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Found 7 results

  1. I am a big fan of referencing files when working on television series. Of the files I reference, I have a soundstage (1st referenced file), a set that never changes throughout the season (2nd referenced file), and usually another set or two that changes with each episode (3rd & 4th referenced file). So, as you can see, I'm using this organizational tool a lot!!! I learned to name the layer to be specific to each file (ie: "ceiling-set 1" or "floor-set2") - because you cannot reference layers with the same name. However, each time I reference a file (all generated from the same template - w/ the same classes that have the same attributes) a second/third/forth set of these same classes are made. For me this makes for a messy drawing and a pain to control those classes (isn't that one of vwx assets - layers & classes). How do I stop this from happening?
  2. How do I control the visibility of classes in a viewport directed to a design layer object which is a referenced drawing? I am not able to see the classes in that reference drawing. The alternative would be to go into the design layer and turn that class off by selecting the referenced item but I am wandering if I would loose that visibility in other viewports which refer to the same object. Maybe I could copy this reference to another layer and work from there; would that add a lot of memory to my file size? I am not sure what the best approach is, please advise . In the image below I would like to not see the plywood in the bracket detail
  3. Has anyone noticed; - when referencing an image into Vectorworks (either Design Layer or Sheets) and changing the 'Image Attributes' - 'Dimensions' from 100% to 50% to reduce the file size (note Raw Image size of Image B becomes 3MB from 12Mb). - then I go an export the PDF (attached) and there seems nothing wrong....at first! The problem / glitch happens when I close the Vectorworks file after saving and re-open the file (at another time) to find the images that were referenced in to have suddenly changed scale. One of the screenshots below shows a green bounding box on the Design Layer, and this indicates to me the images has gotten bigger. Twice as big. After a few testing, I noticed, what ever percentage I changed the Image Attribute to, it won't save the attribute I have set when I open the file. I have tried to lock the image and it would not work. I have many options I could think of, but somehow this feature of reference image only works if the 'Image Attribute-Dimensions' is untouched, which seems odd. The only reason I have to change the size is to reduce the image size, file size, PDF size when exporting to clients. I find it very odd that this is the mechanics for referenced image. Many Thanks for your time reading this topic. 0000 Image Referenced on Sheet.pdf
  4. Hi All, One of my colleagues has been having issues with their files - when a section viewport is placed on a design layer (to be drawn over the top of) and then subsequently sent to a sheet layer the "profile line" glitches and moves relative to the section. I might add that the model is being referenced into a plot file - the problem does not seem to occur for sections cut within the same model file. The rest of the drawing is fine it is just the profile line that moves - sometime the shift occurs when we send it to print, other times the shift is visible in the file. Has anyone had any similar issues? Any help would be appreciated! 04 0500-Proposed Section A-A.pdf
  5. I'm creating a viewport from a clip cube, the model has other viewports created by reference files.. As you can see in the picture the viewport only shows part of the model, even if the crop includes all the model. I've also tried to create horizontal viewport but the result is the same.
  6. I'm developing multiple schematic design options to place on a larger existing site plan file in Vectorworks 2018. I've also created a viewport with a new design layer for the referenced Schematic Design building to be placed, for insertion in the site plan. I'm unable to view the site plan (as the two files may be quite a distance apart) so that I'm unable to view both building and site plan. Does someone have a good method for inserting referenced files in proximity to a site plan? Also, I wasn't sure if the referenced file needs to have an absolute reference to the site file, I just wasn't sure of the option and what it may entail. Thanks, Glenn
  7. We have a file in VW2015 format that loses it's reference files when saved to 2016. We have tried also saving the reference files to VW2016 but still the references are not working. We have to keep VW2015 running in the office for this one project so it would be good to update it to our current version. It is a fairly large file. Any suggestions much appreciated.
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