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Data tags - affect style / layout of all used? + placement issues.




More Data Tag grumbles.


A: Am having to do many times the usual amount of handling on them to get them to work. 

  1. Placing onto annotation layer within VP. They don't see plant symbol but I put one down anyway.
  2. Exiting tool to select end point with 'alarmed' symbol on it and move it off centre until it highlights and registers plant symbol. Release.
  3. Grab end point and move it back to the centre of the symbol.
  4. Grit teeth and start new data tag process.


B: Impossible to change style once placed, except individually. ONE   -   AT   -   A    -   TIME...

After placing tags I realise that the layouts are too widely spaced and the font is not big enough.  


  • Changed the master data tag layout for the style within the Resource Manager but nothing changes on any tag in drawing.
  • Selecting multiple tags and try double-clicking on tag style in library: nothing. They stay the same.
  • Right-click the style in library and look for something like "apply to blah blah": nothing.
  • Use eyedropper set to 'all attributes' and attempt to sample an individual data tag that I've changed the layout in. No luck on placing that on any other tag.
  • Make duplicate tag style with new name and new layout / font size. Attempt to replace style of tag within Object Info palette: nothing.



Can someone please explain why I'm a dunce?


And after that could they tell me why I can't change the data tags or place them easily?


Oh and after installing SP7 my project crashed twice during data tag kerfuffle.


Oh 2.0: Am now grabbing a Dtag and Ctrl + dragging a copy off then associating it with new plant symbol.  But I shouldn't have to do that either. 


20 mins later:  aaaaannnd it's crashed again.



Edited by DSmith2300
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@Nikolay Zhelyazkov on issue A has there been any progress on improving the way that Data Tags 'see' objects in VPs? Plants are frequently mentioned as being particularly hard to tag but in my case it is Wall/Slab/Roof components, especially in section VPs. It is so frustrating to have geometry right in front of you but not be able to tag it because the Data Tag is seeing all manner of other objects which aren't even visible in the VP. In section VPs you have limited options for turning classes/layers off to isolate the objects. This is with just the section plane, no extents beyond, yet the tag still seems to see every object through the full depth of the model. I spend ages moving the cursor around trying to pick up the object I want, not knowing until I've clicked whether it's been 'seen' it or not, then finding it hasn't + having to repeat the process several times until I'm successful, + even when I am successful often then ending up with the tag in a location I don't want it because that was the only place I could get it to pick up the object. Then I have to command-K the tag in order to move it to where I want it which is crazy.


In this thread from a year + a half ago you say 'As for the highlighting of objects that are behind other visible objects, this is an issue that we know about and we are looking for a fix for but it is not a trivial case and the fix will not be trivial as well':



Be good to know what the latest is. I think Data Tags are great + use them extensively but I need to be able to tag Walls/Slabs/Roofs in the context of a complex model, not just isolated objects without any other geometry in the vicinity.


I could probably put a file together for you to look at if that would help...?



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
53 minutes ago, Tom W. said:

@Nikolay Zhelyazkov on issue A has there been any progress on improving the way that Data Tags 'see' objects in VPs? Plants are frequently mentioned as being particularly hard to tag but in my case it is Wall/Slab/Roof components, especially in section VPs. It is so frustrating to have geometry right in front of you but not be able to tag it because the Data Tag is seeing all manner of other objects which aren't even visible in the VP. In section VPs you have limited options for turning classes/layers off to isolate the objects. This is with just the section plane, no extents beyond, yet the tag still seems to see every object through the full depth of the model. I spend ages moving the cursor around trying to pick up the object I want, not knowing until I've clicked whether it's been 'seen' it or not, then finding it hasn't + having to repeat the process several times until I'm successful, + even when I am successful often then ending up with the tag in a location I don't want it because that was the only place I could get it to pick up the object. Then I have to command-K the tag in order to move it to where I want it which is crazy.


In this thread from a year + a half ago you say 'As for the highlighting of objects that are behind other visible objects, this is an issue that we know about and we are looking for a fix for but it is not a trivial case and the fix will not be trivial as well':



Be good to know what the latest is. I think Data Tags are great + use them extensively but I need to be able to tag Walls/Slabs/Roofs in the context of a complex model, not just isolated objects without any other geometry in the vicinity.


I could probably put a file together for you to look at if that would help...?



Hello @Tom W.,


In the recent updates of VW2023 there are some improvements in tagging of plants and tagging from viewports, but there still seems to be some cases where things do not work out perfectly. Can you please attach a test file showing the issues that you see and let me know in which version of VW exactly are you seeing these issues?



Nikolay Zhelyazkov

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15 minutes ago, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

Hello @Tom W.,


In the recent updates of VW2023 there are some improvements in tagging of plants and tagging from viewports, but there still seems to be some cases where things do not work out perfectly. Can you please attach a test file showing the issues that you see and let me know in which version of VW exactly are you seeing these issues?



Nikolay Zhelyazkov


Thanks @Nikolay Zhelyazkov this is in VW2023 SP7 as per my signature. 


I will PM you...

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
6 hours ago, DSmith2300 said:

I think I see the setting now and have changed it to experiment, thank you.


I must flag up to you that as my message above, while playing with the data tags on the page, VW froze and crashed again.


I think I should roll back to SP6, if that's possible.

Can you reproduce this freeze/crash consistently? If so, can you please share a test file and steps to reproduce it, so that we can work on a fix?

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17 hours ago, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

Can you reproduce this freeze/crash consistently? If so, can you please share a test file and steps to reproduce it, so that we can work on a fix?

Thanks Nikolay,

I've actually rolled back to SP6 and do not have the time to re-install SP7 and play around to replicate it with a non-commercially sensitive file.

Don't know whether it was just the file I was working on (imported.dwg + office template),  or actually SP7.


I'll be curious to see if anyone else has the issue. 

Serves me right for jumping into the install as an early victim adaptor.

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