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Dieter @ DWorks

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Everything posted by Dieter @ DWorks

  1. This could also be done with the class list. Because that can become very long. I also would like to see sub-menu like thing for the classes, so that you can fold and unfold a group of classes. Like there is in the scroll down menu of the classes, but then in the navigation palette.
  2. I don't get it, VW is so easy and powerfull to use. I can create very fast what I want. I create things faster in VW then in ACAD. Even the 3D capabilitys are superior to me. Although every program can be better and sometimes I even encounter problems with some tools that are annoying. But I'm sure NNA is working on them. But there is one thing I don't understand: vector displacement. As far as I know (the way I understand vector displacement) this is in VW. I can move something ..x and ..y (being x,y the vector). I also can move with length and distance. So can someone explain to me what more is that vector thing?
  3. The shortcut is edited in the usual way. Go to workspace editor, select the tools tab and select the 2D selection tool from the pallettes window. When it's highlighted type the desired key. Once the key is selected it is shown next to the tool. I think in earlier versions when you hit the escape key you would see "esc", but now it's just blank for some reason. If it doesn't work maybe it's a PC/Mac thing. It just doesn't work, so maybe this only works on mac then.
  4. I found out that when you create a polygon where two points of the polygon are at the same coordinates, VS will draw it. Now the strange thing is that when you do CreateExtrudeAlongPath with this polygon as the profile, VS gives nothing at all. And this only happens when different points have the same coordinates. What can I do about it?
  5. thx guys, I'll try that out. to mike: That's a good solution if the model is finished, but what if you want to edit it again? As far as I know, there is no command to put them together again, or I must missing something.
  6. And how do you do that? Because the object is 1 volume.
  7. I know that, but there are always sides that doesn't go the wright way.
  8. nope, I tried it and VW gives an error. And it is logical, because a saved view saves all the states of classes and layers, and not every drawing has the same classes and layers
  9. you can use layer links. this way you can draw with all your walls hor. or ver. and then layer link it and rotate it.
  10. I tried it and it just works faster. Really good tip. It's strange in the beginning, but when you're able to think ahaed, its just a time saver.
  11. well, I tried it because i find it a very good idea to use it that way, but it just doesn't work. Can you please explain how you did this?
  12. And that's what I mean. Do not get me wrong, I only use RenderWorks and I find it very good.
  13. Make sure that your wall takes on the class attributes. This must be checked in the wall style settings dialog. That way you can use class overides. Also note that you cannot do this when you have a wall style with different components.
  14. Every program has his shortcommings, everybody knows that. But David Bertrand says: "My approach has always been to do the best with the software that I have. And try to find a workaround for what the software lacks. That way, things get done, and it becomes a creative challenge--which is fun." And he's totaly wright about it. When you want to know what a program can do, you'll need to try every feature and try different combinations of things. You'll notice that there is more in a program once you do that. Personally, I try every week other tools in different ways. And I still learn new ways and new things to make a drawing. Each with pros and con. You only need to choose the way you want to work with it, because, as others already stated, you can do a thing in many different ways. And there is another thing in VW that makes it a really good program: VECTORSCRIPT VS is one of the easiest programming software that exists. It makes VW adaptable to each users needs. You can make own pios,... I once scripted in AC and I can tell you: It's HELL. So if VW can do something you want it to do, then try do script it. An maybe you'll never need the script again in a newer version of VW, but while waiting for it, you get what you want. By this way, you'll also learn more about VW and what's behind it.
  15. When I render complex shapes, on some sides, the texture is rotated 90? while it should stay 0?. How can I force this? The shape is a building block made of a volume.
  16. NVIDIA GeForce 6600 versie
  17. When I duplicate things in 3D while in Open GL, the duplicated objects do not show. This happens also when I move an object. When I try to rerender in Open GL, they are still not visible. Although I found out that when first going to Wireframe and then back to OpenGl solves this problem, I want to know why this is happening, what I'm doing wrong, or if this is a bug, or just the way VW works?
  18. If only we knew when VW13 comes out. I find that in 12, the renderings are better of quality and so do the shadows, they look just better. It also renders faster. But all of this also depends on your computer of course. (I had the same pc for 11 and 12). I do not use a lot of lighting, only suns because i mostly draw buildings. What i find the most improvement is the 3D tools. you'll have more snap points and it reacts more intiutive. Note: RenderWorks is not a professional rendering package. It is really good, but if you want very very professional renderings, you better go with another package specially made for renderings.
  19. can you show a pic of the problem? it will be much clearer what you mean
  20. I had some sort of problem too. Not exactly the same but like yours. I noticed then that when our network falls out for a second or so, VW cannot save anymore and it crashes when trying to save. although all other programs that run on the pc saved as normal.
  21. I use the VW basic tool pallete, and can do anything I want with it. even what you want with pttopt etc... and you can do it very fast with it. You only need to know all the different ways of using these tools. just try all the settings and try to double click on them too. You'll see that there is more in them then you think
  22. absoluty sure, it is also a lot better to make 3D models with it.
  23. Most of these things are in VW, you'll need to look closer. VW is just another way of working then other CAD programs. Just give it a try and you'll find that in the end it is much more intiutive.
  24. you can export a dwg file, they can import that in sketchup. or exporting a 3DS file.
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