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Posts posted by Gadzooks

  1. Just now, Tom W. said:

    took me a while to figure out that you are on VW2018


    Forgot about levels of detail (as obv not available to me). Assume that can be used alternatively to my suggestion?


    My help is getting less helpful !!! Think I'll have to get my coat (and walking stick)🤣



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  2. @Tom W.'s Data Vis is the powerful answer to your presentation.


    If you take your current situation and start to use DV you'll no doubt start to use it more widely within your workflow.


    On 10/7/2024 at 10:22 AM, Alice_H said:

    It feels like this should be straightforward


    The 'straightforward' solution you're are after is at your fingertips...


    On 10/7/2024 at 10:22 AM, Alice_H said:

    Is there a way to assign a colour to a wall style and then use viewport settings to choose to show just the colour rather than all the components?


    Yes (your nearly there)...Within the settings for wall styles you can choose what the wall will look like if components are 'turned off' for your acoustic representation.


    First set the wall Style to accomplish your 'components off' presentation.




    This will then allow the following....



    The above are duplicated VPs. The righthand one with components hidden by the show all details option being turned off...





    I think you'd be wise to incorporate the colour choices into a class system to allow them to be used easily 'Wall - Acoustic 1' etc... 


    You don't have a signature to show your VW version (always best to add), but I'm assuming your are on a newer version than me so my screen shots may be slightly different.





    Hope that gives you an alternative - don't discount Data Vis though.







  3. 2 hours ago, Stéphane said:

    This is how my file looks like


    Sorry, I'm not able to offer any suggestions to your problem, but I really like your "very far" and the fact that "you can actually see the earth curvature" - good temperament under adversity!!.


    Musk will be quoting you next time he launches another billionaire's coach trip.


    @shorter 's your man!!


    All the best on it getting sorted.



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  4. Just a stab in the dark - looks like you (or others) built the green holes with (2) coloured faces? What you’re describing as hardware.


    The first attempt to hide class removes the nearest ‘lens’ leaving the rearmost still slightly showing. The second attempt takes the remaining ‘lens’ out. That’s what it looks like to viewer.

    If they’re both classed the same then (like you) I can’t see any reason why both should not disappear - but 2024 has loads of 'quirks’.


    Take a look at the symbol or way the hardware is constructed - there may be an issue with competing classes?


    Told you it was a stab…..




  5. 1 hour ago, line-weight said:

    Because of this, I often make set up a few more pages than I think I need, at the beginning, so I have a few spare ones on the right if I later add some more.


    Yes always -  to avoid resetting each page. 👍


    You'd have thought VW boffins could have dealt with this long standing 'quirk' but not a bell, nor a whistle, so not worth their time.



  6. On 12/13/2018 at 9:16 AM, line-weight said:

    Seems like it's a bug then.


    Using v2018 on Mac - I've never had this issue that you experienced in 2018 and you say still persists.


    I don't often run text boxes with 'pages' of text - I issue design notes etc via Word or Pages (Mac) would that be a factor with your problems?


    The other way I produce larger text boxes is to quickly jump into a word processor and compile (I find the context and spelling corrections much more powerful/reliable than VW). Then copy all and paste onto the design/sheet layer etc. Even once pasted to a large text box, I can click reliably on single words and the curser lands correctly - perhaps not if the text block is far off though (which seems a reasonable result).


    For me, single click - curser between letters, double click - word highlighted, triple click - line highlighted, hold and drag through a large section to copy/paste alternative or delete. Would there be a connection to the way you have your keyboards and/or mouse set for input? So not directly a VW issue? 


    Finally - are your text boxes on the same layer or on different layers with show/snap/modify in use? Could be a reason for slow response?


    On 8/19/2024 at 6:49 AM, Nietzwaar said:

    As I duoble click a text block, the whole text block disappears.


    Very odd - both the fact that this happens for you and indirectly that no one else seems to have the issue and has chimed in here apart from @line-weight (probably rushing to get pdfs issued on long day 🙂 )


    Not sure if any of that might help - all the best.





  7. 5 hours ago, ddcpe said:

    I am modeling some roof framing.

    I must be missing something - so sorry if that is the case, but why aren’t you forming the hip and main roof slopes as you want them and then using the roof framing tool to provide the rafters and hips etc.. It’s an old tool but reasonably good at completing a sensible layout/visualisation of roof structure timber work. 

    You don’t use a signature so not sure if you have roof framer available.



  8. 11 hours ago, MullinRJ said:

    RectX.vst for version VW 2018 (and newer):


    Thank you for taking the time Raymond. I'll have play with this. 

    I may well be in touch regarding the "easily" thing!!


    10 hours ago, bcd said:

    The cabinet tool can also show such a rectangle with X.


    Does it? I don't use VW cabinets. They may have been 'the thing' in my MiniCad days along with quite a number of VW symbols and the like still within VW's resources. It's a bit like Antiques Roadshow. It's certainly a 'look'!!. So that may be lost on me.


    Also v2018 so maybe not available or hidden?


    9 hours ago, EAlexander said:

    I'm curious why you need it. Would a solid fill work easily as well?


    It's just an Architectural detailing 'standard' (UK - maybe not for you?) when cutting through (mainly structural) timber.


    It would be good if VW auto produced an X within the outline of timber(s)cut by section. Neither a bell nor a whistle - so it'll never happen.


    9 hours ago, E|FA said:

    What I do is just draw it & group.  Then copy, paste, reshape


    Yes - what I tend to do atm. That then supports my (usual) thicker outline and thin X.





    Thanks for related input from others. 



  9. 9 hours ago, Jack Simpson said:

    I am having trouble with the custom plant shadows


    I think a little more info will provide a solution/suggestion from someone.


    • Maybe a screen shot?
    • Please use a signature with Platform and VW version



    All the best

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/14/2024 at 1:38 AM, MullinRJ said:

    the Detailing Cut Wood object will seem a bit restrictive


    Certainly is. Most use Symbols or grouped objects to help the detailing process.


    v2018, so I've not been able to take your little gem 'for a run', but can it draw (or be added a choice to draw) a choice of pens - thick outline with thin cross. Also choose fill colour?




    Assuming its fairly easy - BIG ASK - would you be kind enough to compile for v2018 please.



    Grateful TIA







  11. Yes. Quite right. Although it would prob be a number of classes - soft/hard furnishings etc.

    I’d have mentioned that as well but the truth is there’s a few different ways of getting to the same result and the OP wanted to “make windows opaque” for their presentation which is what I chose to do as well.


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  12. 9 hours ago, homero said:

    Where is the setting to make windows opaque? 


    I too don't like to see interiors through the glazing - If nothing else, it means I have all the interior paraphernalia detracting from (say) the Planning Application drawings. Clients like it but Planners not so much 😂


    None of my glazing is 100% transparent unless there's a reason to see through to certain features, with the features barely visible.


    If this is for a consistent look you'd like to adopt in your designs, then you might want to knock back the transparency or completely.


    Choose or define your Class in the window spec tab...




    VW provides for transparent glass 'out of the box'. You'll need to change the renderworks texture the class uses by some degree - to completely opaque by not using a RW texture or (say) 40% transmission to suit the style you want to use for 'your look'.




    I've used a version appended with 'mine' in this example. To this I've knocked back the transmission to 40%. It's not a bad idea for you to have a play with the results you get by changing some of the categories when you have time.


    You could equally decide not to use a texture at all - as a quick fix.




    This will then control to what degree you see internal features.




    If any of the above screen shots are slightly different for you (I use 2018) someone will point you in the right direction. BTW - always good to show your signature with your platform and VW version as @Tom W. has above.


    If its just for a quick change to a set of drawings then follow Tom's suggestion...



    8 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    You will need to use class overrides or Data Vis to change the texture the glass uses to something opaque



    Hope that helps.







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  13. On 7/19/2024 at 7:40 PM, Christopher Mason said:

    So I placed a wall object and then created a 3D object with the shape of the hole but wider than the wall, Placed it in the correct position, and subtracted the solid from the wall.

    You chose 'subtract solids'. If you'd chosen 'create wall recess' from the AEC menu it would have retained the wall.


    However I'm not sure you have that in Spotlight. And FWIW there are more direct ways as outlined above.



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