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Marionette Nodes for subrows?

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Hi there,


i got some node "Get Num Rows and Cols" from marissa here working fine.


now i need to get the information out of the subrows of a worksheet.



i need a marionette, which can extract the subrowed same objects, to read out how often i got those items in the file.


The goal is to make a graphic bill of material for our metalworkers, because this graficBOM is only available for woodworking parts from extragroup. But i need this for self made metal parts which are connected with my "schlosserei V9" Database.


Further i need a node to get and write data out and into this database.


@Dominique Corpataux helped me with the start and "what might work", thx for this.


but now i need some help to get specific data of accumulated parts.


br KC

Edited by KingChaos
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  • Marionette Maven

Here's a standalone node to return subrows. 

I couldn't find my copy of the node you were using earlier and decided just creating one would be faster.

It's definitely possible to combine the functionality, rows that aren't database rows will return 0, so if you wanted you could add an output port that also told you the subrow count.


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Hi, thank you very much. I dont get what u meant in the last sentence.


I dont know yet how to deal with the parts which are more the 1 time in the file.


If i Analyse the file content with a Filter of All objects with database Connection it will list me all the doubled parts. If i clean the Lust with Duplikate delete i dont know whether the List can be use for Making duplicates. 


I am now searching for a node which can reset the 3d rotation of the parts to have them lying down in the construction Level oriented in x,y and z in the case the parts are placed and rotated.


I am also searching for a node which can make the 2d arrangement of the parts in the List to have them next to each other.


If all this is done i will need a sort node to have the parts Sorted by pulldownoption: 


Assembly Name


Coating type


Like it is done by the xtragroup Feature for the 3d parts.


If u can Support me further in this project i will make a Metal Layout in 5 Minuten instead of 2 hours. I will publish the wrap then for the community. 


Br kc ❤️

Edited by KingChaos
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this node is needed, its only an example for the 2D arrangement.


the stuff i need to make is something like this.


this is made by xtragroupd for the CNC 3D Parts it copies all the 3d Parts flat into x-y with its name, material etc.,


but i need this for free parts which have nothing to do with xtragrou interiorcad. in bonus i need not only a top view of this part i need a side view under the top view and a side section right of my top view.


It is a horror to make a viewport in the layout for all the metalparts i used and turn them into orthogonal views to place some measures while i have to be sure only having 1 of them in my viewport in the layout. In our business, shop interior the 3d parts of extragroup are not half the work we have to do. so it will be extremely comfortable to have such a tool for not-3D-part of XG.


in the vwx file are some metal parts connected to the record schlosserei v9 i think and the corresponding list is Metallbau i think, u will see it in the bom folder in the manager.



br nils


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some problems occured, because they objects are sometimes groups sometimes solids. I cant "set entity matrix" of a group to make it go x and y.


so i would have to make the record field value onto the solids instead of groups to make it easier making the objects were 0° rotated in all axises.

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@DomC do you have any idea, how i can make this happen? i got your nodeimage.png.3851609106c06f3d6534863405834314.png

and it can help, but it wont do all the rest ^^



i think with this node i can place the duplicates for the specific views (side, top front maybe isometric) but i dont know how to grab the right ones to move

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