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Marionette Object shows Values from an xls 0.0.9

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About This File

This Example shows a Marionette Object, which contains a Vectorworks Worksheet.
By clicking "Update" Button in the OIP, the Marionette pulls automatically the new values out of the linked xls sheet. 

Short Manual:
1. Import first The Worksheet in Vectorworks 2021
2. Create a blue symbol (insert as group) that contains the worksheet
3. Fill out Worksheet Name, Symbol Name, and File Path (Pick File Node)

Known Limitations:
- I see it as a fun-gadget
- It will not enhance the VW Worksheet if new rows are added in the linked xls. 
- It will not make the VW Worksheet smaller if rows are deleted from the linked xls.
- It is based on the import xls from 2021 and it will update just values. No Format etc. will be updated.

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