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Options for iPad Pro

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Hi, make sure you get one with wi-fi, Cellular and shared simcard so your phone and ipad share the same account.

That how is is in Australia may be different where you are.

Vectorworks has Vectorworks Nomad which is an app that allows you to upload your project and walk around the model as you would in your computer + you can access cloud services and look at your drawings.

Edited by Alan Woodwell
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Besides the Vectorworks apps already mentioned, you might like to try these couple of pro apps (with pro prices). Both apps by ex-Apple engineers — which is usually code for above average to very good.

Duet Display (duetdisplay.com) - to use the iPad as an external monitor, especially when on the road. Works quite well for me, but with my older Macbook Pro, suspect newer models would work even better.

Astropad (astropad.com/ipad/) - to use the iPad as a tablet (similar to a Wacom Cintiq). I haven't tried this, but looks amazing. Not sure what wondrous code they use to get this working. As I often use a Wacom Intuos for Vectorworks, am keen to know how this would work.

PS I also use Notability syncing between iPad and Mac, that I am sure would be a dream for sketching with all that space.

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