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Viewport Scale

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New to Vectorworks and working my way through a tutorial.

Question: When creating a viewport and drawing border of 8.5"x11" in size, I would like the drawing scale of the object to be 1.5" = 1'-0".

After creating the viewport, the scale is not correct, but the Object Information Dialog Box indicates the correct scale.

What am I missing?

Thank you,


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Do you mean the scale of the objects within a viewport? When you say the scale isn't correct, by what means are you measuring the scale? Within the annotations of that viewport, or are you measuring it right on the sheet layer with Tape Measure or something similar?

This may also clear things up a bit:


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Thank you for your response.

My viewport page size on my tutorial is 8.5"x11".

My tutorial object (a bollard) is real size: 33.5-inches high.

I set the scale to be 1/4" = 1'-0'', therefore the size of the object on the viewport page should be 8.45-inch in height, so as to fit on the page.

I am using the CREATE VIEWPORT and NEW SHEET LAYER dialog boxes. I seem to be locked into UK sheet layer selections?

Thank you,


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Thank you,

On the CREATE VIEWPORT dialog box, there is a pull-down menu for scale selections, which include all the various architectural scales, such as, 1/8"=1'-0'' all the way to 3"=1'-0".

In my case, I would like the scale of the paperspace viewport to be 1/4" = 1'-0" in order for the 33.5" object to fit on the 8 1/2"x11" border sheet.

Is this not how one sets the finished scale of the drawing?

I am following the tutorial book that I have to the letter, but I'm not getting the results.


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Just to check something:

Select your VP and look in the OIP (Object Info Palette). Is the scale showing the value you keyed into during VP creation? Change it as nec.


Select the VP and rescale it with the menu command Modify>Scale Objects. The OIP scale field will update to new value.

Anyway as Miguel suggests, an object drawn on a design layer at 33.5" tall (about 3') would display about 3/4" tall on a printed page of a 1/4"=1'0" scale VP. That would definitely fit on letter size paper. The 1/4"= 1'0" scale is 1:48 ratio. You perhaps want 1:4 ratio to display your balluster at 8.375"?



Edited by Benson Shaw
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Thanks Kevin,

I did finally figure the paperspace scale out...very different to that of the Vectorworks tutorial book that I have.

I basically disregarded the scale pull-down menu located within the CREATE VIEWPORT dialog box. I ended-up setting 3"=1'-0" for a scale in the OBJECT INFO dialog box.

I also didn't start with the front elevation (as the tutorial suggested), which gave me crazy scales. I started with the plan view to set the correct scale and simply copied and edit each subsequent view in the OBJECT INFO dialog box for the different views...completely bi-passing the CREATE VIEWPORT dialog box (as suggested by the tutorial book). This took literally the whole day of frustration to stumble upon this.

This method is completely contrary to the tutorial book that I have, but it is the only way that I was able to accomplish a correct drawing with titles and dimensions.

I'd like to post the drawing that I created, but I don't seem to see an insert button anywhere here. How does one insert an image herein? This has been an entire day of stumbling around in the dark.

Not liking Vectorworks!


Edited by Blissab
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