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  1. @Asemblance apologies for the very late response. I finally solved the problem by deleting my user folder and rearranging the palettes one by one starting with the Basic palette. However, I'm now trying out VW2025 which seems to handle the palette positioning much better.
  2. Hi, Does anyone know how I can prevent me having to resize my palettes (Basic, Tool sets & Attributes) every time I open my Vectorworks Architect? I've tried saving the palette positions via the Windows dropdown menu (Windows - Palettes - Save palette positions) but to no avail. Is there a cache one can clear in Vectorworks to assist?
  3. Thank you Tom. I'll have a look.
  4. Please does anyone know how to get the roof tiles/slates in a section to be overlapped the correct way on both sides of the roof structure? When I cut a section viewport, one side (right side in my diagram) of the roof section has the roof cement tiles in the correct overlapping orientation. However, the other side of the roof (left side in my diagram) has the tiles overlapping the wrong way, which would technically means rain water would get under the roof tiles.
  5. I've tried exporting a Vectorworks file to DWG and get a 'One or more operations were aborted due to lack of memory' message. I can't understand why, as I have 16Gb ram and a 8Gb GRAPHICS CARD (wx5100) with an AMD Ryzen 9 CPU. I'm using VW 2021 (never had this issue with VW 2020). I've gone through reinstalling the software to try and rid myself of this issue, but no dice. Is there something I need to do in preference for example to overcome this problem as the file isn't that large (40Mb only).
  6. I hope Nemestchek/Vectorworks make this happen. Vray is probably the most realistic renderer out there and to ignore this could make users look else where for a modeller that does. Vectorworks need to move with the times or could die; see what happened to Nokia. Having choice is a good thing, especially if it makes customers happy. Autodesk have embraced Vray why not Nemestchek?
  7. I would like under the windows' custom settings, the option to merge sashes.
  8. Please could Vectorworks include the option to merge sashes under the custom window settings.
  9. I'd like under the windows custom sash settings, the option to replace the glazing with a fxed panel (not fixed glazing) in addition to the current option of replacing with louvres. The panel would also have its own class which would enable assigning any material to it.
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