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Everything posted by zoomer

  1. I like it, looks great. Software: ... and Photoshop. In this case it looks like fog with noisy volume and volume light effects. But I still think that it's tedious to tweak the renderer until it fits when a photoshop artist does that look in minutes.
  2. In 10.7.5 it shows the last used files - not the active one (?) Maybe that's an OS X feature. I get all the VW windows graphically when going on Dock Icon > Options > Show All
  3. Thanks as always Maybe that GRAYED should be a sub option of VISIBLE, to keep that setting when switching all or more Classes visibility at once. But lost overview over visibility now, if that could be better or worse. :crazy:
  4. Thanks again. Does not need to be bold text. Maybe filled by a (background) color or grayed text is nicer for the UI.
  5. The only difference between as it works now and my method is that you don't have to change the row (and be forced to look at and target your cursor) to undo.
  6. No, I think I was mistaken. If a class is invisble, you click on one of the 2 Visible options (grayed or full) to activate it. If one of these visible modes is activated, 1 click on the other icon switches between the 2 Options. And clicking on an activated icon just switches it off.
  7. I'ld like to have a visible Feedback which Layers/Classes are used and contain Elements and which dont. So used Classes Bold Text, unused Classes normal Text. f.e. : BEAMS DOORS FURNITURE ROOFS SLABS WALLS WINDOWS And it would be even nicer if used/unused could be optional separated by grouping the unused Classes under the used ones in an other alphabetical order. f.e. : BEAMS SLABS WALLS DOORS FURNITURE ROOFS WINDOWS
  8. So ALL ON/OFF is sorted out. What about omiting the "X"-Row ? Just EYE + GRAYED to switch ON/OFF Click on (deactivated) EYE => VISIBLE Click on (activated) EYE => INVISIBLE Click on (deactivated) GRAYED => VISIBLE GRAYED Click on (activated) GRAYED => INVISIBLE Click on (EYE activated) GRAYED => switch to VISIBLE GRAYED Click on (GRAYED activated) EYE => switch to VISIBLE
  9. Strange. I can. Does it work no more by the Dock+RMB also ?
  10. +2 That's a strange (new) UI behavior. Couldn't that work by an additional STRG/SHIFT/CMD etc. ?
  11. I would say these plugins have to be written new for 2014 to work (?)
  12. :blush: Ooops .... * * Sorry, Didn't know that :blush: This is just the requested ALL ON/OFF in context menu. So all functionality there but maybe an UI thing if it is visible enough for people like me. :grin: No That's the next thing. I would like to have both strictly separated. F.e. I do a change in the drawing, zoom in by several view changes, just to see that was wrong and needs an Undo - I don't want to CMD-Z a few times to undo, as this may be the screen crop I want to go on working anyway. (Because that way you likely lose control how many steps you went back)
  13. BTW The Select Similar Tool does a lot. But this means you have to know before what you will be looking for to set or use it.
  14. Hope that I am not the only one, but I will never get used to the way visibility is set in VW. I would like to have to set this like in every other app I use. One click on the Eye Symbol -> ON Click again -> OFF And maybe GRAYED as a sub option of VISIBLE Plus, Option in the RMB Options Menu : ALL ON ALL OFF At the moment, you have to either look back from the drawing to the classes list or an CMD+Z to be able to undo your visibility setting. And, for ON/OFF you have to select all classes by scrolling through the whole list and mark them first.
  15. I would like to see the OIP improved so, if more than one Object is selected that it tells WHICH objects are selected. F.e. like : 200 Objects selected x 77 Meshes x 10 Groups x 13 Extrudes With the ability to deselect parts of the object types
  16. I don't want to block Vincent's wish If it's easy to implement, why not. Agree with all you said. As I do Visualizations in Modo, Cinema and Vray, done in other packages in the past, which are able to do all these effects and more, I like to have the simplicity of RW in contrast. Just 4 material settings, not much to care about GI settings, great. That doesn't mean that you can't do beautiful images. And I think for most this will work better that way. On the other side, f.e. Microstation has the full Modo renderer inside meanwhile (which gave a lot of protest at the beginning), Nemetschek family all have now Cinema Render engine, maybe it's time now to blow rendering capabilities up. As for improving RW, things I miss most are things like : Render Window (to not accidentally recalculate, import saved images in viewports for layout instead of exporting images from viewports, just like in Cinema) UV Mapping (Just a simple Box Map option to tile the texture in world size as it is defined in the material settings) Architectural Camera (Tilt Shift to keep vertikal lines parallel)
  17. I think there are other more important issues in Renderworks that should be addressed first. Second, Most of those effects can be made in post production with PS easier and with more control. Third, I don't really get why people try to fake real world lens problems in virtuality. Fourth, VW should more concentrate on competing with the best CAD and BIM applications outside than competing with the best visualization packages. Just my personal opinion Beside that, I understand that these effects give some more "realism" and emotions to presentations. So I have nothing against expanding RW's features. Cinema/3DSMax had some of these as editable post effects in the past, but I think these are gone, replaced in the render engines.
  18. Doesn't that work by Window > Palettes > Visualisation ?
  19. Yes pity. (My Modo also drops the tool with Spacebar, so I hammer on it too ) But I for myself would like to have LMB+ALT for Flyover Tool. Just like all my other 3D software. (Instead of MMB+CTRL) But Click+ALT is occupied by selection options. It doesn't look like I could change that in Workspace Editor. So I try to live with it.
  20. So the 2015 setting to disable Class Hierarchy in drop downs is great. But the drop downs haven't got wider, to see longer Class Names in the Door/Window tools, right ?
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