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  1. Ever since I saw this 'Drilling 3d' tool shown around 3m45s in Episode 13: Integration of Renderworks in Vectorworks, I've been trying to find it in 2017 without any luck. Is this a localization-provided tool? It would be extremely useful for light fixtures that penetrate a ceiling, so that you don't have to manually boolean a hole out of it. It also shows a tool palette that I have not seen before, is this only available to Designer? Thanks.
  2. Recently updated to version 2017 (not used this version much) but recently used it on a new mac with more ram etc than the previous kit. Also today updated to the latest service pack As well as my previous question about the missing progress bar, when producing a render with custom renderworks settings as used in version 2016 on the same file the quality of the final render is very poor almost like a gritty finish to reflective surfaces and poor in detail - almost as if it was set up as a fast rendered image or low quality GL render. Final high quality render is much better but does not render reflective surfaces properly I use this as a comparison to version 2016 - so same file, same render settings etc etc and as a like for like the 2016 rendered version is much better. I am running El Capitan on the new mac and wondered if Vectorworks was incompatible with the operating system. Renders seem quicker, but quality is poor. As anyone had similar experience - plus I can't seem to quit the render without forcing Vectorworks itself to quit (not ideal).
  3. Two requested improvements to the Grass Shader (which is really quite fun to play with): 1. Enable 'Variation' within 'Length' — this would make it easier to render grasses and weeds having natural variations in length. Right now, everything is the same length. 2. Inside the Grass Shader seetings, in addition to 'Choose Image' — also enable the Noise Shader.
  4. All of my Camera-linked SLVPs are being cropped, where there is a border around the edge where the foreground hidden line does not render. The hidden lines stop short of the edge, with the background render continuing the full dimension. I can make it happen by following these steps: Create a RW Camera and select it, create a SLVP at 1/4" scale (creating a SLVP linked to a Camera) Select the created SLVP, rescale it to 3/16" and then add a larger viewport crop. Set the background mode to a Renderworks style and set the foreground mode to Hidden Line. Update viewport The Hidden line portion of the SLVP renders at the original uncropped VP size, while the background RW renders at the full crop size, but it doesn't render any Hidden Lines outside the original SLVP dimensions.
  5. I am wondering if there is more documentation for the Indirect Lighting options for a Renderworks Style. I couldn't even find the multiple bounce options listed in the help (bounce returns no results). I'd like to know more about "Immediate Preview, Slow Resolve, 2 Bounces". It seems like it should be faster than 3, 4 or 8 bounces but in reality its dreadfully slow when combined with Hidden Line as a foreground mode. Should these modes not be combined? Thanks, Kevin
  6. I have reset the cameras countless of times. Setting up consistent renderings to place into photo montages takes a while and the camera's z setting will often go haywire moiving hundreds of feet vertically or shifting off horizontally. I don't know what's going on, if I should put down a locus to reset the camera, but that defeats the purpose of having a camera set up in the first place. I notice when the camera palate is open and the camera is selected, there seems to be a glitch in that the corrupted camera will stay selected even though a different camera is active. Has this happened to anyone else. It happened in multiple files for different projects so I think there's a glitch somewhere mac 10.10.5/VW2016 sp4
  7. Currently we have to type in 'AM' or 'PM' in order to change the Heliodon time from AM to PM (for 12-hour time locations); We also have to type in a number to set the time. I think it would be more user-friendly to have up/down buttons to set the time and AM/PM. An alternative to up/down buttons to set AM/PM would be a pull-down menu. Example from other BIM software package:
  8. Aside from having to reset my Vw Preferences just about every other week in order to fix tools that spontaneously decide to no longer work properly, I've been having issues with the Heliodon tool and was wondering if I'm the only lucky one. 1. Select a Heliodon and on its OIP, select a Month and Day from the pull-downs. (To test my issue, don't select March, June, September or December) 2. Now select one of the Solstice or Equinox dates at the bottom, do the Month and Day both change to the correct Month and Day? For me - when I select one of the Solstice or Equinox dates, the Day changes but not the Month, so even though I select the Equinox on September 22nd, the Month remains July but only the Day changes to the 22nd. Does anyone else see this behavior? Thanks. Additionally - why do we have to type in 'AM' or 'PM' in order to change the Heliodon time from AM to PM? Seems like an AM/PM pull-down would have been much more user-friendly. ( I have started a wish-list item for this as it's tangentially related to my issue).
  9. I have VW 2016. If I render an image using custom render setting it looks great on screen. If I then try to export this as an image file it renders but the final image is terrible and looks worse than a fast render (but takes an age to render) What am I doing wrong? I have tried to export using different file types but with the same outcome. I'm render at 300dpi in the settings.. Thanks
  10. Here's a Vw2016 file containing my attempt at creating a grass shader to be used as natural grasses on a green roof. The grass has a low density on purpose so that the render times don't get too crazy.
  11. I've been testing Vw2012 and I'm disappointed to discover that the Wall Cabinet PIO still displays a Renderworks texture on recessed panel doors as a 'sunburst' pattern. Anyone else have this behavior? The texture is the 'Wood Panel Mahogany Clear' from the Libraries/Textures/ Textures_Wood.vwx file. It is a relatively ugly texture, but it has high contrast so that you can see the bug properly. The only way I found to work around this is to convert the Cabinet PIO to a Group or Symbol, and then individually correct the texture mapping for the cabinet doors. But then you've lost all of the PIO functionality. This is the same behavior that I get in Vw2010 (and Vw2008..) and I've brought this bug to the attention of NA before - where I was told that if I wanted more control over my cabinets' appearance I should purchase the third-party InteriorCAD add-on package. Sad to see that this bug still hasn't been fixed. I have attached the Vw2012 file in case anyone is interested. Regards
  12. Can someone clue me in on how the Reflectivity Image Map shader channel is supposed to be used in v2011? There were more Image Reflectivity options in v2010 that seemed to give better results than in v2011. The RW help file was no help, I thought it would at least say what type of image to use. I looked at many of the NV provided textures and none of them use an image in the Reflectivity shader channel. Is this for a reason? I tried using a greyscale specular map in the Reflectivity Image map channel (as you would in any other 3d rendering application), and it just made the whole surface grey, completely overriding the base Image color map. So it appears that RW cannot use specular maps. Generally I guess I'm asking how to make more realistic textures in RW so that I don't need to use a 3d-party rendering app (like C4D). Regards, Tim
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