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Graphic Legend needs to show unique objects

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If there is a topic on this I can't find it. I am trying to figure out how to get my Graphic Legends for doors and windows to only show the unique ones. The idea is to get the legends to show "door types" and "window types" rather than every door and window in the project. I use the schedules to show every door, and mostly use the window schedule to only show unique types, but with more detail information than the graphic legend image and dimensions.

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quick fix (but not really nice) create one design layer with just the windows or doors you want to show (one instance for type) and select that layer as filter. 
otherwise we should see better how you are filtering stuff in the criteria panel.

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11 hours ago, FranAJA said:

otherwise we should see better how you are filtering stuff in the criteria panel.


Yes @Dick Jenkins you should be able to use the 'Report by' + 'Sort by' settings in the 'Define Legend Source' dialog to specify exactly which objects you want reported on.  And/or use the 'Cell Visibility + Sorting' dialog in the OIP to exclude cells you don't want to see.

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I strongly suggest to style the windows, but this is my personal workflow. So you can sort them by style.

In the graphic legend The criteria, looks ok:


(NOTINREFDLVP & (NOTINDLVP & (INVIEWPORT & (INCLSUBX))) & ((PON='Window') & ('Window'.'OnSchedule'=TRUE)))


So it looking for all the windows in the project with the parameter ON Schedule set to true. 
Which is fine, the result include 25 instances.

I did not want to count one by one so i just ran a quick selection:



And the windows objects are 25 as per graphic legend.


I count 25 objects in your graphic legend.



The first column looks have several instances of the same window.


It is actually showing the unique ones because they are different each other in terms of lenght width. 
We should understand which kind of filtering you would like to use to understand in which way you can omit some.
Do you want to show them by type of window even if the dimensions change (so you need style) or by dimension ? 


If you click in here you can report them by different parameter selecting "window"


Edited by FranAJA
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The problem is the windows listed in the first column are all different and they are not reporting graphically. The second problem for me is I think corner windows should show the corner that is adjacent to the other window to signify that it is a corner window instead of a stand-alone.

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Thanks, Pat. It is the larger file that I had purged to create the file you already have.I have tried changing the criteria and each time I will either get nothing or get too many objects or the strangest one, the criteria says it finds the correct number but the graphic legend will only show 16 graphically or in another case it will show 16 images but list the other window numbers under one image. 
Also is ther a way to get the graphics to show the post of a corner window so it is apparent graphically that it is a corner window?
The plans showing the windows are on A2.2 and A2.3 and the legends are on a blank sheet following the Roof Plan.
Stier DD R37.v2023 v2024 TEST.vwx


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@Dick Jenkins

You have your Reporting and Sorting both set to Style and you have a bunch of windows that use the same Style.  This is effectively the same as a worksheet database row SUMmarizing a bunch of identical objects into a single subrow.


This is what many people would want as my understanding is that (especially in larger projects) it is typical to use the ID Label to identify a window type, not a specific window. You have chosen to use the ID Label to specify an individual window rather than a type of window. Which is a perfectly acceptable use. But it requires you to set up the Graphical Legend differently.


In the image below I have clicked the Define Legend Source button in the OIP and have already changed the Reporting (what objects are going to show in the Legend) to be Window:ID Label. It the Sorting, I am in the process of switching it to Window:ID Label. I got the sub window to open by clicking the NEW button.


With both Reporting and Sorting set to ID Label, I get 25 windows sorted in the graphical legend from W-1 to W-25





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Thanks again, Pat. Ideally I want the graphic schedule to show only the unique windows (like you said) which is how I started this conversation. How do I adjust the data tags or the schedule so that only the unique windows are shown and labeled as such. Do I just need to figure out the unique windows and assign tags that way or is there a way to do it automatically?

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Then rather than setting the Reporting to ID Label, you probably want to make it multiple lines that will force the windows you want combined to SUMmarize together.


Something Like:






When I do that I get W-13 and W-17 combining into a single cell and W-5 and W-6 combining.


If you leave the Sorting by Window:ID Label, then they will be arranged by the ID.


If there are other windows that should be combined, you will have to determine which fields of the Window will allow you specify them uniquely enough to get them to SUMmarize.





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