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Convert Polyline or Polygon to Double Line?

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Looking to put an edge on some of my landscape design shapes, like lawns, etc., for rendering purposes. Using a wide single line overlaps the main object and must be offset.

Wondering if there is a way to copy, paste in place and convert to a double polygon, which would be a solid fill?

Or any other technique others may have used?

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If I understand your question, here is one pretty simple method: 1) Create the original shape (e.g. a closed polyline, etc); 2) Use the Offset Tool in Offset Original Object Mode to create a shape which is larger than the original object by the desired amount; 3) Use the Offset Tool again in the Offset Duplicate Mode so that the new shape is smaller by the same amount (basically you are re-creating the original shape on top of the larger shape); 4) Select the larger shape and then the smaller shape and use the Clip Surface command; 5) Delete the smaller shape that is left over (and still selected); 6) Select the remaining shape, which is a closed double poly, and add fill, color, etc.

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One way to eliminate a step or two is to follow CipesDesign's steps #1 & #2 then if the Offset object has no fill, #3 - use the Polygon tool but select the Inner Mode (The paint bucket from the Menu Bar) and fill the space between the original & the Offset shape, and you get the shape you're looking for. #4 Delete the Offset shape used as a boundary object.

What this does is produce a poly between the original & the offset poly. One must take care with this method as other objects that may overlap might interfere with giving one a clean poly & the location to be filled must be "closed" so I often group the first object, & follow these steps whiled in Edit a Group, then Ungroup at the end of the process. I think there is a video on this in the K Board.

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Actually ended up offsetting, making it solid, moving to back, and letting the other shape sit on top. Works for rendering, will probably need to clip surface if this rending gets to CD so I don't have the additional quantity.....

Not sure why I couldn't have figured it out, at least the easy rendering way.....

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