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Where are the Textures located?

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I downloaded 2014 a few days ago and followed the subsequent downloading of all the resource libraries (I chose all) and I'm pretty sure I have everything including textures but I can't find them. I can find some of them, such as the default folder, but can't find them where they used to be located in the Libraries Folder where they used to reside and in their own folders such as Metals/Glass and Brick/Stone etc...

The "Find Resource" function is as useless to me as ever. I have never once been able to find anything using it.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Once you have downloaded them, you will find a series of zip files in your Downloads folder. Unzip them and you will find some .vpkg files. With Vectorworks running, you need to double-click these files and the libraries will then be installed into their usual place (/Applications/Vectorworks2014/Libraries)

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