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Robert Anderson

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Robert Anderson

  1. The variable needs to be "attached" to the object and set to TRUE. I've never seen it set to FALSE. This is just more a convention of it being a Boolean variable, i.e. a "flag".
  2. Pantone and manufacturer paint colors are content that ship only with the Design Series products.
  3. The loci that are in the document layer are not part of the DTM source data. They are just free-standing loci (and they are there because you left the "keep original data in source layer" checkbox in the Create Site Model dialog). Select your loci that are in the layer alongside the DTM and delete them. Now, select the DTM and choose "Edit Group". Now you are "inside" the DTM. Change the location of any locus in the source data and click the Exit button. How you should see the change when you update the DTM.
  4. First, (assuming you're using VectorScript) you get a handle to the PIO using GetCustomObjectInfo(). Then you use an "object variable" to give this text-attribute-holding property to your PIO: SetObjectVariableBoolean(My_PIO_Handle,800,TRUE); Your PIO will obtain its text settings from the document settings when newly placed, and will keep them when regenerated even if the document settings change. You can also, as you have seen, select the PIO instance and reset the text settings.
  5. Sorry, I looked again at your sig and see that you are using VW_2008. I would advise simply trying to download again -- I assume it's the vagaries of the Internet that is causing the problem, and maybe you got an only-slightly corrupted file?
  6. What version of VectorWorks are you using? I'm unable to reproduce this problem.
  7. gmm18, the technique is exactly the same, except in v12 you have to layer up the viewports manually. I've added the exact same file in VW12 format. (Let it never be said we don't support our older-version users!)
  8. doughd, look at the topic "worksheet commands" on your online help. All is revealed there.
  9. The attached image shows a NURBS roadway applied over a site that appears to be doing what you are asking for. I just ran this test in VW_2008. Note particularly the NURBS roadway settings highlighted in red.
  10. Sandking, is this with all files, or a particular file? If the latter, you might try zipping up the file and sending it to bugsubmit.
  11. Mike, you can draw a piece of text and then use the GetBBox() call to determine its bounding box, to which you can then draw a rect. Tom: Excellent improvement! Note that your new script is not only much shorter and easier to read, but also much more functional. NB: you don't need the TextVerticalAlign() call, because you are using the SetTextVerticalAlign() call. They do the same thing in this case, and the latter call is better because it doesn't change the program settings. In like manner, you could use the SetTextJust() call instead of the TextJust() call. My only other question now is the DSelectAll call. Wouldn't you run that (if at all) at the beginning, but leave selected the stuff you've just made? Then this works like any VectorWorks tool.
  12. Black and White textures can be made as shaders. For siding, use a Horizontal Line color with black lines. Apply this texture to the walls. Just to increase "whiteness", put some light sources on the design layer. Create your elevations with double-layer rendered viewports, OpenGL background and HL foreground rendering. You'll want the Sheet Layer to have 300 dpi resolution or above. I've attached a (very basic) file that illustrates the technique.
  13. If you have RenderWorks, you can create a monochrome "hatch texture" for your siding and apply that to your walls.
  14. Yes, the PIO parameter record will always be the Nth record attached to a PIO that has N records attached. By the way, this is documented nowhere AFAIK and is the result of trial-and-error testing, whence cometh so much profound programming knowledge
  15. ccroft, thanks. The script was indeed pasted twice in the code window. I've fixed it.
  16. Petri, please send me translated versions of RT 15-10645 and RT 15-10660 and I'll do my best to align the door and window features so they can be localized to those standards. No promise as to when, mind you.
  17. Goodness, Gerard and Petri, it seems you -do- use features of Architect after all! Just because you don't use 100% of the features of any product, the product can still justify its cost. Our official position on this is the following: you'll find us all ears as to how we can improve the content of VW Architect to make it useful to you. The more specific your suggestions, the better we can improve our features to work in your markets. (i.e. "useless" is not particularly helpful, but particular suggestions are more likely to bear fruit.)
  18. Christiaan, why don't you submit a (preferably prioritizd) list of content you'd like to see in the UK? I have resources available to develop this content, and we have more UK content in store. It's not like we ignore the UK, and we'd love to have more input. I don't know exactly what Petri is talking about, in the statement that VW Fundamental is "crippled when it comes to adding local content". This statement makes no sense to me. I know that I hate it when other people put words in my mouth, maybe better not to put words in his...
  19. Christiaan said: I believe we do that; it's called VectorWorks Fundamentals.
  20. Chris, It's fine to discuss various business models and even to protest them, although that is (I would think) off-topic for this forum. RAL is just practicing capitalism (with a little "c"), and I have no beef with that (given the alternatives). RAL sells consistency, and they use copyright and trademark to enforce this consistency. If I specify a RAL color 1234 from a palette of unknown provenance, thinking it to be "genuine" RAL, and it's off, possibly by a large amount, and it spoils a project, who is responsible for the re-painting job? If I've gotten the RAL color through the auspices of the VectorWorks web-site, I might feel like NNA is responsible, at least partly. (It is a moderated site, after all). It's not draconian, it's self interest, and interest in the big picture. I daresay that architects who need to use RAL colors professionally will indeed pay for it. And those who don't, won't.
  21. Ownerdude, you ask, The answer is, "Because it violates copyright." Truthfully, I can't (and don't want to) control what my users do. But I can (and do want to) control what goes on in this forum. We will not and cannot allow violations of copyright here, for what I hope are obvious reasons.
  22. Bonus, you ask, It's a good question, and that is exactly what I have done. This is what I meant when I wrote: The "wish" I referred to is an internat (non-public) NNA list, and the way you put it earlier, I was concerned that others might expect to see something on the wish list in this forum, which I did not intend to use. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  23. Tom, here are some suggestions on this script: 1. I'd (just for clarity's sake) eliminate the commented out code. 2. I would eliminate the SetOriginAbsolute() call. No sense in changing the user's settings unless that is the purpose of the script. 3. The Note variable can easily be set to a user prompt with the StrDialog call, e.g.: Note := StrDialog('Enter the boxed text:','ABC'); 4. The fixed size box seems a little too restrictive. You could use a pair of x,y values and the GetRect() call to have the user enter the box using his cursor. Instead of: GetPt( pX, pY); MoveTo(pX,pY); RELATIVE; Rect(-0.5, -0.875, 0.5, 0.0); You could more simply use: GetRect(x1,y1,x2,y2); Rect(x1,y1,x2,y2); and you'd additionally have the advantage of a "rubberband" rectangle. You could use that same xy pair to locate the origin of the text at the center of the box and then you could dispense with all the RELATIVE() calls. In addition, you could set your text origin to the exact center of the text by adding a SetTextVerticalAlign() call, and then you wouldn't have to do the little vertical offset: TextOrigin(x1+(x2-x1)/2,y1+(y2-y1)/2,); BeginText; note EndText; SetTextVerticalAlign(LNewObj,3); I use the handle-based SetTextVerticalAlign() because I don't want to change the document settings. As for the text size and font, I wouldn't specify them in the code. If you leave them unspecified, the script will use document defaults, and the user has more flexibility. I think this illustrates that even in a simple script, there's room for thought and for the user experience. I'd likt to encourage you to take another pass at this script and really "tighten it up". Good luck!
  24. Not at all. I just do not like having words put in my mouth, especially by someone who posits a (and I quote here) "language barrier". I have no doubt Bonus's intentions were good, but his reporting was erroneous.
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