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Creating Hatches made easier



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I would like to agree here, but i'm not going to.

The Dutch version has a command that does what you're asking. It works for some hatches, but for others it's very complicated to find the repetition.

Also, you'll end up with a lot of layers and that makes your drawing a lot slower. And because you have so much layers, it's really hard to edit the hatch afterwards.

So i rarely use that command.

I requested this some time ago and i would rather see this actually: Kick out that Create Hatch Dialog

And i want to ad to that:

  • Highlight the repetition too when a line is selected. That way it is very clear what you're doing, especially when you're dealing with complex hatches.
  • The options "rotate in wall/symbol" and "by scale" or "scale independend" should be editable by right clicking on the hatch (in the resource browser) and choose the option in the little menu that apears.
  • An extra option to let the line repeats itself "in line" (like it is now) or not. With that option unchecked, we would be able to let lines with an angle repeat theirselves in a horizontal or vertical way.
    To make myself a little bit more clear, see the image below (the checkbox is not included in the image, i forgot to put it in, but it should be in the OIP):
    If you would want to make this Roman Tile hatch now, that line would be something like 1000cm long and it would only show 0,01 of it. You would need to do a lot of calculations before you would know the correct vallues.
    If we could uncheck that option, we could just draw the line the lenght and angle we want it to be, give it it's vertical and horizontal repeating factor and everything is set.
    This could also be the same workaround for when we would have other objects then lines to use in hatches.
  • And use other terms for the repeating factors, it's way to criptic and hard to remember. So i would rather have colors or so, that's imediatly visible and the change that you'll make mistakes is much smaller.
  • I also want to give the lines and objects a class, that way you can make a very complex Hatch, turn on all the classes in the viewport when you want high detail or turn most of them of when you want low detail hatches. That way you can also use other colors in your viewports for presentation of building plans.


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