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Static Systems not calculating

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Hi All,


I have a problem with calculating some truss systems.
All give the error message "The static system could not be calculated".



In VW23 on some trusses I get "Virtual FEM support gets load"Screenshot2024-01-27at20_49_27.png.c8919bd7b852c2724fd2ab799a3465e0.png


In VW24 on some trusses I get "The truss system is not properly balanced"



8 Trusses won't calculate, all other trusses and hoist calculate normal.
Of those 8 trusses, some only give the note: "The static system could not be calculated" with no other warnings on that truss system.
Any one any ideas?





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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
4 minutes ago, JustinVH said:

I don't believe you can have a corner block without the adjacent piece of truss attached

Correct, a straight truss with a corner block does not calculate unless another truss goes off to the side. It's a long time limitation that's annoying, to say the least. You need to use a 12" straight truss vs. a corner block.

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