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Christian Fekete

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Everything posted by Christian Fekete

  1. Is there a way to get a schedule with the list of items with a name?
  2. Believe it or not but some people still use VW10. Yes, and they use the old disconnected computers because…. well, why change!! And, on top of that they use only layers to draw everything, floor plans and elevations plus some wall section and plumbing stack diagrams. That’s about all they do and turn quickly small projects that seem to make them good money. So, I do some work for them and although I can feel sometimes frustrated with the process, the straight 2D drafting is refreshing and reminds me of days long gone. I do most of the work on VW2021 because it is so much easier than V10. I then translate to dwg to be able to open on the old computer. When I open the file in VW 10 I get the layers in a weird naming standard. qu: is there a way to DXF to keep the layers as layers in the translation? And the scale to stay at 1/48. i know I’m back in the 🦖 thank You
  3. Is there a way to export/import a 2020VW drawing to a 2010 VW format?
  4. I currently have the architect version installed on two computers but not the educational version. You should consult with VW tech support
  5. I think the local sync is a good option but I don't see the difference with sharing/sync on Dropbox. What are the added functions on VCS that dropbox does not have?
  6. one of my favorite files won't open but is visible in resource manager...it crashes Should I bring all the resources of that file into a new file and save it as a new favorite and remove the previous one?
  7. That’s really interesting, maybe the key to this whole thing. That would be great. Thank you
  8. thank you, I will look at you file. I usually fool around with the profile and can get it to the right position but my god what a pain. Certainly interested in looking how you deal with that . thanks for sharing CF
  9. After many years of VW use there is still this command which is incredibly frustrating due to its bad creation process, it is incredible that after such a long availability this command is still incomprehensible. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP. for example below the profile is connected to the corner of the bottom of the walls and top right of the profile but the resulting object is offset. the profile options do not change anything or make extrusion impossible to create. We need another command very quickly. thank you
  10. I am in the US, would that work for you? VW 2021 my website cfekete.com thank you christian@cfekete.com
  11. Would love to help. Please look at cfekete.com for samples of my work. if interested please call directly, my number is (845) 625-3189 thank you very much CHristian Fekete
  12. Yes I did by opening the file in 2021 but I was not able to have the styles part of the new file with the others which load automatically. I will fiddle with that a bit more. Style is great though. thanks for following up
  13. @Andy Broomell Andy, I downloaded the 202 renderwork style on your website, thank you. My question is how to make those available in 2021 resources
  14. I tried that but the resource is not available in a new 2021 file. I think the render works file need to be in the renderworks style folder of the 2021 library defaults and moving the 2020 style to that folder does not work.
  15. What is the process to migrate a 2020 renderworks style into 2021?
  16. @Matt Panzer Here is another simplified model for you to look at. When you open the drawing you will find selected, a ghosted piece of lumber, but this item and others will show up in wireframe mode. This ghosted lumber piece shows as a solid addition. When you open it and try to close it that there is a message indicating an impossible addition. This may be an issue but what about the other missing items, I have other files with entire parts of drawings showing the same (or rather not showing ). Could it be an issue with OpenGL rendering?Untitled 1.vwx
  17. If you are talking about topo, in sketchup at least when you download a google earth map view you get the rough topographical information (don't remember the height differences between curves, sorry), then you can import the topo into VW either as a 3D or just the topo curves. Works fairly well although it's a process. Good luck If you are talking about 3D buildings I think you can go through a similar process but if I remember correctly the buildings will come as 3D meshes which is less than ideal but that was 3yrs ago since I did that myself
  18. This happens on different files, this is not always the same process I go through but in both cases when I change views from VP to design layer or from floor plan to 3D open GL. Generally looking at 3D
  19. @Matt Panzer this is an ongoing issue with my latest 2021 drawings. Should I reinstall?
  20. I also found in previous file that grouping and ungrouping geometry will achieve the same fyi
  21. @michaelk yes I do see it in your file, thank you. How did this change?
  22. @Matt Panzer Matt, here is a simple file with a fridge provided by VW. It shows in plan but i no other views. Can you explain how to change that? Thank you SPACE PLANNING.vwx
  23. I think it is a good way to do that, it is pretty easy process
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