We're still training, while running jobs in VW...
We realised quickly that the learning curve for Revit is very steep and that it's dangerous to launch into a job without being reasonably proficient. We ran into problems straight away too...the UK content is not great...and we don't (yet) have an office library of components. All of this is a big obstacle for actually running a live job in Revit.
Modelling and Navigation are easier than VW. Stability is hard to judge yet, but no crashes to report. We've printed sample 2D drawings from our experiments and yes, they are crisp and very easy to produce.
The transition to single-building modelling would have been far easier inside VW as you can fall back on your old 2D workflow...
It's very hard to make the switch to 3D working, plus new software, plus new OS (Windows) all at the same time.