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Classes, layers and dwg export

Art V


Most of the time I use the same class across multiple layers, but when exporting to dwg format the layer information gets lost.

For example I have the class buildings and two options on different design layers named option 1 and option 2. The objects do partially overlap but I want them to be in one dwg file.

I would have to export as two different dwg files and then attach one as an xref to get them into the same dwg file so that I can still tell which objects belong to option 1 and which to option 2.

It would be nice if similar to the prefix for dwg imports there would be an option to have the design layer name to be added as a prefix to class names for dwg exports by attaching the layer name to a class if objects in that class are on that layer.

As per example above it would then export building class objects on design both layers as the following classes depending on which design layer the objects are:

"option 1-buildings" and "option 2-buildings"

Combined with the earlier requested search/replace for class and layer names we would then be able to strip this prefix upon reimport of the dwg file in case of roundtripping.

Edited by Art V
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I don't lose layer information as I export using separate files for each layer

option. This way I can sort the parts in my DWG application.

Referencing Stories or use drawing models in Microstation or similar

as those have no layer+class separation.

And having instances of classes for each layer is no fun either.

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I don't lose layer information as I export using separate files for each layer

option. This way I can sort the parts in my DWG application.

Referencing Stories or use drawing models in Microstation or similar as those have no layer+class separation.

And having instances of classes for each layer is no fun either.

In my case I often need everything to be in one file and would otherwise to have attach xrefs first and then bind them. The project specification often forbids the use of xrefs etc. for the final document and state that everything should be in one single dwg file.

So having a one-step solution would be really nice.

Plus the issue that having xrefs is a potential recipe for disaster if you are dealing with people who don't know/realise to watch for possible xrefs to a dwg file. If I would have got a dollar for every xref that was not included with a requested dwg file I could go on early retirement.

Edited by Art V
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I understand that.

I just say that I won't do these 1stfloorWallLayer, 2ndFloorWallLayer, .... again

in Apps that don't have that double sorting feature like VW or Allplan.

I think that is essential.

I will work there with Hiding parts geometry or Clip Volumes.

And I export separate files as I think it is easier to do the sorting after import

in the other apps according to the apps needs with the tools available there.

But I'm not against your feature wish.

Could be useful for apps that allow Layer Filtering like show only Layers

beginning with "1stFloor" ....

So a


from me.

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Most dwg based applications (AutoCAD and alternatives) do have layer filtering and also layer states (similar to saved views, but for layers only) so that does help in dealing with such combined names.

That being said, I agree that all those "multi-level" layers are no fun to deal with.

It's always a bit of a gamble to decide whether the naming convention in AutoCAD should be option1-walls, option2-walls or walls-option1 and walls-option2 depending on what is the main focus.

This is why I like Vectorworks' dual system of classes and layers so much for certain types of work, it beats AutoCAD and the likes hands down in usability/convenience for that particular area.

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