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Can you draft in VW 2009? I can't.

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I am curious if anyone has this issue that i am having. I have just upgraded to VW 2009. It looks nice and for the most part i appreciate some of the new changes. But basically, i haven't been able to really USE Vectorworks because i can't really draw in it. ...At all. I am up to date with the latest version VW 2009 SP2. My MacBook Pro is running 10.5.6. The problem i am having is, if i draw a line, zoom in or out, the line disappears. Then i pan (spacebar) and the line shows up again. I start drawing another line, maybe zoom in, or out while doing this, or after the line was drawing and everything gets glitchy/gone missing again. I pan and it shows up again. I have tried this on a separate MacBookPro running the same version, and the same thing is happening.

In my preferences i have Quartz Imaging selected, and Anti-Aliasing unchecked. I have toyed around with changing the settings, checking and unchecking zoom line thickness, etc. Nothing seems to help.

....so, in short...i can't use Vectorworks to draw. Pretty disappointing....

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The trackpad script did not work for me. It resulted in a crazy snap-back when zooming. I replaced my user preferences folder and now just use a mouse and it works fine.

Since you are an architecture student, you might want to change your Workspace to Architect. I don't know why the default is Machine Design.

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I get this problem intermittently.

I first noticed it after I ran the trackpad script. It may have been there all the time and the trackpad problem was masking it.

It acts like a redraw never happened. You can snap to objects you can't see. I've found that just hitting an arrow key will make it redraw correctly.

I've taken to quickly hitting Left Arrow then Right Arrow whenever I notice the problem starting to develop.



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You're right that the Workspace is Designer. I actually started out learning in the wrong workspace a few years back and just became used to it. I found that when i changed to the Architect workspace, things got shuffled around in the menus and became very frustrating to relearn, as i typically didn't have the time/patience to at the time. I should probably take the time now while i can.

When you say "replaced my user preferences folder" did you just delete the old one?


That may be a "quick fix." I just get frustrated with the fact that i would even have to do that. That sort of stuff drives me up the walls...

I would very rarely get the problem in VW 2008, particularly when using a file for 10 hours straight. More commonly i would get snapping errors where VW seemed to get sloppy/fussy with its snaps. I computer restart would resolve this.

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