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Why are the Data Stamps not working with symbols or groups and other data stamp problems?





the carpenters here in germany are using vectorworks interior cad and a lot of them are struggling with the lack of the data stamp functionality. It is such a cool features that saves hours of time and avoid mistakes but why it is impossible to use the data stamps for stamping stuff what is in a black symbol?


Another thing isnt working, the using of the stamps for the cabinets of interior cad. The 3d-Part stamps are working, but it is impossible to stamp stuff what the extragroup uses in their new cabinets, called box objects. With taht u can place stuff parametrically in the boxes of a cabinet, but in the layout i cant use the stamps for thos box objects?


In addition something isn working well, if i have stuff placed in group, in group which is in a group, which is in a group ...(i dont figure out, how deep it has to be in a group/group... that this malfunction of vewx occured) and i cant use the stamps for it.


Another problem with the data stamps is, that i cant use the stamps in a section of a layout. in the main view, top view, side view it works, but if i make a sectional view it is impossible to stamp things i placed.


Maybe some of this is is not known over there, but it is avoiding me and others from working in a way, the program was sold to us.


BR KingChaos from germany.

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6 answers to this question

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

InteriorCAD is not a Vectorworks product.

It is a third party add on for Vectorworks, and as such we do not ship any default content for interiorCAD in our content libraries.
Your best bet is to get in contact with the developer directly, the extragroup GmbH

here's their website address




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the missing functionalities:

- to stamp what is IN a black symbol

- to stamp stuff in a sectional view

- to stamp what is in a deep group-structure


has nothing to do with XG


the only thing that "we cant stamp what is in a box object", has to do with XG. BUT THEY DONT HAVE ANY POSSIBILITY to fix it without your help.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
46 minutes ago, KingChaos said:

to stamp what is IN a black symbol

Data tags are not designed to be used inside symbols and as far as i know never have been. The main challange is how data is attached to the symbol, generally its attached to the top level wrapper/bounding box of the symbol and not to the geometry contained inside, which means there is nothing for the data tag to get data from if try to tag it inside the symbol. To the best of my knowledge this has never been an intended use of a data, they are designed to be used directly in design layers or viewport annotations.
I'm not sure that this would be possible to change without fundamentally changing how Vectorworks deals with symbols and data.

You can request that either your local distributor Computerworks or XG puts in an enhancement request to have this changed.


51 minutes ago, KingChaos said:

to stamp stuff in a sectional view

Are you refering to a section viewport?

if so then you should be able to tag the contents by entering the viewports' annotation layer,
otherwise if its a specialised feature of interiorCAD please contact the developer


52 minutes ago, KingChaos said:

to stamp what is in a deep group-structure

I suspect the root cause on this one is similar to not being able to tag what is inside a symbol, the multiple layers of grouping are blocking the data tags access to any data records attached to the contents of the group. The only solution I can suggets is to use the ungroup command until you can successfully tag the object.

Otherwise I suggest you contact Computerworks in Germany (your local distributor) as they will be able to work with you directly to try and find a solution


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it is impossible to ungroup it, that would be too much work to do.


It is impossible to unsymbol it, becaus i need them as a symbol to make the object useable in future projects. If i allways have to resymbol them if i want to use my unsymbolized group that is too much work to do.


ah ok, i only wondered, that it can be used when the object is in a group and deeper, but 5 groups seemed to be to deep for getting a result.


that vid shows u that i cant use stamps in a sectional view on things which can be stamped in a normal layout view.

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