from sheets in different files to build a set rather than opening these files manually. I hadn't realized how "interesting" my organizational practice was. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t72de763mziefsr/Screen%20Shot%202015-10-30%20at%2011.45.08%20AM.png?dl=0
  5. Thanks Matthew, However, I have multiple pages on the sheet layer and I am not hoping to export the entirety of the sheet layer, only the pages I'm specifying using the options menu. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3k61fgdgp1bnu45/Screen%20Shot%202015-10-22%20at%2011.28.49%20AM.png?dl=0
  6. I hoping to determine why only the 1st page from specific page ranges (parameters set using the options menu) will be published from any given sheet layer in a saved set. It will publish page 6, if I set up the range 6-8, but pages 7 and 8 do not output. This seems to tell me it is reading the options I input because it doesn't just publish page 1. Is this the only way this tool works? One page at a time? Or am I missing an important step? Thanks for any input.
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