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Does SetFocusOnItem work?


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Using the following Vectorscript example straight from the help I have inserted the line SetFocusOnItem (id, 7); but I can't get it to work. Have I tried different locations and different component IDs but it has no effect. What's wrong?

PROCEDURE CreateDialog;



result : LONGINT;


id := CreateLayout ('Revise Layer Link', TRUE, 'Update', 'Cancel');

CreateStaticText (id, 4, 'Relink to:', -1);

CreatePulldownMenu (id, 5, 32);

CreateGroupBox (id, 6, 'Link Options', TRUE);

CreateCheckBox (id, 7, 'Link object is locked');

CreateCheckBox (id, 8, 'Name Link:');

CreateEditText (id, 9, 'Untitled Link', 26);

SetFirstLayoutItem (id, 4);

SetBelowItem (id, 4, 6, 0, 0);

SetFirstGroupItem (id, 6, 7);

SetBelowItem (id, 7, 5, 0, 0);

SetBelowItem (id, 5, 8, 0, 0);

SetBelowItem (id, 8, 9, 0, 0);

SetFocusOnItem (id, 7);

result := RunLayoutDialog (id, NIL);



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???SetFocusOnItem() is described in the VSFR as "Sets the keyboard input focus on the specified item.", which doesn't say much, but it looks like it's used with entering text into a dialog; so it needs to be executed from the event loop that controls the dialog when it is running and not in the dialog definition code.

???If you add this overly SIMPLISTIC event loop procedure to your code:

??????procedure eventLoop(var item: Longint; data :Longint);


?????????SetFocusOnItem (id, 7);???{ do this on every event }

??????End;???{ eventLoop }

AND, call the event loop by changing your RunLayoutDialog() statement to this:

??????result := RunLayoutDialog (id, eventLoop);

you might notice that every time you generate an event in your dialog your checkbox will highlight, and if you hit the Space Bar repeatedly your checkbox will toggle.

???I'm pretty sure this is not what your are trying to achieve, but the command will do something if it is executed in the right place. Describe your desires in more detail and you should get better responses to your problem.


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You guessed it Raymond, that's not what I want to do.

This is my first attempt at moving to the modern dialog procedures so I am at layout stage at the moment.

With the code below I will want to start in the Client text box and move to Del. Date, Rev., Part'rs, By, and Date.

So the tabbing sequence should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OK as seen in the popup Dialog box.

In the old dialog procedures, tabbing was sequenced on the componentID.

procedure TB;

procedure User_Form1;


i : integer;

TBdialog1, result : longint;


TBdialog1 := CreateLayout ('Title Block Text', False, 'OK', 'Cancel');

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 5, 'Rev.:', 6);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 6, '3', 3);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 7, 'Part`rs:', 8);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 8, '4', 43);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 9, 'By:', 5);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 10, '5', 7);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 11, 'Date:', 6);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 12, '6', 11);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 1, 'Client:', 14);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 2, '1', 53);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 3, 'Del. Date:', 14);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 4, '2', 11);

SetFirstLayoutItem (TBdialog1, 5); { Rev }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 5, 6, 0, 0); { Rev Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 6, 7, 0, 0); { Rev Part'rs }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 7, 8, 0, 0); { Rev Part'rs Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 8, 9, 0, 0); { Rev By }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 9, 10, 0, 0); { Rev By Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 10, 11, 0, 0); { Rev Date }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 11, 12, 0, 0); { Rev Date Box }

SetBelowItem (TBdialog1, 5, 1, 0, 0); { Client }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 1, 2, 0, 0); { Client Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 2, 3, 0, 0); { Del. Date }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 3, 4, 0, 0); { Del. Date Box }

result := RunLayoutDialog (TBdialog1, Nil);






Edited by WhoCanDo
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Maybe you are right Raymond but what you suggested doesn't work for me. SetFocusOnItem (TBdialog1, 2) doesn't do what it says.

Here's where I am today:

procedure TB;


Client, DelDate : string;

TBdialog1, Result : longint;

procedure Dialog_Handler_1 (var Item : longint; Data : longint);


SetFocusOnItem (TBdialog1, 2);

GetItemText (TBdialog1, 2, Client);

GetItemText (TBdialog1, 4, DelDate);


procedure User_Form1;


TBdialog1 := CreateLayout ('Title Block Text', False, 'OK', 'Cancel');

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 5, 'Rev.:', 6);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 6, '3', 3);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 7, 'Part`rs:', 8);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 8, '4', 43);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 9, 'By:', 5);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 10, '5', 7);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 11, 'Date:', 6);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 12, '6', 11);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 1, 'Client:', 14);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 2, '1', 53);

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 3, 'Del. Date:', 14);

CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 4, '2', 11);

SetFirstLayoutItem (TBdialog1, 5); { Rev }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 5, 6, 0, 0); { Rev Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 6, 7, 0, 0); { Rev Part'rs }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 7, 8, 0, 0); { Rev Part'rs Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 8, 9, 0, 0); { Rev By }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 9, 10, 0, 0); { Rev By Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 10, 11, 0, 0); { Rev Date }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 11, 12, 0, 0); { Rev Date Box }

SetBelowItem (TBdialog1, 5, 1, 0, 0); { Client }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 1, 2, 0, 0); { Client Box }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 2, 3, 0, 0); { Del. Date }

SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 3, 4, 0, 0); { Del. Date Box }




if (VerifyLayout (TBdialog1) = True) then

Result := RunLayoutDialog (TBdialog1, Dialog_Handler_1); { Result is OK (1) or Cancel (2) }

if (Result = 1) then

message (Client, ' ', DelDate);


run (TB);

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I think VW reserves TBdialog1 for the OK-button and TBdialog2 for the Cancel-button, by default.

So you should start by

CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 3, 'Client:', 14);

I've tried to change your script by doing so, but VW crashed when hitting any button.

I guess the cause could be found in non-definition of the Ok-button and/or the Cancel-button, but I also guess that some people might cotradict this ...

Anyway ... the code below doesn't crash, and I'm sure it's susceptible to some improvements:

Client, DelDate		: STRING;
TBdialog1, Result	: LONGINT;

PROCEDURE Dialog_Layout;
	TBdialog1 := CreateLayout ('Title Block Text', FALSE, 'OK', 'Cancel');

	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 03, 'Client:', 14);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 04, '1', 53);
	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 05, 'Del. Date:', 14);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 06, '2', 11);
	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 07, 'Rev.:', 6);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 08, '3', 3);
	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 09, 'Part`rs:', 8);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 10, '4', 43);
	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 11, 'By:', 5);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 12, '5', 7);
	CreateStaticText (TBdialog1, 13, 'Date:', 6);
	CreateEditText (TBdialog1, 14, '6', 11);

	SetFirstLayoutItem (TBdialog1, 07);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 07, 08, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 08, 09, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 09, 10, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 10, 11, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 11, 12, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 12, 13, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 13, 14, 0, 0);
	SetBelowItem (TBdialog1, 07, 03, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 03, 04, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 04, 05, 0, 0);
	SetRightItem (TBdialog1, 05, 06, 0, 0);

PROCEDURE Dialog_Handler_1 (VAR Item: LONGINT; Data: LONGINT);
	PROCEDURE Dialog_Events;
		SetFocusOnItem (TBdialog1, 04);

	PROCEDURE Confirm_Events;
		GetItemText (TBdialog1, 04, Client);
		GetItemText (TBdialog1, 06, DelDate);

	PROCEDURE Cancel_Events;
	CASE Item OF SetupDialogC: Dialog_Events;
		01: Confirm_Events;
		02: Cancel_Events;

IF VerifyLayout (TBdialog1) THEN Result := RunLayoutDialog (TBdialog1, Dialog_Handler_1);
IF (Result = 1) THEN Message ('Client: ', Client, Chr (13), 'Delivery Date: ', DelDate);

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Thanks DeSignature, you've killed two birds with one stone.

You are right, componentID 1 & 2 are reserved for OK & Cancel.

Also, by identifying this, you have resolved the issue of Tab sequence. After removing 1 & 2 I don't need SetFocusOnItem because, as I assumed, the Tab sequence starts with 3 and moves through the componentID sequentially.

Hope this post helps others because finding this information from Vectorworks Help is impossible.

I'm happy ..... for now.

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